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. A small cavalry force was then despatched to New Market, and the infantry and artillery moved out as far as Little Plymouth, while Kilpatrick scouted across the Dragon River and tried to cross at Old and New Bridge, but could not, owing to the swollen state of the stream. Our forces then moved down through the counties of King and Queen, Middlesex and Gloucester, making many captures and destroying large quantities of supplies. King and Queen Court-House was destroyed, and when near Carrolton's store, Colonel Onderdonk, commanding the First New York Mounted Rifles, and Colonel Spear, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, came upon the looked — for rebel force of cavalry and citizens. This was in the midst of a severe rain-storm which had been pouring all day, and the mud was knee-deep; yet the rebels were gallantly charged, dispersed, and chased ten miles, their camp destroyed, about twenty killed, and seventy wounded and taken prisoners. The remainder made good their escape
d free from any military restrictions whatever. The trade of the Mississippi at intermediate points within the Department of the Gulf is held subject only to such limitations as may be necessary to prevent a supply of provisions and munitions, of war reaching the enemies of the country. 2. The products of the country intended for general market may be brought into military posts on the line of the Mississippi within the Department of the Gulf, without restraint, namely, at New-Orleans, Carrolton, Donaldsonville, Baton Rouge, and Port Hudson. 3. Officers or soldiers of the army are hereby directed to transfer to lion. B. B. Sanders, Agent of the Treasury Department, or his deputies, taking receipts therefor, all captured, abandoned, or sequestrated property not required for military purposes, in accordance with General Orders No. 88. 4. The Military Court of this Department is hereby invested with exclusive jurisdiction in all cases of extortion, excessive or unreasonable ch
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 19: battle of the forts and capture of New Orleans. (search)
ation. I neglected to mention my having good information respecting the iron-clad rams which they were building. I sent Captain Lee up to seize the principal one, the Mississippi, which was to be the terror of these seas, and no doubt would have been to a great extent; but she came floating by us all in flames, and passed down the river. Another was sunk immediately in front of the custom house; others were building in Algiers, just begun. I next went above the city eight miles, to Carrolton, where I learned there were two other forts, but the panic had gone before me. I found the guns spiked, and the guncarriages in flames. The first work, on the right reaches from the Mississippi nearly over to Pontchartrain, and has 29 guns: the one on the left had six guns, from which Commander Lee took some fifty barrels of powder, and completed the destruction of the gun-carriages, etc. A mile higher up there were two other earthworks, but not yet armed. We discovered here, fastened
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 19: observations upon matters connected with the War. (search)
e was an anti-slavery man to a degree that utterly unbalanced his judgment. While in command of a portion of the troops on Ship Island in the Gulf of Mexico near the State of Mississippi, he, in the winter of 1861-62, upon his own motion, issued a proclamation of emancipation of the slaves. No notice was taken of it, as it was simply a dead letter. He disciplined his troops very admirably, and upon my arrival in New Orleans, I put him in command of the forces stationed above the city at Carrolton. The history of that command I have already stated. Differing with me on the slavery questions because I held that nothing could be done about freeing the slave, except through the President, he resigned his command and reported to Washington to argue the question with the President, so that I lost him. He is now deceased. Of General Williams and his services I said all that ever can be said in my general order of notice of his untimely death. Gen. George F. Shepley was promoted to
ith Butler, 768-769. Canada, hostility of the Dominion, 966. Cape Ann, Butler's summer home at, 919. Cape Henry, transport fleet anchor off, 785-786. Cape Lookout, rendezvous of Porter and Butler, 789-790. Carey, Major J. N., interview with regarding contrabands, 257-258; letter from, 262-263. Carey shoots constable Heywood, 1026. Carney, James G., offers Governor Andrew bank funds, 171-173. Carruth, Lieutenant, suppresses anti-draft demonstration in Boston, 277. Carrolton, Phelps at, 896. Cassels, Col., John, acts investigated, 850; tribute to, 851; on Butler's staff, 897-899. Casey, Major, Thomas Lincoln, report of, 804. Catinet, episode of, 464-465; 468-469. Catholics, legislation against in New Hampshire, 39; in Massachusetts, 120, 122; Mt. Benedict incident, 112-113. century magazine, Gra<*>t in, 715. Chaffin's farm, 653. Chamberlain, The, at Fort Fisher, 787, 792. Chapman, Lieut. R. T., report of, 789 Chapin, Mr., colleague i
