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Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 16 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 14 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 12 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 8 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 8 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 28, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley) 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 4 0 Browse Search
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emoval of his people to the Rocky Mountains, and at last declared a revelation to that effect. In February, 1846, the advance-guard crossed the Mississippi, Nauvoo was abandoned, and that toilsome pilgrimage began, which ended in the valley of Salt Lake. Nauvoo was said to contain 15,000 inhabitants, and it was entirely deserted. The sudden exodus of such a population from the midst of enraged neighbors was marked by every form of hardship, privation, and affliction, and their migration acrent of the church, and thus succeeded to the place and power of Joseph Smith. Henceforth, as prophet, priest, and king, he ruled as absolute monarch of the Mormons — a Grand Lama, or incarnate deity. In 1848 he led his people to the valley of Salt Lake. The city he built there he proclaimed the Zion of the Mountains. In his explorations, and as the pioneer leader of a mixed multitude in their passage over the desert, Brigham Young appears at his best. He showed great energy, skill, and dec
mained one week to complete arrangements for the expedition. The Second Dragoons were called in, and, such was the diligence of preparation, were on the road to Salt Lake on the 17th. Six companies of this cavalry were assigned as an escort to Governor Cumming and the civil officers of Utah; but General Johnston in person waited o His command and their subsistence, clothing, and means of erecting shelter, were stretched over nearly 1,000 miles of almost desert road between Fort Kearny and Salt Lake. So late in the season had the troops started on their march that fears were entertained that, if they succeeded in reaching their destination, it would be onlynd statesman. Colonel Kane had in some manner satisfied Governor Cumming that not only would he be personally welcomed, as the Executive of the Territory, at Salt Lake, but that such submission would satisfy every requirement of the situation, without the advance of the army into Salt Lake Valley. Governor Cumming left camp on
Colonel Loring to New Mexico by a new route directly across the mountains, through the Ute tribes. He dispatched a force to the southern part of the Territory to the scene of the Mountain Meadows massacre, that the guilty might feel that a power was close at hand to prevent or punish such crimes in future. He sent a large and well-provided force to Oregon, and another to California, taking care they should pass through the regions least frequented by troops. He had the country south of Salt Lake explored to Carson's Valley, and opened a mail route and emigrant trail to California, 800 miles shorter than the old road. He opened the route up Provo River to Fort Bridger, which, with the route through Bridger's Pass to the east, and to California west, established the easiest, best, and shortest route across the continent. These explorations had in view not only the display of force and the opening of as many avenues as possible into the country so as to counteract as far as poss
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 12: (search)
king a journey around the world. They were delightful gentlemen, and we grew to be very good friends before we reached Salt Lake. I noticed that the naval officer had a copy of Lucille, which he read very assiduously. Upon my remarking that I washemselves more comfortable by depositing part of their luggage on one of the seats of my section. They were to stop in Salt Lake to learn something of the wonders of that famous city, and therefore attended me to the hotel. Doctor Taggart met mof course, I felt quite sure that I would have every care and attention. The railroad only extended a few miles out of Salt Lake, where we were met by a stagecoach. At the terminus of the railroad there was nothing but an empty freight-car for a dr teams and wagons to cross the great American desert and hew their way over the Rocky Mountains to the great valley of Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah at a time when pioneers had to brave every conceivable danger, including that of hostile India
divided, the Secretary showed the inadequacy of the standing army, never exceeding I i,000 men, to protect a seaboard and foreign frontier of more than 10,000 miles, an Indian frontier and routes through the Indian country of more than 8,000 miles, and an Indian population of more than 400,000, of whom, probably one-half, or 40,000 warriors, are inimical, and only wait the opportunity to become active enemies. During this year Lieutenant Gunnison, who was sent with an expedition across to Salt Lake, was waylaid by the Indians and murdered. His young wife recovered his mutilated remains. He was a brilliant officer, Again the Secretary urged an increase of the small regular army. The progress of settlement involved a possibility of further collisions with the Indians; for, as our population pressed westward from the Missouri, it forced the savage tribes into narrower limits and an unproductive region, which not only enabled bands hitherto separate to combine for war, but provoked i
