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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 3: in Mexico. (search)
o obstruct their advance. On March 13th, the city was formally invested, and on the 29th it capitulated, with all the garrison, after a heavy bombardment. In this service Jackson, who had on March 3d received the commission of second-lieutenant, bore his part, but no occasion for special distinction occurred. Meantime President Santa Anna, whose activity and genius deserved greater success than he was fated to achieve, assembled a force of about twenty thousand men in the province of San Luis Potosi, between the three points of Saltillo, Vera Cruz, and the capital, proposing from this central position to strike his assailants in succession. His first attack was upon General Taylor, who had been left at the first place of the three, with a little more than five thousand men, of whom nearly all were volunteers levied since the beginning of the war. The result was the battle of Buena Vista, in which, on the 23d of February, that small force inflicted a bloody repulse upon the Mexican
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
dances. 5th April, 1863 (Sunday). Mr. Zorn, or Don Pablo as he is called here, Her Majesty's acting Vice-Consul, is a quaint and most good-natured little man — a Prussian by birth. He is overwhelmed by the sudden importance he has acquired from his office, and by the amount of work (for which he gets no pay) entailed by it,--the office of British Consul having been a comparative sinecure before the war. Mr. Behnsen is head of the firm. The principal place of business is at San Luis Potosi,a considerable city in the interior of Mexico. All these foreign merchants complain bitterly of the persecutions and extortion they have to endure from the Government, which are, doubtless, most annoying; but nevertheless they appear to fatten on the Mexican soil. I crossed to Brownsville to see General Bee, but he had not returned from Boca del Rio, I dined with Mr. Oetling. We were about fourteen at dinner, principally Germans, a very merry party. Mr. Oetling is supposed to hav
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arista, Mariano, 1802- (search)
Arista, Mariano, 1802- A Mexican military officer; born at San Luis Potosi, July 26, 1802. Receiving a military education, he served in the Spanish army until June, 1821, when he joined the Mexican revolutionists. He rose rapidly to the rank of brigadier-general; and in June, 1833, he was made, by Santa Ana (q. v.), second in command of the Mexican army. Joining another leader in an unsuccessful revolt, he was expelled from Mexico, and came to the United States. In 1835 he returned, and was restored to his rank in the army, and made Judge of the Supreme Tribunal of War. He was taken prisoner by the French at Vera Cruz (Dec. 5, 1838), but was soon released on parole. In 1839 he became general-in-chief of the northern division of the army, and received the Cross of honor for defeating insurgents. Though only a military commander, he was for some time the real ruler of Mexico when Herrera was President in 1844. Commanding at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca De La Palma (q.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Buena Vista, battle of. (search)
ity of Monterey. Saltillo was taken possession of on Nov. 15. After several minor movements, and having been deprived of a large number of his troops by an order of General Scott to send them to reinforce an American army that was to attack Vera Cruz, Taylor was forced to act on the defensive with about 5,000 men. Informed that General Santa Ana (who had entered Mexico from his exile in Cuba. and had been elected President of Mexico in December) was gathering an army of 20,000 men at San Luis Potosi, Taylor resolved to form a junction with General Wool (who had entered Mexico with about 3.000 troops, crossing the Rio Grande at Presidio), and fight the Mexicans. He reached Saltillo with his little army on Feb. 2, 1847, joining Wool's forces there, and encamped at Aqua Nueva, 20 niles south of that place, on the San Luis road. On hearing of the approach of Santa Ana with his host, Taylor and Wool fell back to Angostura, a narrow defile in the mountains facing the fine estate of Bue
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mexico, War with (search)
le, General Worth, with 900 men, had taken possession of Saltillo (Nov. 15), the capital of Coahuila. Taylor, ascertaining that Tampico had already surrendered to the Americans (Nov. 14), and that Santa Ana was collecting a large force at San Luis Potosi, returned to Monterey to reinforce Worth, if necessary. Worth was joined at Saltillo by Wool's division (Dec. 20), and Taylor again advanced to Victoria (Dec. 29). Just as he was about to proceed to a vigorous campaign, Taylor received ordeops, and to act only on the defensive. This was a severe trial for Taylor, but he cheerfully obeyed. He and Wool were left with an aggregate force of only about 5,000 men, of whom only 500 were regulars, to oppose 20,000, then gathering at San Luis Potosi, under Santa Ana. Taylor and Wool united their forces, Feb. 4, 1847, on the San Luis road, determined to fight the Mexicans, who were approaching. The opportunity was not long delayed. The Americans fell back to Buena Vista, within 11 mile
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Salm-Salm, Prince Felix 1828- (search)
vetted brigadier-general of volunteers, April 15, 1865; served in Mexico under Emperor Maximilian, to whom he was an aide-de-camp; and was captured at Queretaro. He returned to Europe after the execution of Maximilian; rejoined the Prussian army; and was killed in the battle of Gravelotte, near Metz, Alsace, Aug. 13, 1870. His wife, Agnes Leclerq, born in Baltimore, Md., in 1842; educated in Philadelphia, Pa.; married the prince Aug. 30, 1862: accompanied him through all his military campaigns in the South, where she performed useful service in field-hospitals. After the capture of her husband at Queretaro she rode to San Luis Potosi and vainly besought President Juarez to secure the freedom of Maximilian and her Husband. She raised a hospital brigade with which she did much good in the Franco-Prussian War. She visited America in 1900 for the purpose of presenting the old battle-flags to the survivors of her husband's regiment, which had been in Sherman's great march to the sea.
