Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dominica (Dominica) or search for Dominica (Dominica) in all documents.

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ces to the hospitals. Movements of the Alabama. New York, Dec. 18. --The schr J W Congdon, Capt Simmons, from Point Petre, Guadeloupe, W. I; Nov. 30 arrived at this port last evening. She reports that the pirate Alabama was at Dominica, W. I. Nov. 28, whither she had gone, according to the report at Guadeloupe in pursuit of a schooner which had taken refuge in the harbor of Dominica. The United States San Jacinto had been at Point Petre only a few days before, and had saDominica. The United States San Jacinto had been at Point Petre only a few days before, and had sailed for St. Thomas. Wool Relieved of his command. Washington. Dec. 17. --The President has signed the order relieving General Wool from the command at Baltimore. General Schenck has been appointed his successor. The Yankee loss at the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas is stated to have been 995--that of the rebels 2,760. Gen. Hindman is reported on the south side of the Arkansas river, and Marmaduke on the North. An important expedition was on foot by the Abolition army in A