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d vulgar than the condensed dispatch had represented them. It is wanton, gratuitous, brutal, and blackguard. The writer must have bought a bad fish at Billingsgate the day it was written; and had a wrangle with one of its redoubtable dames. The tirade betrays an authorship fresh from such a contest. With a pitiful want of taste, justice, and the great journal charges these innocent gentlemen with the cost of the recent large shipment of English troops, arms, and military supplies to Canada. This cost is supposed to be about three millions of pounds sterling, or fifteen millions of dollars, and poor Messrs Slidell and Mason are charged with the sum. Invited by the advertisements of the British packet at Havana, these gentlemen went aboard of her, paid their passage money to England, and betook themselves quietly to their state rooms. After a few days of quiet sailing the vessel was suddenly brought to by cannon shots fired across her bow she was boarded, and the Commissioners
chard R. Boyle, have been arrested at North Branch, Michigan, on the borders of Canada; upon the charge of destroying the mails at the Post office, in retaliation foring trial. It is known here that a number of Southern Secessionists are in Canada, whose business is to collect money from sympathizing friends and to forward anding at Portland of British troops, and their safe conduct through the State to Canada. Mr. Seward says that the State Department having been informed by telegraph od off Cape Race, and that she had on board a number of British troops bound for Canada, the dispatch inquired whether the troops should be dealt with by the Federal aops, and assuming, farther, that despite the "popular asperities" manifested in Canada and in the British Isles again this country, Great Britain is still to be regaronument of the friendly disposition of England, and the reciprocity treaty with Canada he regards in the same light. If, however, the State of Maine should have any
The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1862., [Electronic resource], Interesting from Canada — the War feeling — Hostility to the United States, & (search)
Interesting from Canada — the War feeling — Hostility to the United States, & Quebec, Jan. 26 --Public opinion in Canada is decidedly hostile to the United States. In some quarters the feeling takes the form obe the ablest paper in the province — the press of Canada follows faithfully the lead of the London Times, ded the contempt for Americans which is infused into Canadian opinions by the influence of the British officers,tion of temper and these preparations — what motive Canada can have us seeking war with the United States, to s interests Let me with has been given to me Canada wants a w For nearly six mouth practicable out tect, nevertheless, that many of the leading minds of Canada have resolved to get Maine if they can. They say th by inhabitants of Maine, praying for annexation to Canada. No one in the United States noticed those ominousous smile. If you reflect now easy it would be for Canada to send a few hundred British subjects into Maine,
Seward's Views in 1857. --Mr. Seward, the present Secretary of State, made a tour through Canada in 1857, and in a series of letters to the Albany Journal of that year, we find the following parfess and avow them. Hitherto, in common with most of my countrymen, as I suppose I have thought Canada — or, to speak more properly, British America — a mere strip lying north of the United States, e condition or development. I have dropped the opinion, as a national conceit. I see in British North America, stretching as it does across the continent, from the shores of Labrador and New foundla-maintaining. The policy of the United States is to propitiate and secure the allegiance of Canada while it is yet young and incurious of its future. But, on the other hand, the policy which they pursues, is the infatuated one of rejecting and spurning vigorous, perennial, and ever-growing Canada, while seeking to establish feeble States out of decaying Spanish provinces on the coast and in