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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Maryland (Maryland, United States) or search for Maryland (Maryland, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 11 results in 6 document sections:
Southern Baptist Convention.important report on the State of the country.
In Convention at Savannah,May 13th, 1861,Dr. Richard Fulter, of Md., from the Committee on the State of the Country, made the following.
We hold this truth to be self-evident, that Government are established for the security, prosperity and happiness of the people.
When, therefore, any Government is perverted from its proper design, becomes oppressive, and abuses its power, the people have a right en for the wicked crusade against the South.
President Fuller said, there was no difficulty on his mind.
He voted here for himself, upon his solemn convictions of duty, his conscience and before God.
It mattered not who differed from him. Maryland was one way to-day and another to-morrow, and he would say that twenty States could not instruct him and enforce obedience.
Mr. Howell fully agreed with the President, and would so advise the Brother from Kentucky.
There might be some divi
Maryland and the Federal Government.
We are assured upon the best authority that the report that regiments are organizing in Maryland to support the Federal Administration, is a Yankee lie, one of the ten thousand that they invent every day.
The whole story originates from eighty or ninety roughs of Baltimore enlisting Maryland to support the Federal Administration, is a Yankee lie, one of the ten thousand that they invent every day.
The whole story originates from eighty or ninety roughs of Baltimore enlisting at the regular recruiting office, which has been long established in that city.
Maryland has been oppressed and wronged enough, without heaping such slanders upon her. Gallant and generous State--none more so in the world — she will one day speak for herself in tones of thunder. om eighty or ninety roughs of Baltimore enlisting at the regular recruiting office, which has been long established in that city.
Maryland has been oppressed and wronged enough, without heaping such slanders upon her. Gallant and generous State--none more so in the world — she will one day speak for herself in tones of thunde
Maryland militia.
--Governor Hicks has issued his proclamation calling out four regiments of Maryland militia in pursuance of the requisition of President Lincoln.
The troops are not to be taken out of the State, except required for the defence of the National Capital.
Maryland militia.
--Governor Hicks has issued his proclamation calling out four regiments of Maryland militia in pursuance of the requisition of President Lincoln.
The troops are not to be taken out of the State, except required for the defence of the National Capital.
The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Old Abe makes an Excursion. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], Washington Items. (search)
Affairs in Maryland. Baltimore, May 16.
--The city is occupied by Federal troops.
Regiments are organizing in Maryland to support the Federal Administration.
Affairs in Maryland. Baltimore, May 16.
--The city is occupied by Federal troops.
Regiments are organizing in Maryland to support the Federal Administration.