Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 5, April, 1906 - January, 1907. You can also browse the collection for Ten Hills (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Ten Hills (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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s in Somerville, being originally the drive to the Manor House on Ten Hills Farm, occupied successively by Sir Robert Temple, General Elias Hasket Derby, and Colonel Samuel Jaques. From detailed descriptions of people and events connected with Ten Hills already printed in Historic Leaves, one may glean the following facts about the trees:— A winding drive led up to the house, fringed on either side with the fragrant Balm of Gilead. On either side of the house were magnificent elm trees. Otrees near Jaques street was a fine well of water, which was often a halting-place for the boys on their way to the river for a swim. Five elms of the Temple-Derby-Jaques trees are standing on Temple street now, but to which of the owners of Ten Hills they may be credited it is impossible to say definitely. Temple street was formerly known as Derby street, and Colonel Jaques presented it to the city. After comparison with other trees whose approximate age is known, one is inclined to say