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ouis XIV. of France, eager to grasp at the Spanish Netherlands, and united with De Witt by a treaty of partition, had, in consequence of his Dutch alliance, declared war against England. It was on this occasion, that the idea of the conquest of Canada was first distinctly proposed to New England. It was proposed only to be rejected as impossible. A land march of four hundred miles, over rocky mountains and howling deserts, was too terrible an obstacle. But Boston equipped several privateer the year, between two and three thousand Indians were killed or submitted. Church, the most famous partisan warrior, went out to hunt down parties of fugitives. Some of the tribes wandered away to the north, and were blended with the tribes of Canada. Did they there nourish the spirit of revenge, and remember their ancient haunts, that they might one day pilot fresh hordes of invaders from the north, to renew the work of devastation? Philip himself, a man of no ordinary elevation of charact
s Vander Donk vertoont dit Nieuvve Land? They exulted in the possession of an admirable territory, that needed no embankments against the ocean. They were proud of its vast extent, from New England to Maryland, from the sea to the Great River of Canada, and the remote north-western wilderness. They sounded with exultation the channel of the deep stream, which was no longer shared with the Swedes; they counted with delight its many lovely runs of water, on which the beaver built their villages;ve Nations, Hudson and the Dutch appeared at the south as their friends. The Mohawk chiefs now came down to congratulate their brethren on the recovery of their colony. We have always, said they, been as one flesh. If the French come down from Canada, we will join with the Dutch nation, and live and die with them; and the words of love were confirmed by a belt of wampum. Albany Records, XXII. 211 &c. New 1673, 1674. York was once more a province of the Netherlands. The moment at which
France, its frontiers had no protection against encroachments from Canada, except in the valor of the Iroquois. The Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondathe dangers that hovered over New France. The ruin which menaced Canada gave a transient 1682, 1683. existence to a large legislative coun from our paths, said the Senecas. But when Onondio, the sachem of Canada, threatens us with war, shall we run away? Shall we sit still in oaer. Dismayed by the energy of the Seneca chief, the governor of Canada accepted a disgraceful treaty, leaving his allies at the mercy of t of themselves were a sufficient bulwark against encroachments from Canada, and in the summer of 1686, a party of English traders penetrated ele country south of the chain of lakes rescued from the dominion of Canada. In the course of events, New York owes its present northern boundary to the valor of the Five Nations. But for them Canada would have embraced the basin of the St. Lawrence. During these events, James II