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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
ived intelligence that my native State, Mississippi, had by the sovereign will of her people, severed her connection with the American Union, I was serving as a midshipman on board the United States steam frigate Powhatan, then stationed at Vera Cruz, Mexico. I immediately tendered my resignation, which was duly forwarded by the Commodore to the Secretary of the Navy at Washington. By the steamer from New Orleans, which arrived at Vera Cruz about the last of February, 1861, I received privateVera Cruz about the last of February, 1861, I received private advices that my resignation had been accepted, but no official information to that effect reached me. The day after the arrival of the mail steamer the United States sloop-of-war MacEDONIANdonian joined the squadron, and brought orders for the Powhatan to proceed to the United States. On the 13th of March we arrived and anchored off the Battery, in the harbor of New York. The following day I started for the South, and was soon in Montgomery, the capital of the Confederate States. I called o
ed, and 40 wounded, out of a force of 112 men. The loss attests the valor of both parties. In the mean time, the colonists, 300 strong, intercepted Colonel Piedras, advancing from Nacogdoches to aid Anahuac; and he was glad to compromise, by superseding Bradburn and releasing the prisoners. In order to give legal color to proceedings that might appear revolutionary to the Mexicans, and to secure the aid of one of the rival factions, the colonists declared their adhesion to the Plan of Vera Cruz, a movement, projected by General Santa Anna, in favor of the Constitution of 1824, against the despotic system of Bustamante. General Mejia, Santa Anna's lieutenant, was glad to accept the explanation, and withdraw such soldiers as would go with him, the colonists expelling the remainder. In 1832 Texas suffered under the double calamity of Indian aggressions and cholera. In October, 1832, the people assembled in convention at San Felipe, and memorialized the Central Government for t
he best justification of its foreign policy. This energetic line of action was stigmatized as a war policy; but it was, in fact, the only true peace policy, since it transferred the theatre of war to the enemy's territory, gave to foreign countries an assurance of strength, and by an exhibition of internal security, unknown before, invited capital and population. Moreover, Texas showed an earnest desire for peace, seeking the mediation of friendly nations, and sending Mr. Bee as envoy to Vera Cruz to try to open negotiations. Though spurned by Mexico, these overtures, seconded by warlike preparations, helped to gain the respect of civilized peoples. The conduct of military affairs was intrusted by the President to the Secretary of War, whose wish was to raise a small regular force, which, thoroughly armed, drilled, and disciplined, would serve, as the nucleus and example for a volunteer army. General Johnston's views to this effect were laid before the President in the followi
quire distinction. The commanding general is concentrating upon Camargo as rapidly as possible with the very limited means of transportation at his disposition; and we suppose we will march immediately upon that point. The war should be conducted directly against the city of Mexico, the seat of vitality and strength. Apart from all science, a mere animal instinct would inculcate that. The desire of a speedy termination, as well as economy, points out Alvarado, or some place south of Vera Cruz (at the proper season), as the initial point of operation, retaining an army corps at Monterey, or on the route thence to Mexico. These movements would compel a concentration of the strength of Mexico at the capital, where a decisive engagement would soon be fought with adequate force and the war terminated. Mexico is to that republic what Paris is to France. If Mexico falls, her dependencies fall with her. Why, then, waste a cartridge on the castle of St. Juan d'ulloa, or throw away t
The United States can play a sure game. It is therefore foolishness to run the risks they have done from the beginning of the war. The magnitude of the object is now apparent, though it was not in the beginning. Let the means be adequate to the object, a proposition perfectly simple, and comprehended and acted upon by all who can. Let the Government in this matter imitate the conduct of men in private life. No sensible citizen believes that less than 50,000 men ought to invade by way of Vera Cruz. With a less number the operations will be tardy and expensive. Your friend, A. Sidney Johnston. While the writer is aware that on some accounts a summary of incidents and opinions is preferable to the method by which a man's life is exhibited in his letters, yet there are also cogent reasons why in this case as much as possible of the record should be presented in General Johnston's own language. Drusus wished so to live that all his actions might be open to the eyes of all me
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 3: in Mexico. (search)
