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ting out of similar vessels. If this is not done, he suggests the possibility that United States vessels will be compelled to pursue vessels of this character even into British ports. This might lead to war, and Great Britain would be alone responsible. Mr. Davis. of Kentucky, has introduced in the United States Senate resolutions declaring that no negro, or person whose mother or grandmother was a negro, shall be citizen of the United States, or eligible to office; that Maine and Massachusetts shall constitute one State of the United States, to be called "East New England;" and Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, another, to be called "We New England." Harrisonburg, March 14 --We have here Baltimore papers of the 10th. The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia inquirer says that a special messenger from Mr. Dayton, the Minister to France, had arrived there. Nothing was known officially of the dispatches, but the messenger told his friends
ed from New Orleans to take part in the attack on Mobile. Miscellaneous. Warren W. Wing has been confirmed by the Yankee Senate as Postmaster at Norfolk, Va. Edward Everett has taken charge of a fund of $100,000, to be raised in Massachusetts, for the "long persecuted" loyalists of East Tennessee. Mr. Baldwin, of Mass., was called to order in the Yankee Congress last week for speaking of ex- President Buchanan as "that miserable man." The Herald wants to know if it took Mass., was called to order in the Yankee Congress last week for speaking of ex- President Buchanan as "that miserable man." The Herald wants to know if it took so many millions in other days to subdue one Florida indian how much and how long it will take to subjugate the "Irish- Seminole Billy Bowlegs Finnegan" now there. The Nashville Union is requested "by the highest authority' to announce the no more passes will be granted to the wives and families of officers to the front of any of the armies in that theatre of operations. A private letter from Havana dated March 1, received in Baltimore, states that the gunboat DeSoto was in the dry do