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ames Island. 2d Between western limits of Sixth District and the Combahee and Little Salkehatchee rivers, and the southern boundary of Barnwell District to the Edisto River. 3d Between western limits of Second District and Savannah River. 4th Bounded on southwest by Santee River, and northwest by boundary-line of North and South Carolina. District of Georgia: State of Georgia, excluding defences of Appalachicola and main affluents. Mid. Florida: Bounded by Suwanee and Choctawhatchee rivers, and defences of Appalachicola and affluents. East Portion of Florida east of Suwanee River. note.—1st, 5th, 6th, and 7th Mil. Dists., S. C., comprise the defences of Charleston, S. C., and formed the 1st Mil. Dist., S. C., until the 22d day of October, 1863. Telegram. Charleston, S. C., Feb. 11th, 1864:8.30 A. M. Genl. Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: Governor Milton telegraphs following: Enemy's force at least five thousand strong; not force enough