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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,300 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 830 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 638 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 502 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 378 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 340 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 274 0 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 244 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 234 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 218 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 5, 13th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Georgia (Georgia, United States) or search for Georgia (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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e of Paris, the Heart of Oak Protestants of Ulster, weary of strife with their landlords, came over in great numbers; James Gordon's History of Ireland, II. 241. and settlements on the Catawba, in South Carolina, dated from that epoch. The parents of Andrew Jackson, the late President of the United States, reached South Carolina in 1764. At different times in the eighteenth century, some had found homes in New-England, but they were most numerous south of New-York, from New-Jersey to Georgia. In Pennsylvania they peopled many coun- chap. IV.} 1763. ties, till, in public life, they already balanced the influence of the Quakers. In Virginia, they went up the valley of the Shenandoah; and they extended themselves along the tributaries of the Catawba, in the beautiful upland region of North Carolina. Their training in Ireland had kept the spirit of liberty and the readiness to resist unjust government as fresh in their hearts, as though they had just been listening to the preac
njoying direct access to the king on the affairs of his department, he, on the twenty-third of February, became secretary of state for the colonies in all but the name. Rigby to Bedford, 23 February, 1763, in the Bedford Correspondence, III. 210. In the council, in which Townshend took a place, there was Bute, its chief, having the entire confidence of his sovereign; the proud restorer of peace, fully impressed with the necessity of bringing the colonies into order, Knox, agent of Georgia. In Extra-official State Papers, II. 29. and ready to give his support to the highest system of authority of Great Britain over America. Being at the head of the Treasury, he was, in a special manner, responsible for every measure connected with the finances; and though he was himself a feeble man of business, yet his defects were in a measure supplied by Jenkinson, his able, indefatigable and confidential private secretary.—There was Mansfield, Lord Campbell's Lives of the Chief Just
blished him. For the joint secretary of the treasury he selected an able and sensible lawyer, Thomas Whately, in whom he obtained a firm defender and political friend. His own secretary as Chancellor of the Exchequer was Richard Jackson; and the choice CHAP. VI.} 1763. April. is very strong evidence that though he entered upon his task blindly, as it proved, and in ignorance That Grenville was very ignorant as to the colonies we have a witness in Knox, who himself had held office in Georgia, and knew America from his own observation. of the colonies, yet his intentions were fair; The best in the world. Burke and the Duke of Grafton both vouch for Grenville's good intentions. for Jackson was a liberal member of the House of Commons, a good lawyer, not eager to increase his affluent fortune, frank, independent, and abhorring intrigue. He was, moreover, better acquainted with the state of America, and exercised a sounder judgment on questions of colonial administration, than,
thereunto annexed, &c. of Egremont to the Board of Trade, 11 July, 1763 (E. and A., 278). At the south, the boundary of Georgia was extended to its present line. Of Canada, General Murray advised General Murray's opinion, given by himself to nt, his colleague, selected, as his confidential friend, Ellis, a favorite of Halifax, and for several years Governor of Georgia; a statesman and man of letters, esteemed as one of the ablest men that had been employed in America, of whose interestse. This is in harmony with the letter of Joseph Reed to Charles Pettit. London, 11 June, 1764: Ellis, late Governor of Georgia, * * * has had no small share in the late events. Reed's Reed, i. 32, 33. Add to this, that. Immediately on the peacet of the system adopted in the ministry of Bute, and was sure of the support of Charles Townshend. Knox, the agent of Georgia, stood ready to defend the stamp act, as least liable to objection. The agent of Massachusetts, through his brother, Is
licy, and, as such, was circulated in America; its reputed author was Campbell, crown agent for Georgia. He, said those who paid him court, is not such a minister as his predecessors; he is neither i and lower Creeks, 10 Nov. 1763. Fauquier to Egremont, 20 November, 1763. McCall's History of Georgia, i. 301. of the south and southwest was ratified. The head man and chiefs of both the upper anx hundred in number, agreed to extend the frontier of the settlement chap. IX.} 1763. Nov. of Georgia. From this time dates the prosperity of that province, of which the commerce, in ten years, inhments of manufactures as contrary to the general good. Ibid., 69. To South Carolina and Georgia special indulgence was shown; following the line of precedent, 3 Geo. iic. XXVIII., and 27 Geir being consulted before any tax is imposed on them by parliament; William Knox, agent for Georgia: The Claim of the Colonies to an Exemption from Internal Taxes imposed by authority of Parliame
