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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tonti, Henri, Chevalier de 1650- (search)
Tonti, Henri, Chevalier de 1650- Explorer; born in Gaeta, Italy, about 1650; son of Lorenzo Tonti; inventor of the Tontine system of association; entered the French army in his youth, and in the French naval service he lost a hand. In 1678 he accompanied La Salle to Canada, and assisted him in his Western explorations, building a fort on the site of Peoria, Ill., in 1680. He descended the Mississippi to its mouth with La Salle in 1682. In 1684 he went to the mouth of the Mississippi to meet La Salle, and attempted a settlement of Europeans in Arkansas. In 1685 he incited a force of Western Indians to attack the Senecas. Again he went down to the Gulf to meet La Salle, and was again disappointed; and in 1699 he went down to meet Iberville, and remained in the Gulf region, dying in Fort St. Louis, Mobile, in September, 1704.
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Songs of Labour and Reform (search)
s language finds its ample apology in the reluctant confession of one of the most eminent Romish priests, the eloquent and devoted Father Ventura. the cannon's brazen lips are cold; No red shell blazes down the air; And street and tower, and temple old, Are silent as despair. The Lombard stands no more at bay, Rome's fresh young life has bled in vain; The ravens scattered by the day Come back with night again. Now, while the fratricides of France Are treading on the neck of Rome, Hider at Gaeta, seize thy chance! Coward and cruel, come! Creep now from Naples' bloody skirt; Thy mummer's part was acted well, While Rome, with steel and fire begirt, Before thy crusade fell! Her death-groans answered to thy prayer; Thy chant, the drum and bugle-call; Thy lights, the burning villa's glare; Thy beads, the shell and ball! Let Austria clear thy way, with hands Foul from Ancona's cruel sack, And Naples, with his dastard bands Of murderers, lead thee back! Rome's lips are dumb; the orpha
or's permission. It was I who settled the campaign with him at Chamber, and his last recommendation was that if the matter was to be done let it be done quickly." In a letter which Victor Emanuel wrote a short time since to the King of Naples at Gaeta, he said, speaking of Garibaldi, "try to beat him; try to catch him, and, above all, hang him!" The correspondent is assured that the King of Naples repeated these words to a great personage now or lately at Gaeta. With all this, Victor Emanuel manuel wrote a short time since to the King of Naples at Gaeta, he said, speaking of Garibaldi, "try to beat him; try to catch him, and, above all, hang him!" The correspondent is assured that the King of Naples repeated these words to a great personage now or lately at Gaeta. With all this, Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi will probably be the best friends in the world when they meet; but the "Re Galantuomo" occasionally passes through phases of temper not quite in keeping with his designation.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
Further by the Persia. New York, Nov. 6. --By the Persia we learn that the Warsaw Conference was adjourned on account of the illness of the Dowager Empress of Russia. It is reported that the English Admiral will protect the flight of the King of Sardinia from Gaeta. The Emperor of Austria will be crowned King of Hungary next spring. Warlike preparations on the Mincio are increasing.
North American. Quebec, Nov. 12. --The steamship North American, from Londonderry on the 2d inst., arrived last night. The Vanderbilt and City of Baltimore had arrived out. France has interfered to prevent the bombardment of Gaeta by the Sardinian fleet. Lord Dundonnel is dead. France is making formidable naval and military preparations. Some writers construe this, and the recent council of war at St. Cloud, as palpable indications of a campaign. The Emperor, on the 31st, reviewed 20,000 men near Paris. All the bivouacking and regular proceedings of camping were represented. Naples, Oct. 27th. --The Sardinian flotilla cannonaded the Royalists at Gaeta, but the French Admiral dispatched a frigate there to stop the firing. Admiral Persigul has returned to Naples, and expressed regret at the conduct of the French Admiral. It is denied that Austria will send an ultimatum to Turin; on the contrary, she reiterates the assurance tha
Daily News of the 31st, says the Emperor of the French has placed four ships-of-the-line before Gaeta, with orders to prevent an attack on that fortress by Admiral Persano, and if necessary to sink hips.--Under these circumstances, Admiral Persano will take no part in the approaching sledge of Gaeta. The Daily News denounces this indirect intervention by France, and says Europe must not be all asserts on the authority of an official dispatch that Victor Emanuel was to immediately bombard Gaeta by sea and land. Capua had been definitely occupied by Garibaldi's troops. It was repor Empress of Russia was dead. The Times was still without comment on French intervention at Gaeta, and the Paris journals have not yet adverted to the subject. The Times considers that unleident changes the fortunes of war, a few days must suffice to drive the Bourbon sovereignty from Gaeta. A Naples letter of the 27th says that Gavazzi was to preach his first sermon in the princi
on, with 11,000 prisoners.-- Gen. Somnas pursued the enemy afterwards, and occupied Niola and the possessions surrounding Gaeta. Victor Emmanuel was expected to arrive at Naples immediately. Gen. Garibaldi remained at Naples. Anarchy ch occupation and the presence of the Pontifical gendarmes. A large body of troops remaining outside of the forts of Gaeta, have sent proposals of surrender to the Piedmontese. The reported conclusion of a treaty of commerce between Englana very large number of prisoners. Gen. Somnas pursued the enemy and afterwards occupied Tivola, and positions commanding Gaeta. King Victor Emmanuel enters Naples today. The number of prisoners taken at Capua was 11,000. Another offif the Zarigliano, and another bridge is being constructed beyond the iron bridge. The Royalists had fallen back upon Gaeta. Throughout their march they were much embarrassed by the fire of the Sardinian fleet. Naples,Nov. 2.--The has
with the proceedings in the British Parliament arising out of this very war. A telegraphic dispatch from Marseilles states that, according to intelligence from Aleppo, Fund Pascha had called on the Christians of that place to pay a sum of 200,000f. in three days, as compensation for being exempted from serving in the army. The Christians having replied that they would prefer serving, the Turkish authorities refused the offer.--Fund Pascha was expected at Aleppo. The investiture of Gaeta, the refuge of the King of Naples, continued on the land side, and the Sardinian fleet had opened its fire on the city, the French Admiral having received instructions to withdraw his interference. It was reported that negotiations were going on for the surrender of the fortress to the Sardinians. The force of the royalists had become much reduced, and it is stated that the commanders of the foreign fleets had advised the King to leave the city. The inauguration of the new Lord Mayor
ived by the Arago: Victor Emanuel was to leave for Sicily on the 11th. There is no fresh intelligence respecting the negotiations for the capitulation of Gaeta.--It is asserted that the garrison is composed of only a few battalions. The Austrian Government denies that a circular note of the Warsaw interview had been arms that an army of a million men will be wanted to follow him again to a fresh conflict, which is likely to break out in March next. The siege works before Gaeta are actively continued, and if the garrison will not capitulate, a general bombardment will commence. Francis II. has rejected the proposal to evacuate the town, out in March next. The siege works before Gaeta are actively continued, and if the garrison will not capitulate, a general bombardment will commence. Francis II. has rejected the proposal to evacuate the town, on the basis that he commands the troops, 13,000 in number, at Gaeta, and relies on the strength of the fortress.
[Second Dispatch.] The City of Washington and Prince Albert had arrived out. The fleet of the Prince of Wales had arrived safely at Liverpool. The Empress Eugenie was in London in cog. She was en route to Scotland for the benefit of her health. The Banks of England and France had again advanced their rates. Gaeta was still invested. Some of the Neapolitan troops had left on two French steamers. The pressure on the English money market had slightly relaxed.