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e quantity of corn and other crops on the banks of the river, which it was at first my intention either to remove or destroy. This purpose I afterward abandoned as impracticable, not having either forces or transportation sufficient to remove it, and seeing from the communication of the Major-General Commanding that he did not desire the delay necessary to destroy it. The rebels had a light battery of eight pieces, and a position in readiness to receive seven heavy guns at a place called Yellow Bluff, which they appear to have lately evacuated. Jacksonville I found to be nearly deserted, there being but a small portion of its inhabitants left, chiefly old men, women and children. On our first arrival some few rebel cavalry were hovering around the town, but they immediately retired on my establishing a picket line. From the town and its neighborhood I bring with me several refugees and about two hundred and seventy-six contrabands, including men, women and children. On the sixth
the headquarters of the Signal Corps. Many times before the fall were orders flashed by night by means of waving torches to commands widely separated; and in the daytime the signal-men standing drew on themselves the attention of the Confederate sharpshooters. A message begun by one signal-man was often finished by another who picked up the flag his fallen companion had dropped. The tower at Jacksonville, Florida, over a hundred feet high, kept in communication with the signal tower it Yellow Bluff, at the mouth of the St. John's River. Note the two men with the Signal Corps flag on its summit. Just below them is an enclosure to which they could retire when the efforts of the Confederate sharpshooters became too threatening. Signal stations from the Mississippi to the Atlantic: evidence of the Signal-man's activity throughout the theater of war. After Grant arrived and occupied Chattanooga, Bragg retired up the Cumberland Mountains and took up two strong positions—one upo
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
9 to September 5, 1863. Fatigue duty on Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, S. C., and operations against Fort Sumpter and Charleston September 17-October 28. Camp on Folly Island till February, 1864. Expedition to John's Island February (Co. F ). Moved to Jacksonville, Florida, February 13-16, and Provost duty there till March 11. Advance to Baldwin February 19-20. (Co. F detached as garrison at Fort Fribley, Jacksonville, February to April.) Companies B and I at Yellow Bluff February 28 to April 17. Regiment ordered to Palatka, Florida, March 11, and duty there till April 17. Moved to Folly Island, S. C., April 17-18. Duty there till November 27. Demonstration on James Island May 21-22. Expedition to James Island June 30-July 10. Action on James Island July 2. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., November 27-28. (Co. G detached at Battery on Long Island, and Co. H at Fort Delafield, Stono Inlet, till February 12, 1865.) Hatch's Expedition u
gnolia, the resinous odor of the pines; of battle and defeat, severe marches, midnight alarms, and long hours of picket in woody solitudes. But speculations as to where we were going were then uppermost in our minds. Were we to join the armies of the North with a prospect of military glory and its accompanying danger, or to be doomed to comparative inaction in the Department of the South, depleted of its troops? Musing thus, we ran past part of our sister regiment, the Fifty-fifth, at Yellow Bluff, continuing down the river to its junction with blue water. There the tide was found not to be serving; and our transport lay swinging and rolling lazily in unison with other craft, similarly detained, until the bar could be safely crossed and the open sea gained. In the North great movements were preparing. Lieutenant-General Grant had been appointed to the chief command of the armies. A combined movement of the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the James against Richmond was det
, 79, 81, 90, 133. Williams, C. P., mortar schooner, 52. Williams, George W., 283. Williams, James M., 1. Williams, Preston, 59. Williams, Seth, 287. Willoughby, R. H., 311. Wilmington, N. C., 289, 311. Wilson, Ezra, 10. Wilson, George, 83, 90. Wilson, Henry, 32, 180, 181, 190, 319. Wilson, James D., 58. Wilson, John H., 249, 297. Wilson, William, 309. Winona, gunboat, 237. Winyaw Bay, S. C., 290. Winyaw Indigo Society, 290. Wissahickon, gunboat, 237. Woodbury, J. G., 111. Wounded, Care of, 64, 105, 173, 174, 176, 251, 254, 272. Wright, A. R., 275. Wright, Elizur, 14. Wright and Potter, 16. Wright's Bluff, S. C., 298, 299, 305, 307. Wyoming, steamer, 268. Y. Yellow Bluff, Fla., 185. Yellow fever, 226. Young, P. M. B., 300. Z. Zachry, Charles T., 178. Plan showing the field of operations of the 54th Mass regiment. 1863-1865. continued on facing page. Plan showing the field of operations of the 54th Mass regiment. 1863-1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Fifty-fifth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
