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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 974 0 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 442 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 288 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 246 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 216 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 192 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 166 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 146 0 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 144 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 136 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) or search for Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.

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Transylvania. desire to enter the Navy. visit to Louisiana. his brothers. vigor of early settlers of Kentucer, Mrs. Byers, and her husband, who were going to Louisiana. In the autumn of 1819 he went with them to the pe and various. In 1805 he emigrated to the Territory of Louisiana, lately acquired from the French, and then slature, and continued a member of that body until Louisiana became a State in 1812. He held the position of dm 1812 to 1821. Toward the close of the war, when Louisiana was invaded by the British, he was elected to the as said to possess fine oratorical powers, went to Louisiana with the view of becoming a planter; but in the sen the course of a winter passed most pleasantly in Louisiana, Albert Sidney Johnston yielded his purpose to ent S. Johnston, being then a member of Congress from Louisiana, procured for him an appointment to the Military Aeonidas Polk, of Tennessee, subsequently Bishop of Louisiana, and a lieutenant-general in the Confederate servi
oy's wife of Aldivalloch. Johnston's wife of Louisiana! Johnston's wife of Louisiana! The fairest fLouisiana! The fairest flower that ever bloomed In Southern sun or gay savanna; The Inca's blood flows in her veins, The Inston's wife of Louisiana! Johnston's wife of Louisiana! The fairest flower that ever bloomed In Souhern sun or gay savanna. Johnston's wife of Louisiana! Johnston's wife of Louisiana! She hath a waLouisiana! She hath a way to win all hearts, And bow them to the shrine of Anna; Her mind is radiant with the lore Of ancie with its rainbow glory. Johnston's wife of Louisiana! Johnston's wife of Louisiana! She hath a waLouisiana! She hath a way to charm all hearts, And bow them to the shrine of Anna. Johnston's wife of Louisiana! Johnston'Louisiana! Johnston's wife of Louisiana! The hapless bard who sings her praise Now worships at the shrine of Anna! 'TwLouisiana! The hapless bard who sings her praise Now worships at the shrine of Anna! 'Twas such a vision, bright but brief, In early youth his true heart rended; Then left it, like a fall rugged thorn suspended. Johnston's wife of Louisiana! Johnston's wife of Louisiana! The hapless b[2 more...]
without a single reverse. After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of planting in Louisiana, the strong fraternal feeling and confident spirit of the man break out thus: I can onlynant Johnston: April 25, 1883. My dear brother: I am now on board the Homer on my way to Louisiana, with my son William. The indisposition of my wife detained me until the 13th, when she was sd feelings. If money was your chief object, you would accomplish your purpose most rapidly in Louisiana; but the climate and slave-property are objections .... I duly received the account of Genrs after Josiah Stoddard Johnston's death, and thirty-five years after his first settlement in Louisiana, not a single scion of all his hardy race remained upon the soil of that State. Death and emine the work. If Albert Sidney Johnston entertained any serious purpose of making a home in Louisiana, the shock of his brother's untimely end turned him from it. In the winter of 1832-33 great co
d at 750, and the domiciliated Indians at the same number. On September 3, 1762, France ceded Louisiana to Spain. After this, though the seaports of Texas were closed by Spanish jealousy, the trade across the country between Mexico and Louisiana, possessions of the same power, gave some impulse to the settlement and growth of the country, though these again were retarded by the increased hosti the others. Ellis Bean, the second in command, was held a prisoner eleven years. In 1800 Louisiana was restored by Spain to France, and in 1803 ceded by France to the United States. Under thisn the United States set up some claim to Texas, and the boundary-line itself between Texas and Louisiana was left undetermined. Hostilities seemed impending in 1806, but were averted by compromise. ition. The forces were mainly composed of restless young men of good families in Kentucky and Louisiana, but a body of outlaws, who infested the neutral ground, were accepted as auxiliaries. The mo
e already done would make the place sell for two thousand dollars more. You would be surprised, I think, at what I have achieved in three months with my limited means. If a good opportunity to sell occurs, I will not let it pass .... The successful cultivation of the cane here is no longer a problem. Everywhere it has been tried in this neighborhood it has succeeded excellently well. The yield has been great; and the quality Mr. Kenner, I understand, says equal, if not superior, to Louisiana sugar made by the most improved means. Mr. Caldwell, fifteen miles from here, on the same kind of soil as mine (peach-land The wild-peach, a kind of laurel, grows on the low ridges and drier spots of the alluvion.), made 104 hogsheads (or thousands of pounds) of sugar, besides molasses, with sixteen hands, which is selling from eight to ten cents per pound. Sweeney has been quite as successful, and others that I have heard from. Your kind invitation and offers to us will be long g
