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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
294. Eustaphieve, Miss, 20. Evangeline, 194, 209, 210, 221, 258, 280, 285; criticism on, 197; publication of, 200. Everett, Mrs., Alexander, 50. Everett, Edward, 71,118, 178. Every Other Saturday, 22 note, 36 note, 64 note. Federalists, the, 11. Fellows, Mrs., 17. Felton, Prof. Cornelius C., 70, 112, 119, 139, 146, 156, 162, 168, 272, 284, 285; aids Longfellow in his work, 173, 191. Ferguson, Mr., 224. Fields, James T., 224, 240, 241. Fields, Mrs. James T., 191. Florence, Italy, 223. Florian, John P. C. de, 121. Footsteps of Angels, 112. Foreign Quarterly Review, the, mentioned, 168. Forster, John, 168, 241. Frazer, Mr., 89. France, 48, 55, 98, 155, 158, 252, 259. Franklin, Benjamin, 6. Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 161, 193, 271; on Hiawatha, 209; Longfellow writes about Dante translations to, 225, 226. Freneau, Philip, 23. Frugal Housewife, the, 121. Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Fulton, Robert, 6. Furness, Rev. W. H., 192. Furness Abbe
arms and devices. Bryce's Holy Roman Empire, fourth ed., 367, 371. The attitude of Austria to the United States will appear as our narrative proceeds. Kaunitz and the imperial house of his day sowed seed that had no life; and their policy bore no fruit, delaying for their generation the development of the great Austrian state. In Italy, which by being broken into fragments was reft of its strength though not of its beauty, the United States had hoped to find support from the ruler of Florence, to whom they had commissioned an envoy: the world had been full of the praises of his code and of his government. But the hope was altogether vain. The south of Italy followed Spain. The pope took no thought of colonies which were soon to form a republic, with a people far more thoroughly Protestant than any nation in Europe. But the genius of the Italians has always revered the struggles of patriotism; and, while the Americans fought for their liberties, Filangieri was preparing the w
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., William Gray of Salem and Samuel Gray of Medford. (search)
If class prophecies were then in order, and it had been foretold that Lucia Gray would have a daughter who would live beyond a century's mark, and a granddaughter who would be well known in the world of art and letters, it might have seemed like a wild flight of fancy, but it would have run parallel with the true course of events. A daughter of this little Medford school girl married Francis Alexander, a native of Connecticut. He was an artist, who settled first in Boston, then in Florence, Italy, * Medford was on the stage line called the upper route to Exeter and Portland. where the daughter, Francesca, was born. She inherited artistic taste and was endowed with poetic gifts. She became well known as an author and illustrator, and Ruskin, who was a friend of mother and daughter, thought very highly of this talented American girl. Francesca died in February, 1917. Another granddaughter of Lucia Gray, Mrs. Edward N. Hallowell, for many years a resident of West Medford
for believing that the French Emperor is wavering in his Italian policy, and has given orders to Gen. Guyon to interfere probably only in the last extremity in favor of the King of Naples.--One motive to which this alleged change of feeling is ascribed, is the sort of reaction in French popular feeling, arising from the overthrow of Lamoriciere, which is regarded, apparently, as a sort of national misfortune. The Daily News says:There is to be a grand exhibition of Italian pictures in Florence next summer in aid of which the chief Italian cities are to contribute large sums of money. The Paris correspondent of the London News says it is remarked that, according to the recent news from Venice, the Austrians have suddenly ceased to send troops and ammunition towards the Lombardy frontier. The leading article of the Paris Pays, of Saturday last, insists strongly on the necessity both of augmenting the French army in Syria to a larger force, and prolonging its occupation fo
Our Minister to China. --A private letter, dated Florence, Italy, Feb. 17, says: Hon. John E. Ward, United States Minister to China, joined his family here a few days since, and will return home after a hurried visit to Rome and Naples. Mr. W. was brought from China to the Persian Gulf by the Niagara, and was about fifty days en route.
n foully dealt with, and her husband and friends offered a large reward for the detection of her supposed murderer. Matsell, the New York Chief of Police, made every effort to ascertain the cause of her mysterious disappearance, but without effect. It was urged that she could not have consented to an elopement, because she was devotedly attached to her child. After the lapse of two years, parties traveling on the Continent encountered the supposed murdered woman on the streets of Florence, Italy, one evening, leaning on the arm of Lieut. Wyman, of the U. S. army, and a correspondent of the New York Tribune communicated the fact to that paper. Capt. (now Gen.) Brennan immediately waited upon Greeley, and demanded the name of his correspondent. It was given, and proved to be of so reliable a character that the broken- hearted husband was now satisfied of the perfidy of his wife, and no more was said of the matter. Shortly after Lieut. Wyman and Mrs. Captain Brennan returned to
The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], Remarkable detection of a murderer — his likeness photographed from the dead Victim's eye. (search)
Remarkable detection of a murderer — his likeness photographed from the dead Victim's eye. Scientific circles in Europe are just now much interested in a remarkable murder and detection of the murderer in Florence, Italy: The Florence correspondent of the Morning Post reports the details of most remarkable photographic experiments on the eye of a murdered person. It appears that, on the 13th of April, 2d of June and 22d of August, last year, three murders were committed in Florence, in almost precisely similar circumstances, the victims in each case being lodging-house keepers. In each case the "corpse was discovered lying on the floor, with the throat cut from ear to ear, a pool of blood below her head, but only there — no marks of blood in any other parts of the room — and a pocket-handkerchief, the property of some one unknown, close to her person. The trinkets and money which she was supposed to have about her had disappeared, as well as other articles in the house. <