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lest song To grace a nation's poetry That echo shall prolong, Whose matchless words and trumpet tones Make dying soldiers strong; What though she sing in cadenced verse That Liberty is dead, And softly chides the gathered crowd By whom no tears are shed, Though powerless seems the snowy hand, And marble-like the head-- She wrongs the men who, fearless, stood By dark Antietam's side, And those whose patriot-blood, outpoured, The plain of Shiloh dyed, And those who braved the iron hail On Mississippi's tide. She wrongs the fathers, mothers, who Their children send to war; For them great Liberty still lives-- Still shineth as a star, Which passing clouds a moment hide, Without the power to mar. What though a moment pallid now, And lustreless her eye, The people's will her mighty breath, She cannot, dare not die; In homes like ours, her glorious lot Is Immortality. Thus living, and to live for aye, On mountain or in hall, In vain will rhythmic verse essay To spread her funeral pall,
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), A midnight scene at Vicksburgh. (search)
A midnight scene at Vicksburgh. by Horace B. Durant, Company A, One Hundredth Regiment Penn. V., First Division Ninth Army Corps. By Mississippi's mighty tide, our camp-fires flick'ring glow, O'er weary, tented, slumb'ring men, are burning dim and low; Calm be their rest beneath the shade of bending forest bough, And soft the night-wind as it creeps across the dreamer's brow; The hot glare that to-morrow shines Within this Southern land May drink its draught of crimson life that stains the burning sand; And some, alas! of this brave band their mortal course shall run, And be but ghastly, mould'ring clay ere sets another sun. 'Tis midnight lone. The moon has climbed high up the eastern steeps, While in her holy, pensive gaze the trembling dewdrop weeps; Across the river's moaning flow, the bold, gray bluffs arise, Like banks of rugged, slumb'ring clouds against the sapphire skies.; There Vicksburgh stands upon the slope and on the frowning height, While spire and dome gleam stran
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Loyal Americans in Chili: official correspondence. (search)
d shut their ears to the groans of their suffering patriots in the field. Our countrymen in Chili may have the satisfaction of knowing that their contribution mingles in our treasury with the contributions of loving countrymen, from wherever an American has carried his country's enterprise, or followed her flag; and that from the resources thus accumulated succor and consolation will flow impartially to the national soldier, whether in Louisiana or North-Carolina, Virginia or Kentucky, Mississippi or Maryland. If he be anywhere under our flag, there the National Sanitary Commission will follow and find him. I have the honor to be, gratefully, your obedient servant, Henry W. Bellows, President. Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward. Legation of the United States, Santiago de Cuba, Feb. 1, 1868. Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington: Sir: I have the honor to inclose a bill of exchange, dated January thirty-first, 1863, drawn by Messrs. Alsop & Co., of Valparaiso, upon Mess
fricasseed á la gotch. Mule side stewed, new style, hair on. Mule spare ribs plain. Mule liver hashed. side dishes. Mule salad. Mule hoof soused. Mule brains á la omelette. Mule kidney stuffed with peas. Mule tripe fried in pea-meal butter. Mule tongue cold á la Bray. Jellies. Mule foot. Pastry. Pea-meal pudding, blackberry sauce. Cottonwood berry pies. China berry tart. Dessert. White oak acorns. Beech nuts. Blackberry leaf tea. Genuine confederate coffee. Liquors. Mississippi Water, vintage of 1492, superior, $3. Limestone Water, late importation, very fine, $2.75. Spring Water, Vicksburgh brand, $1.50. Meals at all hours. Gentlemen to wait upon themselves. Any inattention on the part of servants will be promptly reported at the office. Jeff Davis & Co., Proprietors. Card.--The proprietors of the justly celebrated Hotel de Vicksburgh, having enlarged and refitted the same, are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. Parties
m the ranks of regiments marching through our streets; the few words of command necessary were given by their own officers in that low tone of voice we hear used at funerals. Generals McPherson, Logan, and Forney, attended by their respective staffs, stood on the rebel breastworks overlooking the scene never before wit nessed on this continent. The rebel troops, as to clothing, presented that varied appearance so familiar in the North from seeing prisoners, and were from Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, and Missouri; the arms were mostly muskets and rifles of superior excellence, and I saw but very few shot-guns; or indiscriminate weapons of any kind; it was plain that Pemberton had a splendidly-appointed army. Their flags were of a kind new to me, all I saw being cut in about the same dimensions as our regimental colors, all of the single color red, with a white cross in the centre. The ceremony of stacking arms occupied little over an hour upon that part of the
