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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
man, by the hand of Judge Williams, in relation to the vast importance of securing possession, in advance, of the country lying between the Ohio, Tennessee, and Mississippi, I have to-day suggested the first part of the plan. By extending my command to Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky, you would enable me to attempt the accomplishNational forces on the Ohio border. General Mansfield Lovell, then in command at New Orleans, was solicited to send up re-enforcements; and Governor Pettus, of Mississippi, and Governor Rector, of Arkansas, were implored for aid. But these men perceived the peril threatened by the land and water campaign commanded by Fremont, whicoreign birth and military education, who assumed the chief command. The position of the Unionists was strong. Zollicoffer with his Tennesseans and a body of Mississippi Tigers boldly attacked them, and was twice repulsed. The first attack was in the morning, the second in the afternoon. The latter was final. The contests had
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
inement of Union prisoners, was partially destroyed. This event closed the campaign of 1861 in Western Virginia, and armed rebellion in that region was effectually crushed. Whilst the scenes we have just recorded were transpiring in the Middle Mississippi Valley, and in West Virginia, others even more remarkable, and quite as important in their relations to the great contest, were occurring on the sea-coast. Let us see what official records and narratives of eye-witnesses reveal to us on thkaders at the mouth of the Mississippi, in the hands of a competent officer. It was so considered by the Government; and the apprehension that others of like character might be speedily fitted out at New Orleans, hastened the preparations already commenced for sending an expedition to the Lower Mississippi, for the purpose of controlling it and its connecting waters, and taking possession of the great commercial city on its banks. This expedition and its Results will be hereafter considered.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
he same time, from General McClellan, to hold the Island and the Virginia shore at all hazards, and intimating that, re-enforcements would be sent. Reports of General Charles P. Stone and his subordinates, October 28th, 1861, and of General N. G. Evans, the Confederate commander, October 25th, 1861. The latter report was, in several respects, marred by misrepresentations. It represented the Confederate force at only 1,709, omitting to state the fact that there was a strong reserve of Mississippi troops, with six guns, posted so as to repel any troops that might approach from Edwards's Ferry. From the best information since obtained, it is agreed that Evans's force numbered 4,000. His report also claimed that, with his small force of 1,700, eight thousand Nationals were fought and beaten, and that the Confederates killed and captured a greater number than their whole force engaged. It also declared that long-range cannon were fired upon the Confederates from the Maryland side o
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
Louis, 198. Foote's flotilla preparations to break the Confederate line, 199. Thomas's movements toward East Tennessee, 200. expedition against Fort Henry, 201. operations of gun boats on the Tennessee River torpedoes, 202. attack on Fort Henry, 203. capture of the post scene just before the surrender, 204. effects of the fall of Fort Henry, 205. Foward the close of the autumn of 1861, the attitude of the contending parties, civil and military, in the great basin of the central Mississippi Valley was exceedingly interesting. We left the National army in Southern Missouri, at the middle of November, dispirited by the removal of their favorite leader, slowly making their way toward St. Louis under their temporary commander, General Hunter, while the energetic Confederate leader, General Price, was advancing, and reoccupying the region which the Nationals abandoned. See page 84. We left Southern Kentucky, from the mountains to the Mississippi River, in possession of th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
veloped the most gratifying evidences of genuine Union feeling in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama. The river banks in places were crowded with men, women, and cconsisted of thirteen regiments of Tennessee troops, two of Kentucky, six of Mississippi, one of Texas, two of Alabama, four of Virginia, two independent battalions Saturday morning ; Feb. 15. Colonel Baldwin's brigade of three regiments of Mississippi and Tennessee troops in advance, followed by four Virginia regiments, under of Shiloh, it contained full 8,000 captives, most of whom were from Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. The passage of these prisoners through the country to their desuainted with his official conduct. Twenty years hence, says a politician of Mississippi, who was a fellow-worker in rebellion with Davis in Richmond, no one will bery 18th), said: You have continually led the way in the Valley of the Lower Mississippi, the Tennessee, and the Cumberland. You have carried the flag of the Uni
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
