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the republic, transacting its affairs with all envoys resident at the Hague. It was very common for him to bring business in the first instaerved, and he was always at the beck of the British ambassador at the Hague. The secretary Fagel was, like his ancestors, devoted to England, Jan. before her rupture with England, the French ambassador at the Hague was instructed to suggest a convention between the states-generalf the regency of Amsterdam, wrote to an American correspondent at the Hague: With the new republic, clearly raised up by the help of Providenrded, the Earl of Suffolk answered that the British ambassador at the Hague should have instructions to negotiate with the republic new stipued by her private secretary to her envoys in Sweden, Denmark, and the Hague, before she informed her minister for foreign affairs of what hadian courier was expedited to Stockholm, and thence to Copenhagen, the Hague, Paris, and Madrid. Goertz to Frederic, 7 March, 1780. On the
een received at Petersburg, Prince Galitzin, the Russian envoy at the Hague, on the third of April invited the states-gen- April 3. eral to guided the cabinet of England, wrote to the British ambassador at the Hague: If the states-general proceed, they throw the die and leave us Copenhagen; so that against the return of a favorable answer from the Hague all things might be prepared for receiving the Dutch republic intartling sensation. When the courier from Petersburg arrived at the Hague with the treaty that Panin had drafted, Stormont saw there was noorke to Stormont, 14 Nov., 1780. If a small mob, wrote Yorke from the Hague, receive the deputies of Amsterdam when they next come here, the to Yorke, 16 Dec., 1780. While Yorke was still negotiating at the Hague, British cruisers pounced upon the unsuspecting merchantmen of th fifteen millions of guilders. Four days at least before he left the Hague, a swift cutter was sent to Rodney at Barbadoes with orders, foun
wed friend in the Dutch republic. John Adams had waited more than eight months for an audience of reception, unaided even indirectly by the French ambassador at the Hague, because interference would have pledged France too deeply to the support of the United Chap. XXVI.} 1782. Jan. 9. Provinces, whose complicated form of governmventurous and sturdy diplomatist, who dared alone and unsustained to initiate so bold and novel a procedure. Not one of the representatives of foreign powers at the Hague believed that it could succeed. On the twenty-sixth of February, Friesland, famous Feb. 26. for the spirit of liberty in its people, who had retained in thei subsisted between us in transactions of less importance. Shelburne. With this credential, Oswald repaired to Paris by way of Ostend. Laurens, proceeding to the Hague, found Adams engrossed with the question of his reception as minister in Holland, to be followed by efforts to obtain a loan of money for the United States, and