miting on, smiting on, Till the fierce field was won; And the foe, wild with fear, Plunged in his back career, Wild for the river near, Wild to hide there the drear Change from the onset, bright With his hope's fickle light; Triumph is ours, Hurrah! Victory ours, Hurrah! Proudly Meade towers, Hurrah! Banks, too, whose starry brain Shines over'war's domain Bright as in civic reign; Who, with unyielding strain, Rent the Port Hudson chain, Last of the bonds that vain Flung the mad foe across Mississippi's mighty path. Have ye seen torrents toss Off their ice-bands in wrath? So, when the moment came, Did the strong River claim All his grand liberty. Fools, did ye deem to see Fettered the Conqueror? He whose majestic sweep Holds the world's climates! Soar, Eagle, in rapture! leap Echoes, as high and bold, All round the shout is rolled! As on each roof and hold Banners from every fold Flash joy in sunny gold. As in tones uncontrolled, Still is the gladness told, Shouted o'er wood and wold
A beautiful letter. Some time since a rebel by the name of Hardin was captured near Vicksburgh, with a letter written by a lady of one of the first families in Mississippi, residing near Lake Providence, which letter he was conveying to Mrs. Amy Anderson in a neighboring State. The writer of the letter speaks of her husband as Mr. P., and it appears that he was a man of considerable influence and standing. I send you the letter with extracts marked, in order that readers may see what spin man could do. They are not only cruel but worse. They neglect them in sickness, whereas an hour's attention would save hundreds; but we must stand it, even if we lose all we have. Say not a word — the laws of State so order. I see not why Mississippi cannot remunerate our losses as easily as other States, but we run some things into the ground and entirely neglect other items equally as important. I pray the hated foe will all be sent to perdition, vessels and all, ere they gain one inch
A brave Irishman. One of the Indiana regiments was fiercely attacked by a whole brigade, in one of the battles in Mississippi. The Indianians, unable to withstand such great odds, were compelled to fall back about thirty or forty yards, losing, to the utter mortification of the officers and men, their flag, which remained in the hands of the enemy. Suddenly, a tall Irishman, a private in the color company, rushed from the ranks across the vacant ground, attacked the squad of rebels who had possession of the conquered flag, with his musket felled several to the ground, snatched the flag from them, and returned safely back to his regiment. The bold fellow was, of course, immediately surrounded by his jubilant comrades, and greatly praised for his gallantry. His captain appointed him to a sergeancy on the spot; but the hero cut every thing short by the reply: Oh! never mind, captain — say no more about it. I dropped my whisky-flask among the rebels, and fetched that back, and I
August 14. --General Grant don't please the rebels in Mississippi any better than he pleases their allies up this way. When sugar, cotton, or molasses is discovered within his lines, he don't let the rebel owners sell it to the Government on the easily manufactured assurance that they are loyal, but takes it all away and gives them receipts to be paid at the end of the war, on proof of the loyalty of the holder.--Indianapolis Journal.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Organized resistance to the Confederacy in Louisiana. (search)
see proper. I saw many loads of cotton being hauled for shipment to New-Orleans. There is a steamer by the name of the Charles Rust, Captain J. Johnson, plying between the lower landings of Pearl River and some of the counties in the State of Mississippi. Upon the return trip she brings cotton to the lower landings, from thence it is shipped to New-Orleans. Negroes are constantly leaving Washington and Fort Tammany Parishes, Louisiana, and Hancock and Pike counties, Mississippi, and thMississippi, and the people think they will all leave if there is not sufficient force sent to protect the coast. I find the people much exposed to the depredations of this band, and I ask in behalf of the citizens of the Parish of Washington, in which companies. A, C, and K of this battalion were raised, that some force be sent to protect the families of the men who are now in the service of their country. With the above facts, I beg leave to submit myself your obedient servant, J. J. Slocum, Captain Co.