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Polybius, Histories 80 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 32 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 30 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 12 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 6 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 4 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 2 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 2 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
with its blood. Similar rites of purification for homicide are represented on Greek vases. See Frazer on Paus. 2.31.8 (vol. iii. p. 277). And as they sailed past the Sirens,About the Argonauts and the Sirens, see Ap. Rhod., Argon. iv.891-921; Orphica, Argonautica 1270- 1297; Hyginus, Fab. 14. Orpheus restrained the Argonauts by chanting a counter-melody. Butes alone swam off to the Sirens, but Aphrodite carried him away and settled him in Lilybaeum. After the Sirens, the ship encountered Charybdis and Scylla and the Wandering Rocks,Compare Ap. Rhod., Argon. iv.922ff. These Wandering Rocks are supposed to be the Lipari islands, two of which are still active volcanoes. above which a great flame and smoke were seen rising. But Thetis with the Nereids steered the ship through them at the summons of Hera. Having passed by the Island of Thrinacia, where are the kine of the Sun,Compare Ap. Rhod., Argo
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 86 (search)
454 B.C.When Ariston was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Quintus Fabius Vibulanus and Lucius Cornelius Curitinus. This year the Athenians and Peloponnesians agreed to a truce of five years, Cimon the Athenian having conducted the negotiations. In Sicily a war arose between the peoples of Egesta and Lilybaeum over the land on the Mazarus River, and in a sharp battle which ensued both cities lost heavily but did not slacken their rivalry. And after the enrolment of citizens which had taken place in the citiesCp. chap. 76. and the redistribution of the lands, since many had been added to the roll of citizens without plan and in a haphazard fashion, the cities were in an unhealthy state and falling back again into civil strife and disorders; and it was especially in Syracuse that this malady prevailed. For a man by the name of Tyndarides, a rash fellow full of effrontery, began by gathering about him many of the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 54 (search)
Libyan Sea he came to land in Sicily on the promontory which lies opposite Libya and is called Lilybaeum; and at that very time some Selinuntian cavalry were tarrying in those regions, and havined his troops and pitched a camp, beginning at the well which in those times had the name Lilybaeum, and many years after these events, when a city was founded near it,In 396 B.C. the presence of the well occasioned the giving of the name to the city.The city of Lilybaeum. Hannibal had all told, as Ephorus has recorded, two hundred thousand infantry and four thousand cavn land in the bay about Motye,The bay and island of the same name lie a little north of Lilybaeum. every one of them, wishing to give the Syracusans the impression that he had not come tos supplied by the Aegestaeans and by the other allies he broke camp and made his way from Lilybaeum towards Selinus. And when he came to the Mazarus River, he took at the first assault the
Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 2 (search)
us and the sea-passage to Crete, and, third, Lilybaeum, the cape that is next to Libya, thus facingwhereas the third, the one that reaches from Lilybaeum to Pelorias, is convex; and this last is th more. Of the other two sides, the one from Lilybaeum to Pachynus is longer than the other, and thd and sixty-eight miles, and from Messene to Lilybaeum by the Valerian Way two hundred and thirty-fgain, the side that extends from Pachynus to Lilybaeum, which is considerably farther west than Pelrom a look-out, used to report to the men in Lilybaeum the number of ships that were putting to sea from Carthage.Lilybaeum when held by the Carthaginians (250 B.C.) was besieged by the Romans. Pli Sicily, that which extends from Pachynus to Lilybaeum has been utterly deserted, although it presegs to the Geloans, and its seaport, and also Lilybaeum still endure. For since this region was mos the Cape. CossuraNow Pantellaria. lies off Lilybaeum, and off Aspis,So called from the resemblanc[5 more...]
Polybius, Histories, book 1, The Battle of Ecnomus (search)
aginian ships retired to the Liparean Islands. The result of this battle was that both sides concluded that Winter of B.C. 257-256. they were now fairly matched, and accordingly made more systematic efforts to secure a naval force, and to dispute the supremacy at sea. While these things were going on, the land forces effected nothing worth recording; but wasted all their time in such petty operations as chance threw in their way. B.C. 256. Coss. L. Manlius, Vulso Longus, M. Atilius Regulus II (Suff.). Therefore, after making the preparations I have mentioned for the approaching summer, the Romans, with three hundred and thirty decked ships of war, touched at Messene; thence put to sea, keeping Sicily on their right; and after doubling the headland Pachynus passed on to Ecnomus, because the land force was also in that district. The Carthaginians on their part put to sea again with three hundred and fifty decked ships, touched at Lilybaeum, and thence dropped anchor at Heracleia Minoa.
