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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 3: in Mexico. (search)
his forces, to resist the advance of the Americans (now masters of Vera Cruz) on the capital. General Scott having set out for the interior on April 12th, he prepared himself for battle on the strong position of Cerro Gordo, a few miles east of Jalapa, crowning a line of precipitous hills with barricades and field-works ranging along, and commanding the great highway. After a reconnoissance effected by Captain Robert E. Lee of the Engineers (in which Lieut.-Col. Joseph E. Johnston of the cavah and circuitous route, planned by Lee. The attack was made April 18th, and was completely successful. The Mexican army almost ceased to exist. It lost all its ordnance and several thousand prisoners; and the victory opened to Scott the town of Jalapa, the powerful fortress of Perote, and the city of La Puebla, within eighty-five miles of the capital. It was in this assault that Captain John Bankhead Magruder, commanding a light field-battery, won brilliant distinction. But in such operat
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
n Cerro Gordo. Soon after sunrise our batteries opened, and I started with a column to turn their left and to get on the Jalapa road. Notwithstanding their efforts to prevent us in this, we were perfectly successful, and the working party, following party had reached the crest of Cerro Gordo, and, seeing their whole left turned and the position of our soldiers on the Jalapa road, they broke and fled. Those in the pass laid down their arms. General Pillow's attack on their right failed. All ounded in the chest; I have heard contradictory reports that he was doing well and that he was dead. I hope the former. Jalapa is the most beautiful country I have seen in Mexico, and will compare with any I have seen elsewhere. I wish it was in tth the remainder of his division till the Second Division, under General Twiggs, shall arrive. General Scott is still at Jalapa, Major Smith with him. I have with me Lieutenants Mason, Tower, and the Engineer Company. In advance, all is uncertain a
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, March to Jalapa-battle of Cerro Gordo-Perote-Puebla-Scott and Taylor (search)
March to Jalapa-battle of Cerro Gordo-Perote-Puebla-Scott and Taylor General Scott had less than twelve thousand men at the City of Mexico that could be taken by an army; one by Jalapa and Perote, the other by Cordova and Orizaba, the two comi absolutely necessary to have enough to supply the army to Jalapa, sixty-five miles in the interior and above the fevers of enced. On the 8th of April, Twiggs's division started for Jalapa. He was followed very soon by Patterson, with his divisionemy at Cerro Gordo, some fifty miles west, on the road to Jalapa, and went into camp at Plan del Rio [Rio del Plan], about urs of the mountains some twelve to fifteen miles east of Jalapa, and Santa Anna had selected this point as the easiest to feat. After the battle the victorious army moved on to Jalapa, where it was in a beautiful, productive and healthy country, far above the fevers of the coast. Jalapa, however, is still in the mountains, and between there and the great plain th
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Promotion to first Lieutenant-capture of the City of Mexico-the Army-Mexican soldiers- peace negotiations (search)
here were not troops enough in the valley of Mexico to occupy many points, but now that there was no organized army of the enemy of any size, reinforcements could be got from the Rio Grande, and there were also new volunteers arriving from time to time, all by way of Vera Cruz. Military possession was taken of Cuernavaca, fifty miles south of the City of Mexico; of Toluca, nearly as far west, and of Pachuca, a mining town of great importance, some sixty miles to the north-east. Vera Cruz, Jalapa, Orizaba, and Puebla were already in our possession. Meanwhile the Mexican government had departed in the person of Santa Anna, and it looked doubtful for a time whether the United States commissioner, Mr. Trist, would find anybody to negotiate with. A temporary government, however, was soon established at Queretaro, and Trist began negotiations for a conclusion of the war. Before terms were finally agreed upon he was ordered back to Washington, but General Scott prevailed upon him to r
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Return of the Army-marriage-ordered to the Pacific coast-crossing the Isthmus-arrival at San Francisco (search)
ties. A large part of the National army, for instance, and most of the press of the country, clothed General Lee with just such qualities, but I had known him personally, and knew that he was mortal; and it was just as well that I felt this. The treaty of peace was at last ratified, and the evacuation of Mexico by United States troops was ordered. Early in June the troops in the City of Mexico began to move out. Many of them, including the brigade to which I belonged, were assembled at Jalapa, above the vomito, to await the arrival of transports at Vera Cruz: but with all this precaution my regiment and others were in camp on the sand beach in a July sun, for about a week before embarking, while the fever raged with great virulence in Vera Cruz, not two miles away. I can call to mind only one person, an officer, who died of the disease. My regiment was sent to Pascagoula, Mississippi, to spend the summer. As soon as it was settled in camp I obtained a leave of absence for four
