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Pindar, Pythian 4 (ed. Steven J. Willett), poem 4 (search)
Today you must stand beside a man dear to me, by the king of horsefamed Cyrene, and joining with Archesilaus in his victory revels, Muse, swell the breeze of songs owed to Leto's Twins and to d with her spontaneous shout, she who thrice crying "Hail" revealed you the predestined king of Cyrene, when you were asking what release might come from the gods for a stammering voice. Aftented you the plain of Libya to enrich by favor of the gods and the holy city of golden-throned Cyrene to govern, you who contrived a craft of right counsel. Know now the wisdom of Oedipus: ior you is woven out this web of favors. Take heart to lavish full devotion on divinely blessed Cyrene. Among the sayings of Homer this one lay to mind and heed: a noble messenger, he said, bestows the greatest honor to each office; even the Muse grows strong by true report. Cyrene and the most illustrious house of Battus have come to know the upright mind of Damophilus. For that man—
Polybius, Histories, book 3, The Length of Hannibal's March (search)
The Length of Hannibal's March At this period the Carthaginians were masters of the The length of the march from Carthagena to the Po, 1125 Roman miles. whole Mediterranean coast of Libya from the Altars of Philaenus,The arae Philaenorum were apparently set up as boundary stones to mark the territory of the Pentapolis or Cyrene from Egypt: and the place retained the name long after the disappearance of the altars (Strabo, 3.5.5-6). opposite the Great Syrtis, to the Pillars of Hercules, a seaboard of over sixteen thousand stades. They had also crossed the strait of the Pillars of Hercules, and got possession of the whole seaboard of Iberia on the Mediterranean as far as the Pyrenees, which separate the Iberes from the Celts—that is, for a distance of about eight thousand stades: for it is three thousand from the Pillars to New Carthage, from which Hannibal started for Italy; two thousand six hundred from thence to the Iber; and from that river to Emporium again sixteen hundred; from wh
Polybius, Histories, book 7, Hieronymus of Syracuse (search)
Hieronymus of Syracuse After the plot against Hieronymus, King of Syracuse, Hieronymus succeeded his grandfather Hiero II. in B. C. 216. Under the influence of his uncles, Zoippus and Andranodorus, members of the Council of 15 established by Hiero, Hieronymus opens communications with Hannibal. Thraso having departed, Zoippus and Andranodorus persuaded Hieronymus to lose no time in sending ambassadors to Hannibal. He accordingly selected Polycleitus of Cyrene and Philodemus of Argos for the purpose, and sent them into Italy, with a commission to discuss the subject of an alliance with the Carthaginians; and at the same time he sent his brothers to Alexandria. Hannibal received Polycleitus and Philodemus with warmth; held out great prospects to the young king; and sent the ambassadors back without delay, accompanied by the commander of his triremes, a Carthaginian also named Hannibal, and the Syracusan Hippocrates and his younger brother Epicydes. These men had been for some time serv
Polybius, Histories, book 10, His Birth and Education (search)
to be in exile. When he came to man's estate he attached himself to Ecdemus and Demophanes, who were by birth natives of Megalopolis, but who having been exiled by the tyrant, and having associated with the philosopher Arcesilaus during their exile, not only set their own country free by entering into an intrigue against Aristodemus the tyrant, but also helped in conjunction with Aratus to put down Nicocles, the tyrant of Sicyon. On another occasion also, on the invitation of the people of Cyrene, they stood forward as their champions and preserved their freedom for them. Such were the men with whom he passed his early life; and he at once began to show a superiority to his contemporaries, by his power of enduring hardships in hunting, and by his acts of daring in war. He was moreover careful in his manner of life, and moderate in the outward show which he maintained; for he had imbibed from these men the conviction, that it was impossible for a man to take the lead in public busines
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Poem 7 (search)