eft the camp July 21 and embarked for New Berne, arriving on the 25th. It was ordered to Charleston harbor on the 29th, became part of General Wild's Brigade, 10th Army Corps, and served in the operations against Charleston for the remainder of the year. In February, 1864, the regiment, under Col. A. S. Hartwell (Colonel Hallowell having resigned in November from the effect of injuries received at Antietam), was sent to join the forces at Jacksonville, Fla., and served by detachments at Yellow Bluff, at the forts near Jacksonville and at Palatka. Returning to Charleston harbor April 18-20, it took part in the movement against Charleston July 2, capturing two of the enemy's guns and losing nine men killed and mortally wounded. Eight companies were sent to Hilton Head, S C., in November, forming part of a brigade under Colonel Hartwell, Coast Division. It lost heavily at the battle of Honey Hill, where, Colonel Hartwell being wounded, the command of the regiment was taken by Lieuten
equent appointment as Captain, 4th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, to date Dec. 30, 1864 (Letter War Dept., Nov. 12, 1890). See Mass. Officers in Regiments of Other States. Jones, Charles E. First Lieutenant, 6th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Apr. 22, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1861. Captain, 33d Mass. Infantry, July 24, 1862. Resigned, Mar. 28, 1863. Jones, Dennis. First Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, June 19, 1863. Killed accidentally, Mar. 23, 1864, at Yellow Bluff, Fla. Jones, Edward Jenkins. See Mass. Field Officers. Jones, Edward Lloyd. Sergeant, 44th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Sept. 12, 1862. First Lieutenant, 54th Mass. Infantry, May 13, 1863; mustered, May 13, 1863. Captain, May 14, 1863; mustered, May 25. Resigned, Dec. 16, 1864, on account of wounds. Died at Templeton, Mass., Jan. 3, 1886. Jones, Edward R. Sergeant, 27th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 10, 1861. Second Lieutenant, June 11, 1863. Dismissed, Apr. 23,
d gallantry and fortitude in the battles of Richmond, Perryville, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge. After the abandonment of the coast defenses early in 1862, several gunboats passed the fortifications at the mouth of the St. John's river and Yellow bluff, anchored in front of Jacksonville and landed a considerable force. Colonel Davis was ordered to send a detachment of his cavalry to Camp Langford, near the city, to aid in meeting this emergency. He sent Lieut.-Col. George Troupe Maxwell, wr. From Flotard pond they moved to Gainesville, remaining there a week, procuring arms and ammunition, the horses being private property; thence to Jacksonville, where they did picket and other duty for several weeks, and later were ordered to Yellow bluff, and thence to Camp Finegan. After the enemy began demonstrations on the St. John's the command was ordered to Palatka, 75 miles from Jacksonville. While on the march they captured a large number of negroes who were endeavoring to escape t
attempt on the part of the enemy. On April 13th Lieutenant-Colonel McCormick was ordered to scout the country on his left and front, round Broward's neck and Yellow bluff, with the view of discovering if the enemy was making any movement from that quarter; and Col. R. H. Anderson, commanding the cavalry force in front, was direc numerical strength and the fact of our having so wide an extent of country to guard with greatly reduced forces, the enemy marched from their intrenchments at Yellow bluff to make an assault on Lieut.-Col. A. H. McCormick's command. The latter reported regarding this affair substantially as follows: On the 13th of July scothe enemy and to ascertain if there had been any change in his position. He found upon arriving at Higginbotham that the enemy had retired in the direction of Yellow bluff. He was delayed some time in crossing Trout creek, the bridge being burned, compelling him to cross a ford higher up. He reports that from the appearance of
. , I., 57, 90.Yandell, D. W., VII., 352.Yankee,, C. S. S., VI., 310. Yankee,, U. S. S., VI., 308. Yantic,, U. S. S., III., 342. Yard, P., VIII., 237. Yates, R., I., 174. Yates, Camp, Ill. (see also Camp Yates, Ill.), I, 175. Yates' Phalanx, I., 309. Yazoo City, Miss.: II, 342; expedition of, III., 318. Yazoo Pass, Miss., II., 206. Yazoo River, Miss.: I., 214; II., 182, 185, 196; VI., 221, 223, 224, 314, 316, 318, 320, 348. Yellow Bluff, Fla.: signal tower at, VIII., 325. Yellow Creek, Mo., II., 320. Yellow Tavern, Va.: III., 62, 78, 320; IV., 23, 43, 98, 124; death of J. E. B. Stuart at, IV., 125, 242. Yemassee, S. C., II., 326. Yongo, C. R., VI., 301. York, Z., X., 271. York River, Va.: I., 267, 324; V., 258; VI., 59, 315; VIII., 317, 324. York River and Richmond Railroad, Va.: I., 288, 299, 325; bridge of, I., 319. York River Railroad, Va.: I., 316, 324. Yorktown, Va.: I