nation; and shall the parliament be at once party and judge? Is it not a continual question, What can be done to make the colonies further beneficial to the nation? And nobody adds, consistently with their rights. You consider us as your property, to improve in the best way you can for your advantage. The nation treats her colonies as a father who should sell the services of his sons to reimburse him what they had cost him, but without the same reason; for none of the colonies, except Georgia and Halifax, occasioned any charge to the crown or kingdom in the settlement of them. The people of New England fled for the sake of civil and religious liberty; multitudes flocked to America with this dependence, that their liberties should be safe. They and their posterity chap. X.} 1764. July. have enjoyed them to their content, and therefore have endured with greater cheerfulness all the hardships of settling new countries. No ill use has been made of these privileges; but the domi
n. It can be of no purpose to claim a right of exemption, thought Hutchinson. It will fall particularly hard on us lawyers and printers, wrote Franklin Franklin to Ross, 14 Feb. 1765. to a friend in Philadelphia, never doubting it would go into effect, and looking for relief to the rapid increase of the people of America. The agent for Massachusetts had recommended the tax. Knox, The Claim of the Colonies to Exemption from Taxes Imposed by Parliament Examined, 1765. the agent for Georgia, wrote publicly in its favor. The honest but eccentric Thomas Pownall, who had been so much in the colonies, and really had an affection for them, congratulated Grenville in advance, on the good effects he would see derived to Great Britain and to the colonies from his firmness and candor in conducting the American business. Pownall's Dedication to George Grenville of the second edition of his Administration of the Colonies. Still less did the statesmen of England doubt the result.
ature were even persuaded by him to make provision for the support of the Church of England, so that dissenters themselves, who more and more abounded in that colony, should not be exempted from sharing the cost of the established religion. In Georgia, the stamp duty chap. XIII.} 1765. May. seemed as equal as any that could be generally imposed on the colonies; Georgia Committee to Knox, 15 April, 1765. though the manner of imposing it greatly inspired alarm. While the act was in abeyGeorgia Committee to Knox, 15 April, 1765. though the manner of imposing it greatly inspired alarm. While the act was in abeyance, Hutchinson had, in letters to England, pleaded for the ancient privilege of the colonies with regard to internal taxes; but, on learning the decision of parliament, he made haste to say, that it could be to no purpose to claim a right of exemption, when the whole body of the people of England were against it. He was only waiting to know what more parliament would do towards raising the sums which the colonies were to pay, and which as yet were not half provided for. Hutchinson to I. W
ighest character for wisdom, justice, and integrity, and incapable of dealing unjustly. Admitting this to be true, retorted Hopkins, one who is bound to obey the will of another is as really a slave, though he may have a good master, as if he had a bad one; and this is stronger in politic bodies than in natural ones. The plea recurred, that the British parliament virtually represented the whole British empire. It is an insult on the most common understanding, thought James Habersham of Georgia, and every American from the banks of the Savannah to the frontier of Maine, to talk of our being virtually represented in parliament. It is an insult on common sense to say it, repeated the Presbyterian ministers of the middle states to the Calvinist ministers of New England. Are persons chosen for the representatives of London and Bristol, in like manner chosen to be the representatives of Philadelphia or Boston? Have two men chosen to represent a poor borough in England, that has sold
e a necessary incitement to industry, and for many cogent reasons will prove ineffectual. Our courts of judicature, he added, must inevitably be shut up; and if so, the merchants of Great Britain will not be among the last to wish for its repeal. Enlightened by discussions, towns, and legislatures, as opportunity offered, made their declaration of rights, following one another like a chime of bells, and preparing the public mind for the union of the continent. In the infant colony of Georgia, all feeble as it was, the great majority of the representatives, at the instance of their speaker, against the will of the governor, came together on Monday, the second of September, and though they doubted their power, at such a voluntary meeting, to elect delegates to the Congress, they sent an express messenger to New-York to promise their adhesion to its results; for, said they, no people, as individuals, can more warmly espouse the common cause than do the people of this province.