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Browsing named entities in Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler. You can also browse the collection for Varina Farm (Virginia, United States) or search for Varina Farm (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 16: capture of fortifications around Richmond, Newmarket Heights, Dutch Gap Canal, elections in New York and gold conspiracy. (search)
rs, who I suspect were too proud and courageous to shelter themselves, as they did their men, behind the reversed intrenchments. We lost there the very efficient General Burnham, in memory of whose gallantry Fort Harrison was afterwards named Fort Burnham. We lost many others of our higher field officers, so that before the battle was ended majors were in command of brigades, and captains of regiments. Every man was a hero on that day. Gen. Hiram Burnham. Three times our line was chargetreet and the United States Arsenal. There was a line from some point near each polling-place in the city. At the several polling-places I had an officer in plain clothes, in command of my scouts and detective officers who were around the Fort Brady, battery Commanding James River. polls. On this officer, in case of any disturbance, the police — who were under the command of Superintendent John A. Kennedy, a very loyal, able, and executive officer,--might call for assistance. Any disturb
agut prize suit, 1011. Foote, Senator, reference to, 695, 715, 716; calumnious letter from Smith to, 696-697; letter quoted, 712-713. Ford's Theatre, Lincoln assassinated at, 930. Forty-Seventh Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, 679. Fort Burnham (formerly Fort Harrison), 737. Fort Darling, 747. Fort Donelson, reference to, 872, 873, 874. Fort Fisher, Weitzel reconnoitres, 774; preparations for expedition against, 782; Butler waits for Porter, 785-787; fleet sails in sight of, 7Farragut advises Butler against expedition, 823; reference to, 831-832, 849; Butler's defeat at, an excuse for his removal, 850. Fort Gilmour, Confederates repulse attack upon, 736, 737. Fort Harrison, captured, 733-734; name changed to Fort Burnham, 737; Lee attempts recapture of, 737. Fort Hatteras, expedition against, 281, 285. Fort Henry, reference to, 874. Fort Jackson, 748. Fort Malakoff, Fort Fisher compared with, 812. Fort Wagner, Maj. G. T. Strong, wounded at, 891.