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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 326 (search)
d the scale In Cato's acts, or swayed his upright soul. Meanwhile Pompeius led his trembling host To fields Campanian, and held the walls First founded by the chief of Trojan race. These chose he for the central seat of war, Some troops despatching who might meet the foe Where shady Apennine lifts up the ridge Of mid Italia; nearest to the sky Upsoaring, with the seas on either hand, The upper and the lower. Pisa's sands Breaking the margin of the Tuscan deep, Here bound his mountains: there Ancona's towers Laved by Dalmatian waves. Rivers immense, In his recesses born, pass on their course, To either sea diverging. To the left Metaurus and Crustumium's torrent fall And Sena's streams and Aufidus who bursts On Adrian billows; and that mighty flood Which, more than all the rivers of the earth, Sweeps down the soil and tears the woods away And drains Hesperia's springs. In fabled lore His banks were first by poplar shade enclosed:Phaethon's sisters, who yoked the horses of the Sun to the
Let timid doctrines be cast out forever amongst us. Providence has presented Italy with Victor Emmanuel, and by the side of Victor Emmanuel, and by the side of Victor Emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten. Once more I repeat my battle cry--"To arms, all of you! " If March, 1861, does not find a million of Italians in arms, then, alas for liberty! alas for Italy! Let the March of 1861, or, if necessary, of February, find us all at our posts. Italians of Catalina, Palermo, Volturno, Ancona, Castelfidardo and Iserni, every man of this land who is not a coward or a slave is on our side. All of us, all of us, I say, standing round the glorious here of Palestro, will strike the last blow at the crumbling edifice of tyranny. Receive, volunteers, the honored conquerors of battles, one word of farewell from me today. I am obliged to retire; but it is for a few days only. The hour of battle will find me with you again. Let those only return to their homes who are called by th
g, while Mons. Fould becomes Minister of Finance and negotiates the loan of $200,000,000 or $300,000,000. But the war rumors are most numerous, and if they are to be believed, Marshal McMahon has been summoned to Paris by telegraph, and has had a long conference with Louis Napoleon. There has been a long council at which all the marshals were present, at the Tuileries. The Lyons camp is to receive reinforcements. The Cabinet of Turin had requested Louis Napoleon to send a garrison to Ancona. Four men-of-war are victualling at Toulon, and are immediately to be sent to the Syrian coast. The reason Louis Napoleon removed the ashes of Napoleon early in April, instead of waiting for the 5th of May, is, he knows that by the 5th of May all his time and attention will be absorbed by the gravest cares. Everybody in Paris believes war at hand — inevitable — and this a great European war. The last letters received from Rome represent the Pope as contemplating a departure from the Etern
Additional by the Prince Albert. New York, Nov. 5. --The steamer Prince Albert, before reported at St. Johns, has arrived at this place. A dispatch from Ancona says that voting on the annexation decree would take place on the 4th and 5th of November. The English squadron had left Syria for the Adriatic. Two French vessels remained at Beyrout. A reported agitation prevailed at Damascus. Threats had been made against the Christians in consequence of the war tax. The Hungarian Diet would be convoked without delay. The Emperor would be then crowned King of Hungary. Similar constitutional institutions will be granted Transylvania. Gen. Beneded had been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the army of Italy. The Emperor's Charter had been favorably received. Pesto and Buda had been illuminated by order of the municipalities. The number of members of Reichrath was to be increased to one hundred, the councillors to be elected by the Provincial Diet.
s; Brig. Gen. Ripley, of the Ordnance Department; Brig. Gen. Barry, of the U. S. volunteers; Brig. Gen. Barnard, U. S. volunteers; Col. Hunt, U. S. army; and Capt. Rodman, of the Ordnance Department. The board will meet in Washington at such time and place as may be designated by the senior officer, and the junior member will record the proceedings. Appointment. The Washington Star, of the 27th ult. says: Gov. Ladislaus Ujhazi, of Texas, has been appointed U. S. Consul at Ancona, Italy.--He was the exiled Governor of Comora, Hungary, it will be remembered. Shortly after reaching this country he settled down in western Texas, where his high personal character, great learning, and utility to those around him, soon made him one of the first men in the State. He established a large nursery of Hungarian grapes, and had succeeded in introducing wines of the finest quality and flavor, when the current troubles compelled him to abandon his property to save his life. In
nefits resulting from the frank conduct of the Italian Government. But to return to the route which the cholera pursued in reaching Naples. It traveled from Ancona through a series of villages scattered across Apulia and through the mountain range behind Naples, and fell upon a village called San Teduccio, on the 1st of Octomiles from Naples, and in spite of all precautions the disease stole into the city. We are informed that some cart loads of rags, gathered from the sick rooms of Ancona, transported the disease across the Appenines into San Teduccio. Naples is, you know as famous for the rags trade as Oil City is for petroleum, and probably owes rooms of Ancona, transported the disease across the Appenines into San Teduccio. Naples is, you know as famous for the rags trade as Oil City is for petroleum, and probably owes her present affliction to this circumstance. Whatever be the fact about the rags, the line of afilicted villages can be traced from Ancona to Naples.
over. The Speaker announced the Standing Committees as follows: On Commerce.--Messrs. Washburne, of Illinois, chairman; Ellett, of Massachusetts; Dixon, of Rhode Island; O'Neal, of Pennsylvania; Tougyar, of Michigan; James Humphreys, of New York; J. L. Thomas, Jr., of Maryland; Eggleston, of Ohio; J. M. Humphreys, of New York. On Military Affairs.--Messrs. Schenck, of Ohio, chairman; K. Deming, of Connecticut; Marston, of New Hampshire; Rosseau, of Kentucky; Bingham, of Ohio; Ancona, of Pennsylvania; Ketchum, of New York; Blane, of Maine; Kitgraves, of Kentucky. On Naval Affairs.--Messrs. A. H. Rice, of Massachusetts, chairman; Griswold, of New York; Pike, of Maine; Kelly, of Pennsylvania; Brundage, of Connecticut; Eldridge, of Wisconsin; Phelps, of Maryland; Darling of New York; Libloud, of Ohio. On Foreign Affairs.--Messrs. Banks, of Massachusetts, chairman; Raymond, of New York; Orth, of Indiana; W. H. Randall, of Kentucky; Dawson, of Pennsylvania; Patterso