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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 4 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 2 0 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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uestrian contest described in the foregoing, when she rode with General Logan's brother, William, both of whom were fine riders, but too dignified to descend to the Comanche style of their rivals from the country. The following extract will serve to show how much the town of Benton has progressed since the days of the war: Recently a member of our Self Culture Club entertained us in her new beautiful home upon the site of the old Floral Hall where long ago exaggerated pumpkins, squashes, beets, and other farm products, with great bunches of zinnias, hollyhocks, and coxcombs, competed for blue ribbons. It seems rather an odd coincidence that in the spacious reception-hall a beautiful Carrara marble Ceres smiles from a wealth of fruit and flowers, illumined with tiny incandescents. The old race-track makes a fine drive. Where the judges' stand was is a lovely pergola. The stock pond in summer is a fragrant lily pond. It all makes a beautiful environment for my lovely friend.
, President, we like you, we didn't want to hurt any of your boys, but we ain't never goin‘ to be friends with them Hill cats. So the President, like many another self-appointed peacemaker, came back without having accomplished anything except an exhausting walk. The house is very large, but the rooms are comparatively few, as some of them are over forty feet square. The ceilings are high, the windows wide, and the well-staircases turn in easy curves toward the airy rooms above. The Carrara marble mantels were the delight of our children. One was a special favorite with them, on which the whole pilaster was covered by two lovely figures of Hebe and Diana, one on either side in bold relief, which, with commendatory taste, were not caryatides. The little boys, Jefferson and Joe, climbed up to the lips of these pretty ladies and showered kisses on them. The entablature was Apollo in his chariot, in basso relievo. Another was a charming conception of Cupid and Psyche, with Gui
en changed by heat. Among the ancients the Pentelican and Parian marbles, the former a pure white and the latter having a creamy or waxy tint, were most valued for statuary purposes. In modern times the best is derived from the quarries of Carrara. The Potomac marble, so called, of which the pillars of the old House of Representatives, Washington, are formed, is a pudding-stone or conglomerate. It may be described as a gravel bound together by cement. Alabaster is no marble, but is , owing to the retention of air in its interstices, it is suggested as a covering for steam-boilers and pipes. Min′er-al tar. Bitumen of a tarry consistence. Min′er-al Wa′ters. Among the mineral waters are comprised the follows: — Carrara, blue-lick, carbonic acid, chalybeate, Kissingen, lemonade, potash, Saratoga, seidlitz, seltzer, soda, Vichy. A number of the above are natural waters, but are simulated by adding to water the ingredients in the proportions of the natural, as a
the bevel-wheel f, causing it to make a partial revolution, and throwing the knife back so that the apple may be readily removed from the fork. Apple-parer. Apple-parer. Par′get. (Plastering.) a. A plaster formed of lime, sand, hair, and cow-dung, for lining the interior of flues. Pargeting. b. A plaster-work executed in raised ornamental figures, molded or impressed by the trowel. c. A stucco. Pa′ri-an. (Pottery.) A variety of porcelain having the appearance of Carrara marble, and made by the substitution of soft feldspar for Cornish stone in the porcelain process. It derives its name from the celebrated marble of Paros, and is much employed for statuettes and other works of art. It is composed of about 2/3 silica and nearly 1/3 alumina, with a small proportion of soda, potash, lime, magnesia, and iron. These are finely ground and thoroughly mixed to a creamy consistence. The fluid is poured into a mold and afterward baked. Some of the articles
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 11: Paris.—its schools.—January and February, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
out however going in, and entered the École de Droit. After wandering round the corridors of the spacious building for some time, after inquiry we found ourselves in the lecture-room of Rossi, Count Pellegrino Luigi Odoardo Rossi was born at Carrara, July 13, 1787. He was at first a lawyer at Bologna, but went to Geneva, in 1814, where he became a professor of law; published a treatise on the Penal Law; was associated with Sismondi in publishing Annals of Legislation and Political Economy;uc de Broglie, and was made a peer of France and a member of the Council of State. From 1845, when he was sent as ambassador to Rome, until his death, he remained in Italy, taking part in political movements; though at one time in retirement at Carrara. While the Pope's chief minister, he was assassinated, Nov. 15, 1848. who, according to the programme, lectured upon Droit Constitutionnel Francais. The lecture-room was in the shape of an amphitheatre, the professor's chair being in the chord
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 25: (search)
argraves of Brandenburg, now containing, among other things, the ateliers of Rauch, Wach, and Tieck. . . . At Rauch's we saw many fine models of works, finished or undertaken,—four beautiful winged Victories in marble, for the King of Bavaria; a beautiful Danaide pouring out water, nearly completed, for the Crown Prince; and several other things,—but we missed seeing himself, as he is gone to Halle for a visit. I recollect both Rauch and Tieck very well, living in the picturesque valley of Carrara, in 1818, and hard at work on the monuments to which they have since trusted their fame. I should have been very glad, however, to see Rauch again; for though, when I saw him, he had already settled his reputation by the statue of the Queen at Charlottenburg, he had not proved the greater compass of his genius now shown in the still more beautiful statue at Potsdam, and the statues of Blucher, Scharnhorst, and Bulow, with their bas-reliefs in the great square in Berlin. I passed an hour
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 3: (search)
d sense and so much brilliancy in her conversation. After dinner, while I was near her, Bartolini gave us an interesting account of his residence at Elba, with Bonaparte, whose sculptor he was, and who was so kind to him, both then and previously, that he is still a thorough Bonapartist. One of the works Bonaparte ordered from him was a series of very large marble vases, in which to place lights, for the purpose of illuminating a terrace where he walked in the nights; and Bartolini was at Carrara, employed about them, when Bonaparte made his escape and began the adventures of the famous Hundred Days. . . . . November 22.—I went this morning to see the Marquis Gino Capponi, a person of great distinction here by the antiquity of his family, by his fortune, and by his personal talents; but who, having the taint of liberalism upon him, is frowned upon by the Court, and lives in a sort of morose retirement. . . . . I found him living in a magnificent palace, one of the finest in this
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
rved by the ladies, who were assiduous in attention to their guests. It was fully 3 P. M. before the procession was formed, and the march to the cemetery, a mile and a half distant, was commenced. The monument. Description of the shaft that commemorates Southern valor. The body of the monument is of white Italian marble, adorned with four reversed cannon, and as many piles of balls of Tennessee marble. The statue of a Confederate soldier which crowns its summit was carved at Carrara, Italy, and is singularly life-like in pose and feature. The hands rest on the old familiar rifle; the head is bent forward; the feet are placed somewhat apart, as if firmly planted on rugged surface. It is a typical figure, and such a one as might have been seen on a thousand battle-fields during the war. The statue faces the South. On the disc of the monument appears the following inscription: Front-In memory of the men from all States of the South who fell in defence of Vicksburg dur