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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 1: Ancestry. (search)
tenant in Moses Draper's company of Thomas Gardner's Massachusetts regiment at Bunker Hill, Memorials of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, by Francis S. Drake. and in Bond's (25th) regiment at the siege of Boston and the invasion of Canada; was commissioned captain in the Second Massachusetts regiment, April 7, 1779, to date from July 1, 1776 (commission signed by John Jay, President of Congress); captain in the Third (Greaton's) Massachusetts regiment, Sept. 29, 1779, to date fromnt:— On the 21st of April, 1776, the regiments under Colonels Greaton, Patterson, Bond, and Poor were sent, after the evacuation of Boston by the British, to succor the remnants of Montgomery's army, then hard pressed and on their retreat from Canada. In one of these regiments Sumner was a lieutenant,— healthful, active, and intelligent. By the invitation of his general officers, Schuyler and Arnold, he was induced to quit for a while his station in the line and enter the flotilla of gunboa
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
e miles, and tiresome travelling through a hilly and rough country. Whitehall is by far the most business-like place we have seen since we left Boston. Most of the houses are built of brick or stone, which gives it much of a city-like appearance. Besides, the continual passing and repassing of the canal-boats adds to the bustle. We can also discern the masts of vessels lying at the wharves. The situation at the foot of the lake made it a good place for embarkation of troops destined for Canada. This advantage of situation however, it is hoped will no longer be valuable for that purpose, but rather for the cultivation of the mild arts of peace, for the advancement of trade, and the means it affords for a quick and easy communication between the Canadas and the United States. At this point, the plan of the travellers was to take the steamer for Ticonderoga. The next morning (24th), as the steamer Congress was not to leave till one in the afternoon, they indulged in a sleep longe
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 8: early professional life.—September, 1834, to December, 1837.—Age, 23-26. (search)
of New York City and the Hudson River, and returning by the way of Canada, the White Mountains, and Portland. At New York he called on Chanc-men. Judge Oakley, of New York, whom I met, is abler than both. In Canada he travelled with a young Scotchman whom he had met at Ballston,—Th waters. This afternoon I shall pass over to the Clifton House, in Canada, where I shall stay a day, previous to embarking for Toronto, Kings Yours, Chas. S. To Professor Simon Greenleaf. Clifton House, Canada, Niagara Falls, Aug. 30, 1836. my dear Mr. Greenleaf,—Here am Iurday evening; and this afternoon have crossed, bag and baggage, to Canada, intending to spend a day here, previous to taking the steamboat foout fifty-six. I also dined with the venerable Chief-Justice of Lower Canada and his family, and had a very pleasant time. Starting from Que French. Indeed this is the language which meets you everywhere in Canada, reminding you of the origin of the Colony and of its conquest. I
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
eriffs, &c., Rushton A friend of Dr. Julius and G. H. Wilkinson. (Corporation Commissioner), Wortley, &c., at a private dinner; and to-day, in a few minutes, I dine with Roebuck, John Arthur Roebuck was born in Madras, in 1802. He lived in Canada from 1815 to 1824; and then went to England to study for the bar. He joined John Stuart Mill's Utilitarian Society, and was an early writer for the Westminster Review. Autobiography of Mill, pp. 81, 96. He represented Bath in Parliament from 183arence, sitting on the other side of the house, whispered to his friend, My brother Frederick is always saying some d——d absurd thing,—each supposing the other referred to by Denman! After dinner the conversation turned upon politics, and upon Canadian affairs in particular. His Lordship seemed to exult over Lord Durham, and to think that he had him on the hip. He praised Roebuck as a person of great talent; and spoke of Erskine as a very great man. When I asked who at the bar now was most l<