e campaigns of 1864 and 1865, such as Black water, Jarrott's Station, Nottaway Bridge, Piney Branch Ford, North Anna, Chola Depot, Milford Station, Ashland, Hawe's Shop, Deep Creek, Roanoke Station, Columbia Grove, Stoney Creek Station, White Oak Swamp, Saint Mary's Church, White House, Ream's Station, Charles City Cross Roads, Warwick Swamp, Wilson's Landing, Surrey Court-house, Salem Church, Old Church, Malyern Hill.
Gaines Hill, Lee's Mills, Fort Pocabontas, Cabin Point, Blacks' and Whites' Station, Cup's Mill, Hanover Landing, Bellefield, Flusser's Mills, Vaughan Road, Sycamore Church, Poplar Spring Church, and Wilson's Wharf.Miscellaneous1615530349155071,072
General and General Staff Officers2129757
The above statement is made up from regimental records, except in the case of General, and General Staff, Officers.
Statement of cannon and small-arms surrendered to the United States from April 8 to December 30, 1865.
date of Repo
e campaigns of 1864 and 1865, such as Black water, Jarrott's Station, Nottaway Bridge, Piney Branch Ford, North Anna, Chola Depot, Milford Station, Ashland, Hawe's Shop, Deep Creek, Roanoke Station, Columbia Grove, Stoney Creek Station, White Oak Swamp, Saint Mary's Church, White House, Ream's Station, Charles City Cross Roads, Warwick Swamp, Wilson's Landing, Surrey Court-house, Salem Church, Old Church, Malyern Hill.
Gaines Hill, Lee's Mills, Fort Pocabontas, Cabin Point, Blacks' and Whites' Station, Cup's Mill, Hanover Landing, Bellefield, Flusser's Mills, Vaughan Road, Sycamore Church, Poplar Spring Church, and Wilson's Wharf.Miscellaneous1615530349155071,072
General and General Staff Officers2129757
The above statement is made up from regimental records, except in the case of General, and General Staff, Officers.
Statement of cannon and small-arms surrendered to the United States from April 8 to December 30, 1865.
date of Repo