a most destructive fire, under which Pillow's command, mostly composed of volunteers, reeled and fell into confusion. General Pillow, in his official report to the commander-in-chief, says, Lieutenants Tower and McClellan, of the Corps of Engineers, displayed great zeal and activity in the discharge of their duties in connection with my command. After the battle of Cerro Gordo, Lieutenant McClellan accompanied the advance corps under General Worth on the march to Puebla, passing through Jalapa and Perote, and arriving at Amozoque, a small town twelve miles from Puebla, on the 13th of May. Our officers did not dream of finding any portion of the enemy here, and the usual precautions adopted to guard against surprise were somewhat relaxed. On the morning of the 14th, the soldiers were busily occupied in cleaning their arms and accoutrements, in order that they might enter Puebla in good trim, when a drummer-boy, who had strayed in advance of the pickets, ran in and gave the alarm
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cerro Gordo, battle of (search)
xican standard was hauled down by Serg. Thomas Henry. Santa Ana with Almonte and other generals, and 8,000 troops, escaped; the remainder were made prisoners. Santa Ana attempted to fly with his carriage, which contained a large amount of specie; but it was over turned, when, mounting a mule take from the carriage harness, he fled to the mountains, leaving behind him his wooden leg—a substitute for the real one which was amputated after a wound received in the defence of Vera Cruz in 1837. In the vehicle were found his papers, clothing and a pair of woman's satin slippers The victory of the Americans was com plete and decisive. The trophies were 3,000 prisoners (who were paroled), forty three pieces of bronze artillery (cast in Seville, Spain), 5,000 stand of arm (which were destroyed), and a large quan tity of munitions of war. The fugitive were pursued towards Jalapa with vigor In that battle the Americans lost 431 men The loss of the Mexicans was about 1,200 killed and wounde
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mexico, War with (search)
Scott took possession of the city two days afterwards, and, on April 8, the advance of his army, under General Twiggs, began its march for the capital, by way of Jalapa. Santa Ana had advanced, with 12,000 men, to meet the invaders, and had taken post at Cerro Gordo, a difficult mountain pass at the foot of the Eastern Cordilleras. Scott had followed Twiggs with the rest of his army, and, on April 18, defeated the Mexicans at that strong pass, and, pushing forward, entered Jalapa on the 19th. On the 22d the American flag was unfurled over the Castle of Perote, on the summit of the Eastern Cordilleras, 50 miles from Jalapa. This was considered the strJalapa. This was considered the strongest fortress in Mexico, excepting Vera Cruz. It was surrendered without resistance, and with it fifty-four pieces of cannon, some mortars, and a large amount of munitions of war. Onward the victorious army marched, and entered the fortified city of Puebla, May 15, a city of 80,000 inhabitants; and there the army rested unti
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Puebla, (search)
n the great national road over the Cordilleras. General Worth had joined the army, and with his division led the way. They entered the strongly fortified town of Jalapa, April 19, 1847, and a few days afterwards Worth unfurled the American flag over the formidable castle of Perote, on the summit of the Cordilleras, 50 miles beyond Jalapa. This fortress was regarded as the strongest in Mexico after San Juan de Ulloa. Appalled by the suddenness and strength of this invasion, the Mexicans gave up these places without making any resistance. At Perote the victors gained fifty-four pieces of artillery and an immense quantity of munitions of war. Onward ns an opportunity to treat for peace. The government had sent Nicholas P. Trist as a diplomatic agent, clothed with power to negotiate for peace. He had reached Jalapa just as the army had moved forward, and he now accompanied it. He made overtures to the Mexican government, which were treated with disdain and loud boasts of the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Santa Ana, Antonio Lopez de 1798- (search)
Santa Ana, Antonio Lopez de 1798- Military officer; born in Jalapa, Mexico, Feb. 21, 1798; began his military career in 1821 in the revolution by which Mexico Antonio Lopez De Santa Ana. achieved its independence of Spain. Imperious, disobedient, and revengeful, he was dismissed from the service. A keen intriguer, he secured the overthrow of the existing government in Mexico in 1828. He was a brave and rather successful military leader, and led insurrection after insurrection, until in March, 1833, he obtained his election to the Presidency of the republic of Mexico. He was a favorite with the army, but unpopular with the natives. There were repeated insurrections during his administration, and, finally, discontents in Texas broke out into revolution. Santa Ana took the field in person against the revolutionists, but was finally defeated at San Jacinto and taken prisoner, when he was deposed from the Presidency. In taking part in defending Vera Cruz against the French in