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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Union and Confederate Indians in the civil War. (search)
and December, 1861, the battles of Chusto Talasah and Chustenahlah were fought, and the loyal Indians finally were defeated and forced to retire to Kansas in midwinter. In the spring of 1862 the United States Government sent an expedition of five thousand men under Colonel William Weer, 10th Kansas Infantry, into the Indian Territory to drive out the Confederate forces of Pike and Cooper, and to restore the refugee Indians to their homes. After a short action at Locust Grove, near Grand Saline, Cherokee Nation, July 2d, Colonel Weer's cavalry captured Colonel Clarkson and part of his regiment of Missourians. On the 16th of July Captain Greeno, 6th Kansas Cavalry, captured Tahlequah, the capital of the Cherokee Nation, and on the 19th of July Colonel Jewell, 6th Kansas Cavalry, captured Fort Gibson, the most important point in the Indian Territory. The Confederate forces were now driven out of all that part of the Indian country north of the Arkansas River, and the loyal India
ot be destitute of interest or barren of results worth setting down. If it should be, however, it will be easy enough to stop writing, or expunge that which is worthless. But our new Commander, Colonel W. A. Phillips, I know is an able and an accomplished officer, and it is not likely that he will allow us to languish in inglorious inactivity. No officer of the first division has impressed me more favorably. The first time that I ever saw him was at the battle of Locust Grove, near Grand Saline, the 2d of last July, when we captured Colonel Clarkson and his command of one hundred and ten men. Even Colonel Jewell, who was also present on that occasion, did not display more conspicuous bravery than Colonel Phillips. The night's march, the short and decisive engagement, just at the dawn of that lovely summer's morning, will be remembered by those who participated, while they live. Colonel Phillips received much praise for the ability with which he handled his brigade at Indian Creek
t it would be safest to follow the road along the east side of Grand River until we came to Lewis Ross's place near Grand Saline, some thirty miles above Fort Gibson. He then bade us good night, and we were soon beyond the limits of the camp, wendint we might run into a detachment unless we were very cautious. As there is a good crossing of the Grand River near Grand Saline, and as it is always fordable after a rise in the river, before any other point for miles above or below, we thought it wr the enemy to strike, should they have serious intentions of attacking our trains. When we left Grand river at Grand Saline, we marched across the country in a northeast direction, with the intention of passing into Missouri near Scott's Mills, to the South of it, as it would shorten our route considerably. We then struck Grand River about eight miles above Grand Saline. The grass had grown astonishingly since we came up, and we had no trouble in getting good grazing for our horses wherev
d men and several pieces of artillery at a point between the Arkansas line, near Cincinnati, and Grand River. Though we do not know their exact intentions, everything points to their intention of concentrating all their mounted forces in the neighborhood of Cabin Creek, and to await the arrival of the train and escort. Should our troops guarding the train find the enemy too strongly posted at this point on the west side to be able to dislodge them, and attempt to cross Grand River at Grand Saline and come down on the east side, General Cabell will be on hand to thwart the movement, or he may cross the river and join General Cooper's force on the west side. They, no doubt, think that they have us in a tight place, and that they will certainly succeed this time in taking our rations from us. But our officers are not asleep and ignorant of their movements and designs. They will have to fight harder and show greater deeds of valor than before if they come off victorious in the contest
and artillery, passed their places yesterday evening, moving westward in the direction of Grand Saline. This, we are informed through our scouts, is the force I mentioned about a week ago as being egement has taken place or is in progress. Several Indian women who have just arrived from Grand Saline state that they heard artillery and musketry firing yesterday evening in the direction of Cabin Creek. They also state that they heard of a large force of the enemy being encamped near Grand Saline, who were unable to.cross Grand River on account of its being so full, and that the river is unusthis point. It is not likely that it has been fordable at any point between this post and Grand Saline for the last four days. To-day being the 4th, or Independence Day, a national salute of thir General Cabell, with fifteen hundred cavalry and four pieces of artillery, had arrived at Grand Saline, three miles east of Cabin Creek, on the east bank of Grand River, the day before, and was unab
