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oncessions, let us be ready for war, and when we have driven every foreign soldier from our shores, then let us take our place in the glorious Republic the future promises us. Border southern States will never join us until we have indicated our power to free ourselves — until we have proven that a garrison of seventy men cannot hold the portal of our commerce. The fate of the Southern Confederacy hangs by the ensign halliards of Fort Sumter. The Toronto Leader, the Government paper of Canada, this morning says it is in a position to announce in the most positive terms that it is the intention of the English Government to acknowledge the independence of the Southern Confederacy as soon as it is formed. The London Times, in an article on the disunion movement in America, asserts that the United States cannot for many years be to the world what they have been. --(Doc. 25.) An effort was made by the New York police to seize a quantity of fire-arms which were known to be sh
ouncils passed a series of resolutions, expressing the strongest devotion to the Union, and thanking the citizen soldiery of the North now there, for coming forward so promptly at the call of the Government.--N. Y. Times, May 1. The Toronto (Canada) Globe of to-day, in a long article on American affairs, says that the North, by their impatience with reference to President Lincoln's policy, ignore the stupendous and delicate task he has before him, and will drive the country to anarchy and chaos. It advocates strengthening Mr. Lincoln's hands, and to abstain from perplexing his councils. The Leader, the Government organ, fears that Canada may become involved, and advocates an armed neutrality, and suggests that the Canadian Government represent to the imperial authorities the expediency of sending six or eight regiments of the line for the protection of the frontier. The Palmetto Guard, Marion Artillery, and German Artillery returned from Morris' Island to Charleston, S.
S. Fay, Military Secretary.--N. Y. Commercial, May 31. The Philadelphia Evening Journal of to-day says: We have it from good authority that there are, at this time, about five hundred Indians stationed at Harper's Ferry, with the rebel, or traitor army. If this be the mode of warfare these blood-thirsty, scalping devils are to be brought into the fight, our friends in the South must not consider it all unkind if we accept the proffered services of the ten regiments of free negroes in Canada and the North, and send them down South. Our Governor refused to let one regiment of negroes pass through our State to go South to do battle, but if Indians are to be brought into the field by Jeff. Davis, the South may rely on it they will be met with a corresponding force of negroes, and they will increase their numbers as they pass through the country, by having the slaves join them. The Advance Guard, Fifth Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Duryea, embarked on board the steam transp
diameter. The city, with its girdle of encampments, presents a superb scene. I take great pleasure in sending you this first despatch ever telegraphed from an aerial station, and in acknowledging my indebtedness to your encouragement for the opportunity of demonstrating the availability of the science of aeronautics in the military service of the country. Yours respectfully, T. S. C. Lowe. An official order from the Duke of New-castle, forbidding privateers to enter the ports of Canada, was published in the Montreal (Canada) papers.--(Doc. 262.) The Fourteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V. passed through New York City en route for the Seat of War.--The Eighteenth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers left Albany.--(Doc. 263.) Capt. Budd, commanding the United States steamer Resolute, arrived at Washington, bringing as a prize the schooner Buena Vista, seized in the St. Mary's River. He captured two other vessels — namely, the schooner Bachelor and the sloop H. Day. The former had d
ion company, supposed to be the Bitterwater Blues. None of the Boone Guards were hurt, and, if any injury was done on the rebel side, the darkness concealed it. The secessionists made only a running fight, and a very poor one too.--Louisville Journal, Sept. 20. An immense Union meeting was held at Bangor, Me., this evening. Over five thousand people attended. The meeting was addressed by some of the most prominent citizens, and the greatest enthusiasm was manifested. The Quebec (Canada) Mercury wishes the South to persevere in its course, in order to break up the hitherto boastful Union; and it desires that England and France may recognize the confederacy as the speediest way of destroying the Government. After that work is accomplished, that paper thinks that England will, in a little time, by productions of cotton in India, make herself independent of the Southern States in regard to that staple, and that, it further says, would lead to the emancipation of the slaves,
