Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) or search for Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) in all documents.

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there. The Cabinet were in session to-day for several hours, and Gen. Scott was present. Among the important questions discussed was the recent affair in St. Domingo. The foreign Ministers here express the opinion that the Spanish Government will not countenance the course of the Governor-General of Cuba, in sending troops from Havana to St. Domingo to sustain the Spanish flag. The Spanish Minister asserts that his dispatches from Madrid have contained no reference to the subject. Report says that the British and French Ministers have indicated to the Secretary of State that, if the United States should interfere in the matter, their Governmentsert that the Spanish matters are mixed up with it. Quite a number of the department clerks have been busy for two days in hunting up matters connected with the St. Domingo question. A dispatch from Washington, dated the 3d inst., says: Lieutenant Gilman, one of the officers at Fort Pickens, arrived here this evening fro