Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 11, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wilmington River (Georgia, United States) or search for Wilmington River (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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e New South, a Yankee sheet published at Port Royal, S. C, has the following "important information" regarding the defences of Savannah: The batteries defending the Savannah and Wilmington river approaches to the city are as follows: On Wilmington river the rebels have but one battery — Thunderbolt battery, mounting fourteen guns, and distant from Savannah five miles; opposite this battery obstructions have been sunk. At Buenaventura, a mile above Thunderbolt, and the commencement of the sut of little strength. The rebels some time since evacuated a powerful battery on Skiddaway Island. The first fortification on Savannah river is Carnston's Bluff battery, which rather being situated on St. Augustine creek commands also Wilmington river. This battery mounts twelve guns, two 33 pounders, two 10 inch Columbiads, two 10 inch mortars, and the remainder are small pieces. Next in order comes Fort Jackson, mounting ten guns, opposite which, in the Savannah river, are obstruction