A party of rebels from Gen. Price's army destroyed about one hundred miles of the Missouri Railroad. Commencing eight miles south of Hudson, they burned the bridge, wood-piles, water-tanks, ties, tore up the rails for miles, bent them, and destroyed the telegraph line. This was continued to Warrenton, where the work of destruction ceased.--National Intelligencer, Dec. 24. The London Times of this date, in noting the departure of the transports Adriatic and Parana with troops for Canada, holds the following language: As the Adriatic moved out of dock, the large shields on her paddle-boxes, emblazoned with the Stars and Stripes, reminded everybody of the remarkable coincidence that an American-built steamer, and until within a few months the property of American owners, should be one of the first employed in the transport of British troops to the northern part of the American continent, to operate, probably, against the country in which she was built. On the two vesse
ed in pursuit, but without success, the Isabel being far the faster of the two.--N. Y. Herald, Jan. 4, 1862. This evening the bridges over the Fabius and North Fabius rivers, Mo., on the Palmyra Railroad, were set on fire by the rebels and destroyed. Arthur Rankin, member of the Canadian Parliament, and Colonel of the Union Lancers, deeming further connection with the United States service improper. in view of the complications with England, resigned his commission and returned to Canada.--N. Y. Times, Dec. 29. In accordance with orders received from Gen. Halleck, the Provost Marshal-General, at St. Louis, directed that sixteen slaves, confined in St. Louis County jail, and advertised for sale under State statute, be released from prison and placed under control of the Chief Quartermaster of the Department for labor till further orders, said slaves being the property of rebels, and having been used for insurrectionary purposes. The legal condition of the negroes is in
August 9. At Macon City, Mo., twenty-six rebel prisoners were shot for breaking their parole.--Hundreds of citizens of the West and other portions of the loyal States fled into Canada like cravens, to escape the draft. The exodus through Detroit was very large.--Detroit Free Press, August 9. Colonel McNeill overtook Porter's guerrillas at Stockton, in the western part of Macon County, Mo., and after a sharp fight, routed them, killing and wounding a large number, and capturing many horses. The rebels were scattered in all directions. Some of the prisoners captured had taken the oath and given bonds.--Gen. Schofield's Report. This day the battle of Cedar Mountain was fought, about eight miles from Culpeper Court-House, Va., between the National forces under General Banks, and the rebel army under General Jackson. The battle lasted about two hours, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with great loss. The Union army lost one thousand five hundred men in killed, wo
ence between James M. Mason, the rebel commissioner at London, and Moncure D. Conway, was made public.--The rebels were driven ont of Cumberland, Md., by the National forces under General B. F. Kelley.--the schooners Marengo and Florence, and the fishing-vessels Elizabeth Ann Thomas, Rufus Choate, and Ripple, were captured by the confederate privateer Tacony.--at Acquia Creek, Va., the quartermaster's buildings, left standing by the Union troops on the evacuation of that place, were burned by the rebels.--Mr. Vallandigham, who was banished to the Southern States for a stated period, arrived at Bermuda in the confederate steamer Lady Davis, from Wilmington. It was reported that Mr. Vallandigham was on his way to Canada, and there to await coming events.--Bermuda Royal Gazette, June 23. The case of the seizure of the suspected gunboat Alexandra, at Liverpool, England, was announced in the Court of the Queen's Bench at London, before Chief Baron Pollock.--(See Supplement, Vol. II.)
t: The British Minister, Lord Lyons, has tonight officially notified the Government that, from telegraphic information received from the Governor-General of Canada, there is reason to believe there is a plot on foot by persons who have found asylum in Canada to invade the United States and destroy the city of Buffalo; that tCanada to invade the United States and destroy the city of Buffalo; that they propose to take possession of some steamboats on Lake Erie, to surprise Johnson's Island, free the prisoners of war confined there, and proceed with them to Buffalo. This Government will employ all means in its power to suppress any hostile attack from Canada; but as other towns and cities on the shores of the lakes are exposCanada; but as other towns and cities on the shores of the lakes are exposed to the same danger, it is deemed proper to communicate this information to you in order that any precautions which the circumstances of the case will permit may be taken. The Governor-General suggests that steamboats or other vessels, giving cause for suspicion by the number or character of persons on board, shall be arrested.