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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The capture of Mason and Slidell. (search)
w books, from which he was taking copious notes. On November 1st, Lieutenant J. A, Greer, navigating officer, brought word to the ship that Mason and Slidell, with their secretaries and families, were booked for England by the steamer Trent to St. Thomas, and thence by the regular West India packet to Southampton. The next day we went to sea, touching at Key West on the 3d. On the 4th we returned to the Cuban coast, and cruising along the northern shore awaited further information as to the movements of the Confederate representatives from Consul General Schufeldt. It was not received, and orders were given to bear away to the narrow channel of old Bahama, through which the Trent must necessarily pass on her way to St. Thomas. The point selected could not have been chosen to better advantage. Between the coral keys the distance across the channel was but fifteen miles, and no ship could pass without being seen by our topsail-yard lookout. Early on the morning of the 8th the ship
g the old drunkard. Instead of the legs of chairs it was the antlers of a splendid buck, which walked up quite near to these babes in the wood, looked at them for some minutes, and turned off. They stood their ground; but it was a wild beast to them. though in the summer, when I was seven years old, I was sent on horseback through what was then called The wilderness --by the country of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations — to Kentucky, and was placed in a Catholic institution then known as St. Thomas, in Washington County, near the town of Springfield. In that day (1815) there were no steamboats, nor were there stage-coaches traversing the country. The river trade was conducted on flat-and keel-boats. The last-named only could be taken up the river. Commerce between the Western States and the Lower Mississippi was confined to water-routes. The usual mode of travel was on horseback or afoot. Many persons who had gone down the river in flat-boats walked back through the wildern
e blouses, and the dark blue U. S. regulation infantry caps. They are armed with Windsor rifles and sabre bayonets. Colonel Mason is yet a regular army officer, holding a captaincy in the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry.--N. Y. Express, August 24. The schooner Sarah Ann, Rome, recently purchased by John Douglas Mirridless, of Wilmington, N. C., and registered with the British consul as the William Arthur, of Liverpool, loaded with fish, beef, pork, etc., cleared from Portland, Me., for St. Thomas, and sailed to day — but information having been received that her destination was Wilmington, N. C., she was seized down the harbor by the collector of the port and surrendered to the United States marshal under the authority of the act of August 6, confiscating property intended for insurrectionary purposes.--N. Y. World, August 24. Isham G. Harris, governor of Tennessee, issued an appeal to the mothers, wives, and daughters of that State, for contributions of clothing, blankets, an
September 19. At Louisville, Ky., this morning, the United States Marshal seized the office of the Louisville Courier, arrested ex-Governor Morehead, Reuben T. Marrett, one of the proprietors of the Courier, and Martin W. Barr, telegraphic news-reporter for the New Orleans press, on charges of treason or complicity with treason.--National Intelligencer, Sept. 21. The brig Hannah Eastel, with a forged clearance from New York for St. Thomas, having a large and valuable cargo, was seized at Elizabethport, N. J., this afternoon. The captain and crew escaped.--N. Y. Herald, Sept. 20. The Seventh regiment of New Jersey Volunteers left Trenton, this afternoon, for the seat of war near Washington. The regiment is commanded by Colonel Joseph N. Revere, and numbers seven hundred and fifty men, who have been mustered and equipped during the last thirty days. This afternoon, about four o'clock, a skirmish occurred beyond Bardstown Junction, Ky., between the Boone Guards, Co
October 10. Six pickets of the Fourth cavalry regiment, stationed four or five miles from Paducah, Kentucky, were attacked by a large force of rebels this morning. Two were mortally wounded and two taken prisoners, with their horses and equipments. The rebels had divided their force, and in the excitement fired into each other. They then fled, each party taking the other for the National cavalry.--Boston Transcript, October 11. The gunboat Wachusett was launched at the Navy Yard at Charlestown, Mass. Intelligence that the Sumter was still cruising among the Windward Islands, was received at Panama, N. G., by the British steamer from St. Thomas.--Panama Star, October 10. The Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth regiments of Indiana Volunteers, under the command of Colonels Miller and Bass, arrived at Louisville, Kentucky, en route for the seat of war.--Louisville Journal, October 11.
