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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Experiences of a Northern man in the Confederate army. (search)
al and departure for the blockade runners plying constantly between there and Wilmington, Charleston, and occasionally other southern ports. When within this neutralrquisite. In due course we embarked on our steamer for the short voyage to Wilmington. A trial trip of about an hour's duration was made round the delicately bluensufficient light. After a favorable voyage we reached the desired point off Wilmington at the proper time. A brief stoppage was made, when soon the final preparatiwere business people, seeking no adventures except in a commercial sense. At Wilmington we found the moral atmosphere a very great improvement upon that of Nassau, wof actual war. Still, the first sight of the Confederate arms as witnessed at Wilmington, was tame in sensations as compared with the deep impressions produced in himwere anxious to get to the front, so after waiting a few hours for a train at Wilmington, my English acquaintance and I had to part. He went direct to Richmond, wher