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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., A projected Medford railroad. (search)
d as far as may be seen, and incidentally to think what the development of Medford territory might have been had the railroad been built. Twenty years before, Purchase (now Winthrop) street was built from the old Woburn road, just north of Whitmore Brook, in a comparatively straight course to the angle of old High street now called Winthrop Square. This formed a shorter and more level route from Medford's adjoining town of Woburn, and led to the building (across Meeting-house Brook and the ma of more or less depth till the present Medford boundary line was crossed. At various places along the line in Winchester and Medford may still be found traces of the work in the cuts and embankments made, while the stone bridge built over Whitmore Brook still remains, though a few rods away all trace of the roadbed disappears where Whitmore road enters the Fells reservation. Southward the elevation of Ram's Head slopes down to Winthrop street so steeply as to raise the query as to how the r