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Browsing named entities in James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown. You can also browse the collection for Ilva (Italy) or search for Ilva (Italy) in all documents.
Your search returned 52 results in 13 document sections:
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Publishers' Card. (search)
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Preface. (search)
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James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 4 : Perkins and Brown , wool Factors. (search)
Chapter 5: North Elba.
John Brown and his family removed to North Elba, in Essex County, New YNorth Elba, in Essex County, New York, in 1849.
It was about this time that Mr. Gerritt Smith, the eminent philanthropist, offered to who can do so--God pity him.
The route to North Elba.
The traveller into the enchanted land of aments.
The Notch seems beyond the world, North Elba and its half dozen houses are beyond the Not that when the disastrous news first came to North Elba, the family utterly refused to believe it, a
All these young men went deliberately from North Elba for no other purpose than to join in this en mplicity) have been worthy the pilgrimage to North Elba to see.
This Bible, presented to my plications left out. Since they had lived in North Elba, his wife said but twice had the slave been scription again,) but not so much to live at North Elba; and therefore the women must stint themselv for Kansas, he again moved his household to North Elba, where they still reside, and where his body
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