Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Cuba (Cuba) or search for Cuba (Cuba) in all documents.

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self, mortally wounded by an arrow, returned to Cuba to die. So ended the adventurer, who had coveteassed from port to port on the southern side of Cuba, where the experienced Miruelo was engaged as h but a holiday excursion of a bridal party. In Cuba, the precaution was used to send vessels to Flotuguese Relation, c. i. The infection spread in Cuba; and Vasco Porcallo, an aged and a wealthy man,ga, l. i. c. XII. Soto had been welcomed in Cuba by long and bril- 1539 May. liant festivals aned, and began to remember his establishments in Cuba. It had been a principal object with him to ob harbor of Pensacola; and a message was sent to Cuba, desiring that in the ensuing year supplies forng's Florida, II. 37. Meanwhile, ships from Cuba had arrived at Ochus, now Pensacola. Soto was hus perished Ferdinand de Soto, the governor of Cuba, the successful associate of Pizarro. His miseer dominions; but was left by her in abeyance. Cuba remained the centre of her West Indian possessi[1 more...]