or Hammon, originally worshipped in Thebes under the form of a ram, or of a human figure with a ram's horns, had his most famous temple and oracle in the oasis of Siwah in the Libyan desert, 400 miles from Cyrene (Plin. l.c.). He was identified by the Greeks and Romans with Zeus and Jupiter; cf. Prop. 4.1.103 hoc neque harenosum Libyae Iovis explicat antrum. aestuosi: of g per Syrtes aestuosas ; Hor. Carm. 1.31.5 aestuosae Calabriae . Batti: see v. 4 n. Cyrenis. sacrum sepulcrum: the tomb of the founder stood in the city of Cyrene, where he was reverenced as a god. tacet nox: with the rhythm cf. Catul. 5.5 n. tam: correlative with v. 3 quam. te: subject, not object of
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Poem 65 (search)
e long parenthesis the poet returns to his theme, sed, as often, being resumptive. haec: probably Catul. 66.1ff. is referred to. expressa: translated; cf. Ter. Ad. 11 verbum de verbo expressum extulit . Battiadae: Callimachus, the famous Alexandrian scholar and poet at the court of Ptolemy Philadelphus, was the son of a certain Battus of Cyrene, and claimed descent from the founder of that city; cf. Catul. 7.4ff n.; Catul. 116.2. credita ventis: with the figure cf. Catul. 30.10n. ut: etc. the comparison is of the irrevocable swiftness with which the apple falls and the reminders vanish. missum munere: cf. Catul. 101.8 tradita munere . sponsi: the secrecy of t
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Poem 66 (search)
tive genius shows so little through it. Whether the obscurity of some passages in it is due to lack of care on the part of the translator, or to an excessive fidelity to the original, cannot be determined; but the general characteristics of Alexandrian poetry would lead us to refer the fault to Callimachus himself. The theme, a compound of court tradition and of astronomical knowledge, is as follows: Berenice, daughter of Magas, king of Cyrene, and wife of her cousin Ptolemy Euergetes (reigned 247-222 B.C.), king of Egypt, had for her husband's safety vowed to the gods a lock of her hair, when, shortly after his accession to the throne and marriage, the king was setting out on an expedition against Syria. Upon his safe return the vow was paid, and the tress deposited in the temple of the deified Arsinoe on the promontory of Zephyrion. Next morning, however, it had disappeared; but t
C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Leonard C. Smithers), Poem 7 (search)
You ask, how many kisses of yours, Lesbia, may be enough and to spare for me. As the countless Libyan sands which strew asafoetida-bearing Cyrene between the oracle of sweltering Jove and the sacred tomb of ancient Battus, or as the many stars, when night is silent, look upon the furtive loves of mortals, to kiss you with kisses of so great a number is enough and to spare for passion-driven Catullus: so many that prying eyes may not avail to number, nor ill tongues to bewitch.
M. Tullius Cicero, For Plancius (ed. C. D. Yonge), chapter 5 (search)
ay Caius Seranus a most foolish man, for nevertheless he was a noble; nor Caius Fimbria, a new man, for he was a magnanimous man and a wise counselor; but Cnaeus Mallius, a man not only of no rank or family at all, but utterly destitute of virtue and ability, and of contemptible and sordid habits of life. —“My eyes,” says the people, “looked in vain for you when you were at Cyrene; for I should have preferred reaping the benefit of your virtue myself to letting your companions have it all to themselves; and the more it was an object to me to do so, the more did you keep aloof from me. At all events, I did not see you. Then you deserted and abandoned me, though thirsting for your virtue; for you had begun to offer yourself as a candidate for the
M. Tullius Cicero, For Plancius (ed. C. D. Yonge), chapter 26 (search)
nce can admit without any danger. And I do not only admit that every sort of high quality is to be found in Laterensis, but I even find fault with you, for not enumerating his chief excellences, but descending to look for trifling and insignificant subjects for panegyric. You say “That he celebrated games at Praeneste.” Well; have not other quaestors done the same? “That at Cyrene he was liberal towards the farmers of the revenue, and just towards the allies.” Who denies it? but so many important transactions take place at Rome, that it is difficult for those things which are done in the provinces to get heard of. I have no fear, O judges, of appearing to assume too much credit to myself, if I speak of my own quaestorship. For although I got great
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