rse's division of the Fifteenth corps to Rome. Also a thorough reconnoissance was made of Atlanta, and a new line of works begun, which required a smaller garrison to hold. During this month, the enemy, whom we had left at Lovejoy's Station, moved westward toward the Chattahoochee, taking position facing us and covering the West-Point Railroad, about Palmetto Station. He also threw a pontoon-bridge across the Chattahoochee, and sent cavalry detachments to the west, in the direction of Carrolton and Powder Springs. About the same time President Davis visited Macon and his army at Palmetto, and made harangues referring to an active campaign against us. Hood still remained in command of the confederate forces, with Cheatham, S. D. Lee, and Stewart commanding his three corps, and Wheeler in command of his cavalry, which had been largely reinforced. My cavalry consisted of two divisions; one was stationed at Decatur, under command of Brigadier-General Garrard; the other, commanded
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Michigan Volunteers. (search)
Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Near Clinton July 8. Near Jackson July 9. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Moved to Carrollton, La., August 13, and duty there till November 13. Moved to Brazos Santiago and Aransas, Texas, November 13-20. Fort Esperanza November 27-30. Duty at Fort Esperanza till December 15. At DeCrow's Point till January 4, 1864. At Indianola till May 28, and at Fort Esperanza till June 13. Moved to Carrolton, La., June 13-19, and duty there till October 9. Moved to Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, October 9-11, and garrison and outpost duty there till April 10, 1865. Operations against Mobile April 10-12. Capture of Mobile April 12. Garrison bay batteries Defenses of Mobile till July 19. Moved to Jackson, Michigan, July 19-August 2. Mustered out August 6, 1865. Battery lost during service 4 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 41 Enlisted men by disease. Total
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1842. (search)
Massachusetts regiment on the left. These are little things, to be sure, but they are gratifying to officers and men. One great thing we have gained, and that is in the gratification experienced by the men, who have their regimental pride stimulated immensely. . . . . February 9.—We had made up our minds to a lively enterprise with danger in it, but one likely to be successful, and give us a little reputation; and now, after a week tied up to the levee, we are on our way down to Carrolton .... February 23.—I find plenty to do in camp, and am never so contented as when attending to my duties here. As to the absurd twaddle about the Union as it was, I am astonished that men of sense can indulge in such ridiculous nonsense. It is infernal humbug, all of it. People may argue and speechify as much as they please, they can't help it. This is a revolution, and must result in a complete reorganization of social systems, and all the old fogies in Christendom can't pr
The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], Massachusetts personal Liberty bill. (search)
Death of a daughter of Charles Carroll, of Carrolton. --The Baltimore correspondent of the New York Times writes: Last week Mrs. Harper, daughter of Chas. Carroll, of Carrolton, died here. She was present as a child when Washington resigned his commission at Annapolis. Her picture may be seen as one of the two auburn-haired girls in Col. Trumbull's painting in the Rotunda of the National Capitol. Death of a daughter of Charles Carroll, of Carrolton. --The Baltimore correspondent of the New York Times writes: Last week Mrs. Harper, daughter of Chas. Carroll, of Carrolton, died here. She was present as a child when Washington resigned his commission at Annapolis. Her picture may be seen as one of the two auburn-haired girls in Col. Trumbull's painting in the Rotunda of the National Capitol.
Had Sister Regis been a man, endowed with the same amount of energy and business aptitude, she would have achieved an uncommon fame in any station of life. Being a woman and a sister of Charity, she was contented with being a model of devotedness and this bounded energy to other women, and the pattern of everything that is pure, virtuous and lovely for her companions. In the year 1826, when she was twenty-two years old, Sister Regis joined the Sisters of Charity. She came to New Orleans in 1856, and a few men the after her arrival was known among us as an extraordinary woman, who knew no obstacle whatever in the execution of any plan suggested to her by a spirit of charity — always on the look-out. Successively she established the camp Street Asylum, the St. Elizabeth Asylum, the St. Vincent Infant Asylum, (on Magenine street,) and an Orphan Asylum in Carrolton. Were we to recount all the good works done by that saluted woman, we might fill easily a column of our paper.
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