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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 4: (search)
elderly English gentleman, whom I have seen a good deal of within the last three weeks, and who is full of knowledge, wisdom, and gentleness; I mean Mr. Elphinstone, who wrote the Embassy to Cabul, was thirty years in India, was long Governor of Bombay, and refused to be Governor-General of India. It is rare to meet a more interesting man. Right Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone. February 6.—. . . . We dined to-day at Prince Massimo's, and met there the Prince, his son; Monsignor; several otn I have ever known, and full of knowledge and experience of life. He is the person under whose care Mrs. Lushington made that overland journey from India to England about which she has made so pleasant a little book. He was then returning from Bombay, where he had been governor. . . . . . He goes now to England in a day or two, and I am sorry for it . . . . . The Trevelyans, too, passed the evening with us. February 15.—This evening Mr. Kestner, the Hanoverian Minister, came to see us, and
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 8: (search)
on; Richardson, so much mentioned by Lockhart as Scott's friend; Mackenzie, son of the Man, of Feeling, long Secretary-General in India; Phillips, Thomas J. Phillips, mentioned in Vol. I. p. 443. the barrister; Murchison, the man of fashion and the great geologist; Professor Wilson, of the London University; Colonel Leake, the Greek traveller; and Wilkinson, the Egyptian traveller. We sat at a round table, just ten of us, and the service of plate, given to Mr. Elphinstone when he left Bombay, which covered the table so that the cloth could hardly be seen, was one of the richest and most tasteful I ever looked upon. There was not a person whom I met there to-day that was not a remarkable man,—remarkable by his culture and accomplishments, and by the consideration he enjoys in society. Of course, it was very agreeable. We talked about Scotland and Scott; about Lockhart, with whom Murchison is very intimate; about India, Rome, Bunsen, and the Archbishop of Cologne; about America
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 18: (search)
y 6 and 7, which I read through twice without stopping, and then carried to bed with me. . . . July 19.—Twisleton and I breakfasted with Milnes, and we had Mad. Mohl, Sir John Simeon,—a book-collector whom I met at the Duc d'aumale's and find very pleasant,—General Kmety,—a Hungarian, who flourished much in the last war at home and now flourishes much in society here,—young Harcourt, Lord Stanley, and enough more to make up a dozen. The talk was much about the defection of the Sepoys in Bombay, which begins to trouble them very much. I noticed last night that Lord Clarendon, Lord Palmerston, and two or three of their set, seemed so anxious to put a good face on the matter and keep up a cheerful courage, that I could not help feeling that they must have serious misgivings. Indeed, it cannot be otherwise; and the impression seems to be that there will be angry discussions in Parliament. But this last I take to be uncertain. British pluck will, I think, stand the ministers in