only murmurs uttered by these hardy sons of the Northwest were at the orders to retire without disputing the ground inch by inch with their adversaries. Slowly and mutteringly they retired to the place of embarkation, picking up and loading themselves down with the knapsacks, canteens, guns, and equipments left there by others who had retired before them.--Baltimore American, Oct. 30. Mr. Charles J. Helm, late United States Consul at Havana, arrived there in the British steamer from St. Thomas, with credentials from the Confederate Government, naming him consul for the Southern Confederation. He presented his papers, asking to be admitted as Consul, but the Captain-General would not do any thing in the matter beyond reporting the case to the Home Government. Other consuls, though the Madrid Government may not have granted the exequatur, are at once admitted to the free exercise of their office before that formality, but this will not be the case in the present instance.--N. Y.
my, and to bring away all their arms. By order, Brig.-Gen. Heintzelman. Isaac Moses, A. A. G Mason and Slidell arrived at Southampton, Eng., this morning. They embarked on board the British ship Rinaldo, at Boston, bound for Halifax. Owing to a furious gale, the Rinaldo could not make Halifax, and after trying ineffectually for four days to do so, she ran for Bermuda. Here the English admiral offered to send the commissioners home in Her Majesty's ship Racer, or convey them to St. Thomas to catch the West-India packet. The latter course was preferred. They acknowledge having been treated in the most handsome manner on board the Rinaldo, and at Bermuda by the British authorities. They were received at Southampton by the officers of the Confederate steamer Nashville and other gentlemen. A large crowd gathered together in the dock to catch a glimpse of men who had caused such anxiety, but no demonstration was made on their landing.--Manchester Guardian, January 30.
January 12. Day before yesterday the brigantine J. P. Ellicott, was captured by the rebel privateer Retribution, her officers and crew taken on board the privateer, and a prize crew put in charge of the brigantine. The wife of the mate was left on board the Ellicott, and to-day having succeeded in getting the rebel crew intoxicated, she put them in irons, took possession of the vessel, and piloted it into St. Thomas, where she delivered the rebels and the ship to the United States Consul.--New York Commercial Advertiser. Louis Napoleon this day opened the session of the Senate and Corps Legislatif of France, with a speech, in which he referred to affairs in America, as follows: The condition of the Empire would be flourishing if the war in America had not dried up one of the most fruitful sources of our industry. The forced stagnation of labor has caused in many districts an amount of destitution which deserves all our sympathy, and a grant will be asked from you (t
al Averill's division of cavalry, near Hartwood Church, Va., when a fight ensued, which terminated in the repulse and rout of the rebels with a loss of one captain, a lieutenant and several privates. General Averill pursued them to Kelly's Ford, but they succeeded in crossing the river before he arrived.--Philadelphia Inquirer. An expedition, consisting of a force of Union troops, under the command of General Rose, left Moon Lake on board several steamers, under Lieutenant Commanding Smith, and proceeded up Yazoo Pass. The rebels under Cluke, in their raid through Kentucky, were overtaken at Licktown, twelve miles east of Mount Sterling, and dispersed.--The British steamer Peterhoff, was captured off St. Thomas, W. I., by the United States gunboat Vanderbilt, and sent to Key West, Fila., for adjudication.--The bakers in Charleston, S. C., advanced the price of bread to twenty-five cents for a half-pound loaf. Flour sold at sixty-five dollars a barrel.--Charleston Courier.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Captain Wilkes's seizure of Mason and Slidell. (search)
cinto, of which Captain Charles Wilkes was commander and the writer was executive officer, on her return from the west coast of Africa, touched at the island of St. Thomas to coal ship. Here for the first time we learned of the presence in those waters of the Confederate cruiser Sumter (Captain Raphael Semmes). The Sumter, oneremember aright, he was but 20 days longer in rejoining her. After the war I had a conversation with Captain Moir, in the presence of an English chaplain, at St. Thomas. Captain Moir was there in command of a large steamer running between Liverpool and Aspinwall, and I was in command of the Susquehanna. Captain Moir invited thaiters, only we three in the cabin, he then reverted to an interview he had with the British Admiralty on his return to England, whither he had been called from St. Thomas. They were very much disappointed and displeased with him for not having thrown the Trent on our hands, to which he replied (so he said to me) that it never ha