Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dominica (Dominica) or search for Dominica (Dominica) in all documents.

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d the rebel loss 2,700. Several vessels of Banks's fleet put into Hilton Head, short of coal, disabled, &c. The troops on board had suffered much. The Confederate steamer Alabama was heard from on the 28th of November, when she was at Dominica, West Indies, whether she had gone in pursuit of a schooner which had taken refuge at Dominica. The San Jacinto had been at Point Petre only a few days before, but had sailed for St. Thomas. Gold closed in New York on the 18th at 132½ @ 13 heard from on the 28th of November, when she was at Dominica, West Indies, whether she had gone in pursuit of a schooner which had taken refuge at Dominica. The San Jacinto had been at Point Petre only a few days before, but had sailed for St. Thomas. Gold closed in New York on the 18th at 132½ @ 132¼; Exchange 145½ @ 146½. Congress has appointed a committee, who left Washington Monday for the Rappahannock, to inquire into the facts of the late terrible disaster at Fredericksbu