Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Oldport days, with ten heliotype illustrations from views taken in Newport, R. I., expressly for this work.. You can also browse the collection for Lucerna (Switzerland) or search for Lucerna (Switzerland) in all documents.

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, and a travelling-shawl with a strap, and a cap with tarletan ruffles. I found baby with the cap on, early in the morning, and she was so pleased she almost jumped out of my arms. Thus in the midst of visits to the Coliseum and St. Peters, the drama of early affection goes always on. I used to take her to hear the band, in the carriage, and she went everywhere I did. But the love of all dolls, as of other pets, must end with a tragedy, and here it comes. The next place we went to was Lucerne. There was a lovely lake there, but I had a very sad time. One day I thought I'd take baby down to breakfast, and, as I was going up stairs, my foot slipped and baby broke her head. And O, I felt so bad! and I cried out, and I ran up stairs to Annie, and mamma came, and O, we were all so sorry! And mamma said she thought I could get another head, but I said, It won't be the. same baby. And mamma said, maybe we could make it seem so. At this crisis the elder brother and sister depa