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less upon general principles than from particular circumstances and individual sentiment. Thus, Greece and Belgium separated from Turkey and Holland, with the applause of the liberal portion of Europe which would likewise hail the separation of Hungary from Austria — The Washington Government itself was heretofore always prompt to recognize, and often to encourage, insurrections made in the name of popular sovereignty. Thus it was the first to recognize the independence of the South American be only a quarrel between the elder and the younger brother. God bless them both; let them continue their union if it be for their mutual good, or separate if they think it better, Mr. Lincoln himself, in 1848, said in the Senate, speaking of Hungary, 'A people has always and everywhere the right to change its Government, and to establish another which suits them better. This is our conviction and our experience. It is that inappreciable right which will emancipate the world.' At this mome
uke Maximilian, is to be signed in the course of next week. We have no hesitation in thinking that this statement is a pure invention. Austria does not at this moment find herself equal to her normal position. She is in one of those states of disquiet so frequent in her history. But the dignity of the Empire and of its people has not yet fallen so low, that a proposition could be seriously made to a brother of its sovereign, to the grandson of the Emperors of Germany, and to a Prince of Hungary and of Bohemia, to accept a throne under the protection of French and English arms, in a distant part of the world, which has never in reality existed in a country where with a Federative Republic which does not even show attachment and respect for its elected President, a monarchy is to be founded, and that by the aid of a French expeditionary corps. Neither can we think that all this statement is devoid of some foundation, and the probability is that an offer has been made on this subjec
ose its honor. It will be admired and respected throughout the world, while its cowardly enemy, who glories in victories achieved by brute superiority, is as universally despised and detested. What names more respected by mankind than those of Hungary, Poland, Greece, and Italy, and what more execrated than those who over whelmed them by their vast preponderance of numbers, Austria, Prussia, and Turkey? There is not a spot in the civilized world which does not respect the oppressed more thanas odious and execrable as that of Russia, Austria, and Turkey, and infinitely more vulgar and beastly, whilst the South would be enshrined in the sympathies and respect of all lovers of liberty and national independence by the side of chivalric Hungary and heroic Poland. But the dream of Southern subjugation is as idiotic as it is execrable. As Mr Massey, member of the British Parliament, in a late speech at Tolford, declared, "If the eleven Confederate States were determined to be free,
rch 28 --There was great enthusiasm and festivity here in honor of Garibaldi last night, at his hotel. Allianzi, of Milan, publishes a programme of action in Hungary agreed on by Kossuth, Klapka, and Turr. The principal points are the establishment of a constitutional Kingdom, with the exclusion of the Hapsburg, dynasty; civil equality for all the inhabitants of Hungary; and an offensive and defensive alliance between Hungary, Servia, Croatia, and Roumelia. Commercial. Trade Report. --The advices from Manchester are favorable, the markets for goods and yarns being firm and quiet. Liverpool Breadstuffs market. The Breadstuffs market isHungary, Servia, Croatia, and Roumelia. Commercial. Trade Report. --The advices from Manchester are favorable, the markets for goods and yarns being firm and quiet. Liverpool Breadstuffs market. The Breadstuffs market is dull. Wheat has a downward tendency, with a slight decline on all qualities. The various circulars report. Flour downward, at 26s 6da29s. Wheat dull, and declined 2d per cental; red Western, 10s 6d alla 6d; red Southern, 11s 8d alla 10d, white Western, 12s 6d; white Southern, 12s 8d 12s 10d. Cora, quick and steady; mixed, 28s 9
apital. He received as a reward for his gallantry on these occasions the rank of full Colonel and the title of Knight of Isabella. His next service was in Circassia, where he spent several campaigns in the service of Russia, and compiled a report on the Caucasian counties, which was published as a public document by the Russian Government. He subsequently wrote "Revelations of Russia," which received the high compliment of reproduction in the United Service Magazines. He next appeared in Hungary, where he exchanged the pen for the sword, when the crisis in that unhappy country was approaching. There were 30,000 men and 1,800 pieces of cannon in Comorin, and the question was how best to use these men and guns. Henningsen prop sed a plan of campaign. General Gayon so highly approved it that he obtained the chief command in Comorin, and was invested with all the despotic powers which the Diet had formerly conferred but on two representatives — the Minister of War and Count Bathyani
ssumed by Andy Johnson in this State, who is to supersede Gov. Mag , and hound down and persecute all such as refuse to bow and cringe to the minions of the Washington despotism. A force of five thousand Hessians, it is stated, will "back up this movement" Gen. J. T. Boyle, of Kentucky; who commanded a brigade at Shiloh, is spoken of as the monster who will probably "fill this bill." Such is the fate of poor Kentucky, whose fisky policy of neutrality has consigned her to the polluting embrace of Abolitionism; and such will be the fate of every other Southern State that is overrun and conquered by the destroying vandals who are vomited upon us from the dirty alleys and workshops of the North. They will strip us of our liberties as the trees are stripped of their foliage by the blighting blasts of winter, and a dark night of despotism, worse than Hungary or Austria even saw, will reign over the fair land of the south, never again to be followed by the dawn of another day of freedom.
