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well received by the citizens generally, and wherever he has been known he is accepted as a worthy successor of Gen. Lee, Before leaving, the General completed, with his staff, the reconnaissance of the lines of defence which extend from the Savannah river north of the city towards the Louisville road, thus finishing the circuit of earth works extending from river to river. It is well worth the notice of the student of history and the intelligent observer of our progress since the revolution, d now adorned by the beautiful square, which the city of Savannah has tastefully ornamented with a memorial of the gallant, but unfortunate Pulaski, who fell contending for the libertinism which we now fight for. The right rest again upon the Savannah river, on the brow or a bill which fell to the banks of a creek, beyond which the swamp extended, hoary with moss. The swamp is still there — it a hand of the adventurous pioneer has not yet effaced all the evidences of the rank grow of primeval
The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], One hundred and twenty-five Dollars reward. (search)
le, it is even stronger than Charleston, and any one acquainted with the defences there is aware of its comparative impregnability. The water defences on the Savannah river are daily being improved in strength; the best of military skill and ingenuity is employed upon the work; guns are mounted and ready for action; the movementsterly despise, and that they are only awaiting reinforcements, and the completion of operations in the creeks, by which they expect to be able to get into the Savannah river, and thence to the city. If they know the difficulties they will have to encounter at every step of the undertaking for miles before they reach even the subu to any body, and less so to themselves, for they are the breeding spot of every foul disorder incident to malarious soil. One of these is York Island in the Savannah river, and divides the north from south channel leading to Fort Pulaski.--On this is planted a battery of seven guns, and thus the blockade of that stronghold is co