It was so considered in the South then. It was there held to be a gross violation of the Constitution. The success of this party opened to the South a vista of unnumbered ills. The Gulf States resolved on immediate separation: South Carolina began by seceding December 20, 1860; the others quickly followed; and the government of the Confederate States was formed. The Confederate Government was organized February 8, 1861, by South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, which adopted a Constitution not differing materially from the old one. It was not of the provisions of the Constitution that they complained, but of their infraction. The Convention of Texas passed an ordinance of secession February 1st, which was ratified by a vote of the people February 23d, and went into effect March 2d. Thus, the seven most southern States presented a compact front to the Union, from the Rio Grande to the Atlantic. The party in those States which had preferred c
issouri. Lyon had followed the Missourians to this remote quarter with a small, though well organized, drilled, and disciplined, army. According to the official report, he had 5,868 men, including 1,200 regulars, inured to war and strong in the mutual dependence of an exact discipline. He had sixteen guns, manned by experienced gunners. His officers were trained soldiers, and his army a compact machine. The army confronting him was made up of 3,200 Confederate troops from Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas, under General Ben McCulloch, 1,800 Arkansas State troops under General N. B. Pearce, and 5,000 or 6,000 Missourians under General Price. McCulloch had command. McCulloch puts his force at 5,300 infantry, fifteen pieces of artillery, and 6,000 horsemen, poorly armed. The personnel of this army was excellent, and it was animated by a splendid martial enthusiasm; but it was little more than an aggregation of bands of raw recruits. After some days of fruitless skirmishin
Leonidas Polk. his ancestry, birth, and education. marriage, Ordination, and travels. farmer, Manufacturer, and Preacher. Missionary Bishop. Bishop of Louisiana. pecuniary losses. University of the South. Sugar and cotton planting. visit to Richmond. appointed Brigadier-General. the Bishop-soldier. appearance. an8th of December. Though he had embarrassed himself by a security debt for $30,000, his means were still ample, and he entered with energy upon a field embracing Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and the Indian Territory. Hardship, danger, and privation, were constant attendants of his missionary work; and not only his salary, but much more, went to build up the infant church. In 1841 he was elected Bishop of Louisiana, and his usefulness was increased by this concentration of effort. A series of providential visitations, not necessary to be recounted here, had crippled Bishop Polk's large estate; but his pecuniary losses neither shook his earnest faith nor
as added to the nucleus of an army at Bowling Green. Terry's splendid regiment of Texan Rangers, which was detained in Louisiana, dismounted, was, at its own request and on General Johnston's application, allowed to report to him on condition that d that he might use his own discretion in the calls on Arkansas and Tennessee, but not to draw on Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, or Georgia, without the consent of this department. The reason for this was, that Arkansas and Tennessee had not yet nies, without any special sanction, from (I believe) Alabama. Terry's regiment has joined; the other, De Yeuve's, from Louisiana, has not. I presume it could not be spared. Being thus excluded from Mississippi, and having ordered the Arkansas cade, which, with Maney's brigade, was sent him from Western Virginia. On January 9th he dispatched Colonel Liddell, of Louisiana, of General Hardee's staff, in whom he had great confidence, with a letter of introduction to the President. He says,
etween 400 and 600 sets of artillery-harness, 10,000 to 12,000 sets of accoutrements and equipments for infantry, 300 cavalry-saddles, 2,000,000 percussion-caps, 6,000 friction-primers, besides numerous other articles of supply. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel M. H. Wright, December 23, 1861. The following little anecdote is furnished by a friend, as an illustration of General Johnston's natural fitness for command, and quiet mode of self-assertion. It was related to him by a gallant Louisiana colonel: In the days around Bowling Green, said--, I was in command of the--Louisiana Cavalry, and was required to picket over an extensive district. The work was onerous, and I became restive under it, and made several requests and suggestions with the view to being relieved; none of which, however, were approved. Feeling myself aggrieved, and not having yet acquired even the small modicum of discipline which later on we learned, I determined to call at headquarters and state my gri
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