t that upon which they stand. The war has brought to all parties the most costly sacrifices, but it appears to have left the minds of the contending sections of the population in a state of more intense exasperation against each other than existed at the commencement of the last struggle. Nor ought you to forget that many of our countrymen in America are at this moment violating those rights of self government which they wish to apply in Europe, not only to Ireland; but also to Poland, to Hungary, to Venetia, and even to the lonian Isles. The states men of England say that the government of these Islands by England is infinitely better than any government could be which would depend upon Greece Yet the Ionian Islanders continue to declare, year after year, that they desire to be incorporated with the kingdom of Greece rather than to be "protected" by England; and all the friends of freedom think that they ought to be allowed to choose for themselves in regard to such a question in
Kossuth has published a letter denouncing the call of Garibaldi on Hungary to rise, and repudiating the use of his name in connection with thribaldi; for, much as Austria fears a combined action by Italy and Hungary, she would be more pleased at seeing an isolated insurrection break out in Hungary at a moment in which, in consequence of regrettable dissensions, Italy, trembling on the verge of civil war, would not only ger to the appeal to arms which General Garibaldi has addressed to Hungary, but that I entirely disapprove of it in the most positive manner,ation presents to us in support of the appeal to arms addressed to Hungary. The reasons for making this appeal may be thus summed up: "Sinceome point, or at least until some European conjuncture may present Hungary with the possibility of arming and ranging her forces in order of e at this determination. I know better than any other attack that Hungary is decided on profiting by the first occasion of freeing herself f
r twenty millions only by the combination and exercise of great skill, courage, caution, patience, and fortitude? The greatest stump orator that ever lived was Peter the Hermit. He turned General and set out for Asia and Jerusalem with three hundred thousand undisciplined troops, and without any plan of operations, just as our politicians, editors, and street longers would have had our undisciplined army set out for Washington after the battle of Manassas. He lost part of his army in Hungary and the balance in Asia. The next most conspicuous stump orator commander in chief that our knowledge of history enables us to cite is Abraham Lincoln. He took command of the United States forces last spring. They were then seven hundred thousand strong. We doubt if they number, now, more than three hundred thousand.--Old Abe Prince of the Satanic School of Stump Orators and unsurpassed at jokes and anecdotes, will boat Peter the Great, head of the Celestial School, and famous for praye
conceivable among men of ordinary intelligence, especially adroit and long-headed politicians. Do they expect the South ever to forgive the unspeakable wrongs she has suffered in this invasion? Do they imagine that she could ever consent to sit down at the same national table with the murderers whose hands are dripping with the blood of her children? The question is not, can we be subjugated; can we be held under the same Government by force; can we be kept down as Austria keeps down Hungary, and as the Black Republicans openly propose to keep us down — but, being subjugated, can the old Union, which had no other cohesive power than the mutual love and confidence of its people, be re-established? Even if the South could consent to such immeasurable degradation, what would be the value of her action when she has no longer a will of her own? How can she be at once enslaved and free? How can the States be at once subjugated and sovereign?--It is obvious that all this is sheer n