Colonel Phillips will be able to cross the Arkansas River and attack General Cooper large quantities of hay should be put up at Fort Gibson salt works at Grand Saline families of English blood cling to their homesteads on the march up the beautiful Grand River country looking out for General Cabell's force the escort meets able to get built little out of it to contribute to their support, with the exception of hay and fresh beef. The salt works, however, might be re-opened at Grand Saline, but the expense of working and protecting the workmen operating them would, perhaps, be more than the cost of transportation on salt from the east. Now in the Swas deemed advisable, however, to move cautiously until we passed Cabin Creek, as it was not known but that General Cabell might have crossed Grand River at Grand Saline, with his force, with the view of attacking the train on its return. Flat Rock is familiar to most of us, as we were encamped here two weeks in the latter part o
a or Arkansas. Her slaveholders, though not numerous, constituted her political and social aristocracy. They were large landholders, mainly settled in the fertile counties Of the 114,965 slaves held in 1860 in the entire State, no less than 50,280 were held in twelve Counties stretching along the Missouri river: viz: Boone, 5,034; Callaway, 4,527; Chariton, 2,837; Clay, 3,456; Cooper, 3,800; Howard, 5,889; Jackson, 3,944; Lafayette, 6,367; Pike, 4,056; Platte, 3,313; St. Charles, 2,181; Saline, 4,876. Probably two-thirds of all the slaves in the State were held within 20 miles of that river. stretched along both banks of the Missouri river, through the heart of the State, and exerting a potent control over the poorer, less intelligent, and less influential pioneers, who thinly overspread the rural counties north and south of them. The mercantile aristocracy of St. Louis was predominantly devoted to their supposed interests and docile to their commands. But for St. Louis on one
onnoitre about the neighborhood of those places. Colonel Wheatley's was bound for Lexington. Every thing went on smoothly; we passed the towns of Arrow Rock and Saline without any trouble — in fact they were almost entirely deserted, the town of Saline in particular. There was not a single person in it — the stores and houses aSaline in particular. There was not a single person in it — the stores and houses all closed. Late in the evening of the 19th we landed about five miles below Glasgow. Three companies were detached from the War Eagle and three from the Iatan, under command of Major Tanner, of the Twenty-second, as a scouting party to go to Glasgow and surround the place. At the same time, and unknown to Colonel Hendricks, a dropped down a short distance, but perceiving that the other boats made no movement, we steamed up again and ascertained that the alarm was a false one. It was thought advisable to go down the river a short distance and lay up for the night. We steamed down to the town of Saline and tied up, and the other boats soon follo
lace at four A. M. of the twenty-seventh. Our advance entered at seven. It took us all night and all day to construct a bridge over which the infantry could pass. At sunrise on the morning of the twenty-eighth, the troops commenced crossing. The enemy had twenty-six hours the start of us. On the night of the twenty-ninth, the head of our infantry was at Tulip, fourteen miles from the Saline, at Jenkins's Ferry, and forty-nine miles from Camden. A brigade of our cavalry was at the Bottom Saline, three miles from the river. Our rear was at Princeton, twenty-two miles from Jenkins's Ferry, and thirty-two miles from Camden. The rear of the enemy's column had passed Tulip at eight that A. M. The Saline Bottom was, however, a quagmire, five miles wide, and it was possible his trains had not been gotten over. We had but little expectation of getting a fight. Our pontoon train had not come up, and even with it we could not cross the river in face of the enemy. General Fagan had not b
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.8 (search)
life. From Mr. Richardson I learned that he was a kind of broker who dealt between planters up-river and merchants in New Orleans, and traded through a brother with Havana and other West Indian ports. He had a desk in the store, which he made use of when in town, and did a good deal of safe business in produce both with Mr. Speake and other wholesale merchants. He travelled much up and down the river, taking large consignments with him for back settlements up the Arkansas, Washita, and Saline, and other rivers, and returning often with cotton and other articles. His name was Mr. Stanley. His wife lived in St. Charles Street, in a first-class boarding-house, and, from the style Mr. and Mrs. Stanley kept up, he thought they must be pretty well off. This was the extent of the information Mr. Richardson could give me, which was most gratifying, and assured me that I had at least one friend in the strange city. There have been several memorable occasions in my life; but, among th
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