would have been necessary; while the overpowering navy of the Union, if once Vera Cruz were occupied, would enable them to base upon the sea-coast a direct and shor to carry out his plan for organizing a powerful land and naval force against Vera Cruz, early in the year 1847. Most of the regular regiments were withdrawn from tuary, at the seaport of Tampico, about two hundred and thirty miles north of Vera Cruz, where General Scott was also assembling his reinforcements. Young Jackson'sroadstead for his numerous ships unmolested by his enemies, a little north of Vera Cruz. On the 9th of March, 13,500 land forces were disembarked in one day from thmen in the province of San Luis Potosi, between the three points of Saltillo, Vera Cruz, and the capital, proposing from this central position to strike his assailan recruited his forces, to resist the advance of the Americans (now masters of Vera Cruz) on the capital. General Scott having set out for the interior on April 12th
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
e to select as the base of future operations Vera Cruz. General Winfield Scott, then commander in , for the purpose of investing and capturing Vera Cruz, was with General Wool, who had been assigneer displayed for his subordinate was born at Vera Cruz. The city of Vera Cruz was surrounded by bombardment resulted in the capitulation of Vera Cruz, and the adjacent forts on the 29th of Marchr fought together. In a letter written from Vera Cruz at the time, after describing a battery whicen Scott set out, on the 12th of April, from Vera Cruz, to join his advanced divisions under Patterreatly distinguished himself at the siege of Vera Cruz; was indefatigable during these operations i General Smith will probably leave here for Vera Cruz on the 24th or 25th to make arrangements for Resaca de la Palma, and at Monterey; was at Vera Cruz, and in all the battles which followed untilterward on the staff of General Patterson at Vera Cruz. There too was George B. Mc-Clellan, twenty[1 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
itself, turned to the old county of Westmoreland. We know how prolific she had been in other days of heroes and statesmen. We know she had given birth to the Father of his Country, to Richard Henry Lee, to Monroe, and last, though not least, to your own gallant father; and we knew well by your deeds that her productive power was not yet exhausted. We watched with the most profound and intense interest the triumphal march of the army led by General Scott, to which you were attached, from Vera Cruz to the capital of Mexico. We read of the sanguinary conflicts and blood-stained fields, in all of which victory perched upon our banners. We know of the unfading luster that was shed on the American armies by that campaign, and we know also what your modesty has always disclaimed-that no small share of the glory of these achievements was due to your valor and military genius. Sir, we have by this unanimous vote expressed our convictions that you are at this time among the living citizen
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Political Intrigue — Buena Vista — movement against Vera Cruz-siege and capture of Vera Cruz (search)
ement against Vera Cruz-siege and capture of Vera Cruz The Mexican war was a political war, and out his own original plan: that is, capture Vera Cruz and march upon the capital of the country. d material that would be required to capture Vera Cruz and to march on the capital of the country, o form part of the forces to operate against Vera Cruz, were assembled at the mouth of the Rio Grano Grande to the time of debarkation south of Vera Cruz. The trip was a comfortless one for officer Anton Lizardo, some sixteen miles south of Vera Cruz, as they arrived, and there awaited the remd of Sacrificios, some three miles south of Vera Cruz. The vessels could not get anywhere near shthe troops were landed and the investment of Vera Cruz, from the Gulf of Mexico south of the city tntinued until everything was got ashore. Vera Cruz, at the time of which I write and up to 1880f the town, forts and garrison. On the 29th Vera Cruz and San Juan de Ulloa were occupied by Scott
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, March to Jalapa-battle of Cerro Gordo-Perote-Puebla-Scott and Taylor (search)
l Scott had less than twelve thousand men at Vera Cruz. He had been promised by the administration, there were at that time but two roads from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico that could be taken bywas very important to get the army away from Vera Cruz as soon as possible, in order to avoid the y the 13th of April before this division left Vera Cruz. The leading division ran against the en18th of April. General Scott had remained at Vera Cruz to hasten preparations for the field; but on Cerro Gordo and in his entire campaign from Vera Cruz to the great plains, reaching to the City of his capital and the mountain passes west of Vera Cruz, was the one he had with him confronting GenGeneral Scott in the mountain passes west of Vera Cruz. His attack on Taylor was disastrous to theng now only nine or ten thousand men west of Vera Cruz, and the time of some four thousand of them indefinite period even if their line back to Vera Cruz should be cut off. It being ascertained that[1 more...]