Polybius, Histories, book 1, The Romans Build More Ships (search)
r naval and military preparations. The Carthaginians renew operations in Sicily. And first, they lost no time in despatching Hasdrubal to Sicily, and with him not only the soldiers that they had already collected, but those also whom they had recalled from Heracleia; and along with them they sent also a hundred and forty elephants. And next, after despatching him, they began fitting out two hundred ships and making all other preparations necessary for a naval expedition. Hasdrubal reached Lilybaeum safely, and immediately set to work to train his elephants and drill his men, and showed his intention of striking a blow for the possession of the open country. The Roman government, when they heard of this from theB. C. 254. Coss. Gn. Cornelius Scipio Asina II., Aulus Atilius, Calatinus II. survivors of the wreck on their arrival home, felt it to be a grievous misfortune: but being absolutely resolved not to give in, they determined once more to put two hundred and twenty vessels on the
Polybius, Histories, book 1, The Carthaginians Prosperous (search)
y flowed back again, and by dint of throwing overboard all their heavy goods they just managed to float the ships. After this their return voyage was more like a flight than anything else. When they reached Sicily and had made the promontory of Lilybaeum they cast anchor at Panormus. Thence they weighed anchor for Rome, and rashly ventured upon the open sea-line as the shortest; but while on their voyage they once more encountered so terrible a storm that they lost more than a hundred and fifty heard that the elephants had broken their ranks and had killed the large part of those that fell: and they were in such terror of them, that though during two years running after that time they had on many occasions, in the territory either of Lilybaeum or Selinus, found themselves in order of battle within five or six stades of the enemy, they never plucked up courage to begin an attack, or in fact to come down upon level ground at all, all because of their fear of an elephant charge. B. C. 2
Polybius, Histories, book 1, Siege of Lilybaeum (search)
Siege of Lilybaeum The announcement of this success at Rome was received with extreme delight; not so much at the blow inflicted on the enemy by the loss of their elephants, as at the confidence inspired in their own troops by a victory over these animals. With their confidence thus restored, the Roman government recurred to their original plan of sending out the Consuls upon this service with a fleet and naval forces; for they were eager, by all means in their power, to put a period to the wae fourteenth year of the war, the supplies necessary for the despatch of the expedition were got ready, and the Consuls set sail for Sicily with two hundred ships. B. C. 250. C. Caecilius Regulus II., L. Manlius Vulso II. They dropped anchor at Lilybaeum; and the army having met them there, they began to besiege it by sea and land. Their view was that if they could obtain possession of this town they would have no difficulty in transferring the seat of war to Libya. The Carthaginian leaders wer
Polybius, Histories, book 1, The Topography of Lilybaeum (search)
The Topography of Lilybaeum Sicily, then, lies towards Southern Italy very much in the same relative position as the Peloponnese does to the rest of Greece. The only difference is that the one is an island, the other a peninsula; and consequently in the former case there is no communication except by sea, in the latter there is a es which cover Carthage, at a distance of about a thousand stades: it looks somewhat south of due west, dividing the Libyan from the Sardinian Sea, and is called Lilybaeum. On this last there is a city of the same name. It was this city that the Romans were now besieging. It was exceedingly strongly fortified: for besides its wallscted by lagoons, to steer through which into the harbour was a task requiring much skill and practice. The Romans made two camps, one on each side of theSiege of Lilybaeum, B. C. 250. town, and connected them with a ditch, stockade, and wall. Having done this, they began the assault by advancing their siege-works in the direction o
Polybius, Histories, book 1, Treason in Lilybaeum (search)
Treason in Lilybaeum But about this time some of the officers of highest Attempted treason in Lilybaeum. rank in the mercenary army discussed among themselves a project for surrendering the town to the Romans, being fully persuaded that the men under their command would obey their orders. They got out of the city at night, went to the enemy's camp, and held a parley with the Roman commander on the subject. But Alexon the Achaean, who on a former occasion had saved Agrigentum from destruction wLilybaeum. rank in the mercenary army discussed among themselves a project for surrendering the town to the Romans, being fully persuaded that the men under their command would obey their orders. They got out of the city at night, went to the enemy's camp, and held a parley with the Roman commander on the subject. But Alexon the Achaean, who on a former occasion had saved Agrigentum from destruction when the mercenary troops of Syracuse made a plot to betray it, was on this occasion once more the first to detect this treason, and to report it to the general of the Carthaginians. The latter no sooner heard it than he at once summoned a meeting of those officers who were still in their quarters; and exhorted them to loyalty with prayers and promises of liberal bounties and favours, if they would only remain faithful to him, and not join in the treason of the officers who had left the town. T