husetts volunteers returned to Boston from Newbern, N. C.--the Assistant Secretary of the Navy stated that the whole number of vessels captured or destroyed by the National blockading fleet up to June first, was eight hundred and fifty-five.--the enrolment met with resistance in Fulton County, Pa. Officers of the Government were shot at by parties concealed in the woods, and the houses of the enrolling agents burned.--Thirty mounted Indians attacked a coach at a point thirty miles west of Salt Lake, and killed and scalped the driver and another employee of the route. After opening the mail-bags and committing other depredations, the savages retired, taking with them the horses belonging to the stage.--the bark Lenox was captured and destroyed by the rebel pirates on board the tow-boat Boston, captured yesterday near Pass à l'outre, Mississippi River. Clark's (rebel) Diary of the War for Separation has the following estimate of killed, wounded, and missing, from the commencement
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The Twin Abominations. (search)
Utah is represented to be a stout creature, with quite an oriental talent for administering the affairs of his seraglio; and we will do him the justice to say that, to our knowledge at least, he has never sacked any insubordinate spouse in his Salt Lake Bosphorus. But the mild and truly affectionate government of the United States is quite right in taking it for granted, that Young, who is getting to be a little old, will be relieved by taking from him ninety-nine per cent. of his uxorious e, which is notoriously a pack of lies, has taught to its admirers a patience which, in too many instances, the highest revelation has failed to inculcate in its professors. Wonderful is habit, and the world is really indebted to the Sultan of Salt Lake for a new proof of its potency. Mithridates breakfasting upon belladonna and lunching upon arsenic was a fool to him. We shall await the result of this curious experiment in social ethics with considerable interest; for if the government ca
hich whites were forbidden to settle, down to a period so late as 1850. Two great lines of travel and trade stretched across it--one of them tending southwestward, and crossing the Arkansas on its way to Santa Fe and other villages and settlements in New Mexico; the other leading up the Platte, North Platte, and Sweetwater, to and through the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, where it divides--one trail leading thence northwestward to the Columbia and to Oregon; the other southwestward to Salt Lake, the Humboldt, and California. The western boundary of Missouri was originally a line drawn due north as well as south from the point where the Kansas or Kaw river enters the Missouri; but in 1836 a considerable section lying west of this line, and between it and the Missouri, was quietly detached from the unorganized territory aforesaid and added to the State of Missouri, forming in due time the fertile and populous counties of Platte, Buchanan, Andrew, Holt, Nodaway, and Atchison, which
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
their discharge was approaching, and it was generally understood that the majority of the men wanted to be discharged so as to join the Mormons who had halted at Salt Lake, but a lieutenant and about forty men volunteered to return to Missouri as the escort of General Kearney. These were mounted on mules and horses, and I was appormons at Kanesville, Iowa, now Council Bluffs, on the express understanding that it would facilitate their migration to California. But when the Mormons reached Salt Lake, in 1846, they learned that they had been forestalled by the United States forces in California, and they then determined to settle down where they were. Theref who died on the way, and was succeeded by Cooke) was discharged at Los Angeles, California, in the early summer of 1847, most of the men went to their people at Salt Lake, with all the money received, as pay from the United States, invested in cattle and breeding-horses; one company reenlisted for another year, and the remainder s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Irrigation, (search)
xas on the south. 2. A region beginning at the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains and extending westward to the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington. It comprises an immense territory, Irrigation by pipe system. Irrigation by artesian-well system. which includes the park system of the Rockies, culminating in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and northeast Arizona. The section contains many mountain systems, the Great Basin of Salt Lake, the great cañon system and plateau of the Colorado, the meadow-lands of Nevada, the northwest Columbia Basin, and the National Park. 3. A region including about onefourth of the territory of California, and divided into two parts —the foothills of the Sierras and the broad, level valley lying between the Sierras and the Coast Range. In 1900 these divisions taken as a whole contained a population of 9,000,000 people, and over 50,000,000 acres of land under some form of cultivation.