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New Orleans; though the Spanish ambassador took fire at the thought, saying, New Orleans is the key to Mexico. Durand to Choiseul, 27 June, 1766. With equally vain endeavors, they were forming new and milder instructions for the government of Canada, Hardwicke's Memorial. in the hope to combine respect for the municipal customs and religion of its old inhabitants, with the safeguards of the English criminal law. Paper in the Lansdowne House Manuscripts endorsed, Relative to the presentthe Colony. The British troops were so widely scattered in little detachments, as to be of no account. England, reasoned the observer, must foresee a Revolution, and has hastened its epoch by emancipating the Colonies from the fear of France in Canada. Report of Pontleroy, the French Emissary, made through Durand to Choiseul, Aug. 1766. Simultaneously with the reception of these accounts, Choiseul was reading in the Gazette of Leyden the Answer lately made by the Assembly of Massachuset
ments, 130, &c. The Crown Officers in the Colonies busied themselves with schemes to check every aspiration after Independence. Carlton, the able Governor of Canada, advised against granting legislative immunities to its people. Compare Carlton to Shelburne, 20 Jan. 1768. The more he considered the state of affairs, the moct utterly. There is no bottom to the impropriety of enacting that those Assemblies should enact. The American Continent was interested in the settlement of Canadian affairs; Shelburne listened to the hope of establishing perfect tranquillity, by calling an Assembly that should assimilate to the English laws such of the Frencsembly Paper in Lansdowne House marked, Lord Shelburne to the Board of Trade on the Appointment of an Assembly, and other things necessary to the Settlement of Canada: indorsed, Relative to the Present State of Quebec, 17 May, 1767. The paper seems to have been drafted by an Under Secretary for Lord Shelburne's consideration;
ported favorably of their zeal for British commerce, Lieut. Col. Wilkins to General Gage, Fort Chartres, 13 September 1768. and, in less than a year after his arrival, executed at their request inchoate grants of large tracts of land, of which one sixth part was reserved for himself. The procedure contravened the explicit orders of Hillsborough, who wished to diminish, and, if possible, to extirpate the Western Settlements, and extend an unbroken line of Indian frontier from Georgia to Canada, as an impassable barrier to emigration. Repeated instructions See the Record in American State Papers, Class VIII. Public Lands, II. 208. had been issued for the completion of this boundary; and they were imperatively renewed. Circular of 13 Sept. 1766; Shelburne to Stuart, 13 Sept. 1766. Same to Same, 11 Dec. 1766, &c. &c. Compare Shelburne to Gage, 14 Nov. 1767; Board to Shelburne, 23 Dec. 1767; Shelburne to Sir William Johnson, 5 Jan. 1768. At the South, Stuart, who desired to f
d to the decision of the Chambers of Commerce. We know their principles. They regard every thing in colonial commerce which does not turn exclusively to the benefit of the Kingdom, as contrary to the end for which Colonies were established, and as a theft from the State. To practise on these maxims is impossible. The wants of trade are stronger than the laws of trade. The North of America can alone furnish supplies to its South. This is the only point of view under which the cession of Canada can be regarded as a loss for France; but that cession will one day be amply compensated for, if it shall cause the rebellion and independence of the English Colonies, which become every day more probable and more near. Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 17 February, 1769. At the same time the Parisian world was alive with enthusiasm for the Americans, and with admiration for their illustrious advocates. Extract of a Letter from London, of 5 April, 1769. But Spain had been the parent of the pro
sh authority. Meantime a most elaborate paper on the disorders in America, was laid before the British Council. Long and earnest deliberations ensued. On the one Chap. XLIV.} 1770. June. side, Hillsborough pressed impetuously for the execution of his plans, as the only means of arresting the progress of America towards Independence; while Lord North, with better judgment, was willing to wait, being persuaded that the associations for nonmportation would fall asunder of themselves. Canada, Carolina and Georgia, and even Maryland July. and Virginia had increased their importations; and New England and Pennsylvania had imported nearly one half as much as usual; New-York alone had been perfectly true to its engagement; and its imports had fallen off more than five parts in six. It was impatient of a system of voluntary renunciation, which was so unequally kept; and the belief was common, that if the others had adhered to it as strictly, all the grievances would have been redre
rious Constitution. These worthy New Englanders, cried Chatham, as he read the Report, ever feel as old Englanders ought to do. Chatham to T. Hollis, Burton Pynsent, 3 Feb. 1773. It may reasonably be asked what England was gaining by the controversy with America. The Commissioners of the Stamp Office were just then settling their accounts for their expenses in America; which were found to have exceeded twelve thousand pounds, while they had received for revenue, almost entirely from Canada and the West India Islands, only about fifteen hundred. B. Franklin to J. Galloway, VIII. 24. The result of the tax on tea had been more disastrous. Even in Boston, under the very eyes of the Commissioners of the Customs, seven eighths of the teas Hutchinson to Dartmouth, No. 2, 27 October, 1772. consumed were Dutch teas, and in the Southern Governments, the proportion was much greater; so that the whole remittance of the last year for duties on tea and wines and other articles taxed
Samuel Adams, 27 Dec. The Ministry had chosen the most effectual measures to unite the Colonies. The Boston Committee were already in close correspondence with the other New England Colonies, with New-York and Pennsylvania. Old jealousies were removed and perfect harmony subsisted between all. S. Adams to James Warren, 28 Dec. 1773. The heart of the King was hardened against them like that of Pharaoh; Compare A. Lee to S. Adams, Dec. 1773. and none believed he would relent. Union, Chap. L.} 1773. Dec. therefore, was the cry; a union which should reach from Florida to the icy plains of Canada. No time is to be lost, said the Boston Press; a Congress or a Meeting of the American States is indispensable; and what the people wills, shall be effected. Boston Gazette, 27 Dec. 1773; 977, 1, 2 and 3. Samuel Adams was in his glory. Hutchinson to——, 30 Dec. 1773. He had led Boston to be foremost in duty, and cheerfully offer itself as a sacrifice for the liberties of manki
ith them, which judged the past and estimated the future with contemplative calmness and unerring sagacity. Its author Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester, a most loyal churchman, though an apostle of Free Trade, saw clearly, that the reduction of Canada had put an end to the sovereignty of the Mother Country; that it is in the very nature of all Colonies, and of the Americans more than others, to aspire after independence. He would not suffer things to go on as they had lately done, for that woof Rome, and confirmed to the clergy of that Church their accustomed dues and rights. So far the act was merciful; but it extended the boundaries of the Government to the Ohio and the Mississippi, and over he vast region, which included, besides Canada, the area of the present States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, it decreed an arbitrary rule. The establishment of Colonies on principles of liberty is the peculiar and appropriated glory of England, Edmund Burke. renderi