Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 16, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the
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13.David R. Jones South Carolina, Army of Potomac.
14.Jones M. Withers Alabama, Commanding Coast of Alabama.
15.John C. Pemberton, Virginia, Coast of SoutAlabama.
15.John C. Pemberton, Virginia, Coast of South Carolina.
16.Richard S. Ewell, Virginia, Army of Potomac.
17.John H Winder, Maryland, Richmond.
18.Jubsl A. Early, Virginia, Army of Potomac.
40.Simon B. Buckner, Kentucky, Kentucky.
41.Leroy Pope Walker, Alabama, Alabama.
42.Albert G. Blanchard, Louisiana, Norfolk.
43.Gabriel J. Raina, NorthLouisiana 8, Georgia 7, Tennessee 8, North Carolina 6, Kentucky 7, Maryland 4, Alabama 4, Mississippi 4, Texas 3, Arkansas 2, Florida 1, Missouri none.
The follatives of South Carolina, though citizens of other States, viz: Longstreet, of Alabama; Lawton, of Georgia; Donelson, of Tennessee; Withers, of Alabama; Hill, of Norz: Longstreet, of Alabama; Lawton, of Georgia; Donelson, of Tennessee; Withers, of Alabama; Hill, of North Carolina; Gladden, of Louisiana; and Wigfall, of Texas.