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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
verely criticised by Federal officers, and General Boynton in his book (Sherman's Historical raid) has completely demolished him. General Grant has been reported as saying — on reading the book--I really thought until I read Sherman's narrative that I had something to do with crushing the rebellion. We do not propose to take sides in this family quarrel, and we are afraid that we could not be prevailed upon to interfere even though the fight should wax so hot as to approximate the famous Kilkenny battle. If military reputations suffer, as the Saviors of the Union now turn their artillery on one another, all we have to say is, It is none of our funeral. But we shall claim the privilege of making hereafter a few choice extracts from the Memoirs, by way of showing the manner and spirit in which the life of the nation was saved. Meantime we would say that the book is gotten up by the publishers in fine style, and is well worth buying for the reasons indicated above. Dixon's Ne
Munchauseniana. Richmond, Nov. 4.--It is here currently reported that considerable commotion exists in Washington and in the free States from the rumored resignations of Generals Scott and McClellan, and of Secretaries Seward and Cameron, and of other prominent Federal officials. A general Kilkenny cat fight seems impending throughout Lincolndom. A special despatch to the Richmond Dispatch, dated Manassas to-day, announces that reliable information from Washington says there are but fifteen regiments of infantry, one light battery of six guns, and one thousand servants on board the Lincoln fleet. The Yankees have fallen back to their intrenchments. Southern merchants in Alexandria are forced to close their stores. There are said to be no more than eighty thousand men in and around Washington. A gentleman just arrived from Manassas says that the Baltimore Sun of Saturday reports the resignation of Seward, Blair, Cameron, Scott, and McClellan. The probable difficulty
out to fight, And wage intestine war, Not either of you in the right; What simpletons you are! Too late your madness you will see, And when your passion cools, “Snakes!” you will bellow; “how could we Have been such ‘tarnal fools!” One thing is certain; that if you Blow out each other's brains, 'Twill be apparent what a few Each blockhead's skull contains. You'll have just nothing for your cost, To show, when alt is done. Greatness and glory you'll have lost, And not a dollar won. Oh, joined to us by blood, and by The bond of kindred speech, And further, by the special tie Of slang, bound each to each, All-fired gonies, soft-horn'd pair, Each other will you lick? You everlastina dolts, forbear! Throw down your arms right slick! You'll chaw each other up, you two, Like those Kilkenny cats, When they had better things to do, Improvina off the rats. Now come, shake hands, together jog On friendly yet once more; Whip one another not; and flog Creation, as before! --London Punch
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Berkeley, George, 1684-1753 (search)
Berkeley, George, 1684-1753 Bishop of Cloyne; born in Kilcrin, Kilkenny, Ireland, March 12, 1684; was educated at Trinity College, Dublin; became a Fellow there; and at an early age wrote on scientific subjects. Between 1710 and 1713 his two famous works appeared, in which he denies the existence of matter, and argues that it is not without the mind, but within it, and that that which is called matter is only an impression produced by divine power on the mind by the invariable laws of nature. On a tour in France he visited the French philosopher Malebranche, who became so excited by a discussion with Berkeley on the non-existence of matter that, being ill at the time, he died a few days afterwards. Miss Vanhomrigh (Swift's Vanessa ) bequeathed to Berkeley $20,000: and in 1728 his income was increased $5,500 a year by being made Dean of Derry. Berkeley conceived a plan for establishing a college in the Bermudas for the instruction of pastors for the colonial churches and mission
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), O'Mahony, John Francis 1816-1877 (search)
O'Mahony, John Francis 1816-1877 Fenian leader; born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1816; emigrated to the United States in 1854; organized the Fenian Brotherhood in 1860; issued bonds of the Irish Republic, which were purchased by his followers to the amount of nearly a million dollars. He died in New York City, Feb. 7, 1877.
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 3: early essayists (search)
othing better than the Didactics of Robert Walsh. The commercial interests of Manhattan could claim little attention from young men of wit and spirit, but leisure and a society both cosmopolitan and congenial afforded them ample opportunity and provocation for literary jeux d'esprit. When the busy savant, Samuel Latham Mitchill, presided at the Sour Krout crowned with cabbage leaves or burlesqued his own erudition in jovial speeches at the Turtle Club, what wonder if Irving and the lads of Kilkenny found time to riot at Dyde's on imperial champagne or to sally out to Kemble's mansion on the Passaic — the original of Cockloft Hall — for a night of high fun and jollification. Dr. Mitchill's Picture of New York, with a wealth of geological and antiquarian lore travestied in the first part of the Knickerbocker History, records the numerous landmarks and traditions of the city. Corlaer's Hook was then something more than a memory, Hell Gate was still a menace to navigation, the Collect
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 22: 1848! (search)
accuracy of the statements, made haste to publish the letters, with due glorification. This is one of them: Dublin, Aug. 3, 1848. No newspaper here dare tell the truth concerning the battle of Slieve-namon, but from all we can learn, the people have had a great victory. Gen. Macdonald, the commander of the British forces, is killed, and six thousand troops are killed and wounded. The road for three miles is covered with the dead. We also have the inspiring intelligence that Kilkenny and Limerick have been taken by the people. The people of Dublin hare gone in thousands to assist in the country. Mr. John B. Dillon was wounded in both legs. Mr. Meagher was also wounded in both arms. It is generally expected that Dublin will rise and attack the jails on Sunday night, (Aug. 6.) All the people coming in on the Railroad are cautioned and commanded not to toll the news. When the cars arrive, thousands of the Dublin people are waiting for the intelligence. The polic
Battle of the "Cats." --The adoption of a feline title for contending armies, would, we imagine, seriously impair the grandeur and dignity of mighty hosts on a field of battle.--History may speak glowingly of a Hon-hearted soldiery, and even refer in terms of eloquence to the dogs of war; but what pen so bold as to undertake the task of writing a narrative of the Battle of the Cats? We have an example, it is true, in the famed cats of Kilkenny; but even here the historian tells us only that they ate each other up, and no catacomb encloses the remains of the carnivorous quadrupeds. The world might look in vain for human examples to place in this category, if it were not for the eccentric taste of the small boys of Richmond, who, in years past, established sectional hostilities, and adopted the name of "Cats." Thus we had Basin Cats, Hill Cats, Butchertown Cats, and other cats as numerous as the various localities of the town, and many were the catastrophes resulting from the dee
General Lamoriciere Going to Inland. General Lamoriciere has accepted an invitation to visit Kilkenny, Ireland. Preparations are making to give him a brilliant reception, and the Kilkenny Journal says that "from the moment when he sets foot on Irish soll to the moment he leaves it, his route will be a series of ovations which may rouse the envy of a king."
The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1862., [Electronic resource], [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]the Stonewall Brigade--their Readiness to Merg the enemy--Gen. Jackson's popularity. (search)
The Sirge of Matamoras --The Fight Still Going On.--From a Brownsville (Texas) letter in she Houston Telegraph we extract the following: Our neighbors on the other side are still maintaining their Kilkenny cat and pop-gun fight. This is the fifteenth day of the slege, and both sides remain in about the same position as on the first day. We hear daily of reinforcements and cannon coming, first for one side and the for the other; but really I believe that they have all the force either can raise. Later.--The San Antonio News has received the Brownsville Flag, of the 12th--one week later than we have had — and from it obtains intelligence up to the 22d day of the slege of Matamoras: The drama had continued as it commenced — can non and small arms day by day, with change of scene by the burning of buildings by night. We have no account of the killed and wounded, as the hospital has been removed to the other side of the rive