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 2 (search)
who left the city of Mexico the middle of January, and who had not reached San Luis Potosi, half of the distance, by the last accounts, though five weeks had elapsedthough it was reported Ampudia, with three thousand men, was marching from San Luis Potosi, and would be in Monterey in the course of four or five days. Should this ns and Vera Cruz that a counter-revolution against Santa Anna commenced at San Luis Potosi; but here they say it was a trifling affair and soon put down. But the rules from here), for, from that point, it is two hundred and fifty miles to San Luis Potosi, over a barren country, with no permanent supplies of water, only tanks anhe interior. At the same time twenty-five hundred men should advance from San Luis Potosi towards the same point, and some twenty-five hundred men are required to her looking around and having the country reconnoitered in the direction of San Luis Potosi, he will return here, and go down to Tampico (by the road of Linares and V
large number of Federal prisoners reported by some as high as fifteen hundred, many of whom were wounded. There were also several thousand wounded rebels, every house being filled with them. City of Mexico occupied by Gen. Forty. New York, July 5. --The steamer Roanoke from Havana has arrived. Vera Cruz advices to the 16th ult state that the French army occupied the city of Mexico on the 3d ultimo, and General Forey took possession on the 10th. Juarez had retired to San Luis Potosi, and a French Division had been sent against that place. Forey was received with great enthusiasm. A French Marquis, who was wounded at Paebl, goes to Paris with the keys of the City of Mexico. Thirteen hundred prisoners, mostly Mexican officers, are about to be sent to France. Commodore Wlikes arrived per Roanoke. Com Lardmer has arrived at St. Thomas The West India q is reported in a crippled condition, owing to defective boilers, etc. The steamers Charleston, Si
ishop against his removal from office, as Regent of the Empire, Nov. 17, 1863 3.--Official note from Gen. Bazaine to the Archbishop, acknowledging that the dismissal of the Archbishop from the Regency was made by his orders. Nov. 20, 1863. 4--Reply of the Archbishop to General Bazaine. He declares his removal from the Regency null and void. Nov. 28, 1863. 5--United protest of the Archbishop, of Mexico, the Archbishop of Micheacan, the Archbishop of Guadalajara, the Bishop of San Luis Potosi, and the Bishop of Oajaca. against the circulars and orders issued with reference to the church property by command of the French General, and declaring against all who shall execute them, or cooperate in executing them, the excommunication decreed by the Holy Council of Trent. In this protest they declare their situation to be worse than it was under the Juarez Government. December 26, 1863. 6.--Decree of the Regents, Almonte and Salas, removing all of the Judges and other offic
lted in scattering Ruez's forces and driving him out of the country. At the latest dates, January 17th, all was quiet in Matamoras, Ruez being in Brownsville. Vidaurri has forbidden Juarez to pass through Monterey. He gives out that he will oppose the French, but it is understood by those who ought to know, that he will give in his adhesion on their arrival at Monterey, and he at once appointed Imperialist Commander of the Northern line. Juarez is at Saltillo. The French are at San Luis Potosi, and marching on Victoria. Vidaurri has four thousand men under his command at Monterey. Yankee emissaries are stirring up the Mexicans against both the French and Confederates. Vidaurri will, however, arrange all that when the proper time comes. In Northern Texas the wheat crop, which was supposed to be destroyed by the severe cold about the 1st of January, is coming out better than was expected. Some depredations have been committed by Jayhawkers, but they are being drive
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