was, with Island Number10, a few miles above, regarded as the key to the lower Mississippi, and the metropolitan city on its banks, and therefore an object of greatnd, with a considerable body of the best troops, departed for Corinth, in Upper Mississippi, there to prepare to check a formidable movement of the Nationals toward Alabama and Mississippi, by way of Middle Tennessee and the Tennessee River, which we shall consider presently. On assuming command, McCall issued a flaming order West, for several weeks preceding, were borne to Richmond Grand Junction, Mississippi. tidings of disaster to the Confederate cause. There were desperate reason to Jackson, in Tennessee. It was only about two miles northward of the State of Mississippi. During all the time that the Confederates held that section of the coutic seaboard — were made places for the rendezvous of troops from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. And while Johnston was fleeing southward before the followers
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 10: General Mitchel's invasion of Alabama.--the battles of Shiloh. (search)
h embraced the territory from Cairo, between the Mississippi and Cumberland Rivers, to the northern borders of the State of Mississippi, with his Headquarters in the field. It was a wide and important stage for action, and he did not rest on the lau land troops against Columbus, Hickman, Island Number10, and New Madrid. An important objective was Corinth, in Northern Mississippi, at the intersection of the Charleston and Memphis and Mobile and Ohio railroads, and the seizure of that point, aent farther up the river to Tyler's Landing, March 14, 1862. at the mouth of Yellow Creek, just within the borders of Mississippi, to strike the Charleston and Memphis railway at Burnsville, a little east of Corinth. Floods prevented his reaching sited the battle-field of Shiloh late in April, 1866. At seven o'clock in the evening of the 23d, he left Meridian in Mississippi, for a journey of about two hundred miles on the Mobile and Ohio railway to Corinth, near the northern borders of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 11: operations in Southern Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and Alabama. (search)
Chapter 11: operations in Southern Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and Alabama. Situation of the two armies near Corinth, 288. the victory at Shiloh; and its fruits public rejoicings,in thirty days after the battle we have just considered. Within a few days afterward, the Lower Mississippi, with the great city of New Orleans on its banks, was in the absolute possession of the Nathese, the army had been largely increased by militia who had been sent forward from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, the States immediately threatened with invasion. The organization of the corst the incursions of Jeff. Thompson's guerrillas. All Kentucky, Western Tennessee, and Northern Mississippi and Alabama were now in the possession of the National authorities, and it was confidentlt. During that lull, let us observe and consider events on the Atlantic coast, along the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico, and on the Lower Mississippi. Tail-piece — a Canon in the Mountain
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
us for an expedition against Mobile. He named Ship Island, off the coast of Mississippi, between Mobile Bay and Lake Borgne (a low sand-bar, lying just above low wa a decision to make vigorous efforts to capture New Orleans, and hold the lower Mississippi. When that decision was referred to General McClellan, the latter thoud by his wife, his staff, and fourteen hundred troops, in the fine steamship Mississippi. Fearful perils were encountered on the North Carolina coast, and vexatious delay at Port Royal; The captain of the Mississippi appears to have been utterly incompetent. On the night after leaving Hampton Roads, he ran his vessel on a shon, Commander O. S. Glisson, of the blockading squadron off Wilmington. The Mississippi was taken to Port Royal and repaired, and was again run aground while passinbelow New Orleans, and was well acquainted with all the region around the lower Mississippi. At that conference, a plan of operation against the forts below New O
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 13: the capture of New Orleans. (search)
ions, and with plans of the known works on the lower Mississippi, furnished by General Barnard, who constructedraven, 24 guns each; Richmond, Captain Alden, 26; Mississippi, Captain M. Smith, 12; Iroquois, Commander De Camrts, consisted of the following regiments: On the Mississippi, the Commanding General and the Twenty-sixth Mass, Porter had daubed the hulls of his vessels with Mississippi mud, and clothed their masts and rigging with thee Manassas, that had been terribly pounded by the Mississippi, and sent adrift in a helpless state, was seen moce above the fort, under cover of the guns of the Mississippi and Kineo. A small force was sent across the riveburned, and with it an immense armored ram called Mississippi, which was considered the most important naval stfourteen hundred troops, were on the same vessel (Mississippi) in which they left Hampton Roads sixty-five daysee by the side of Butler's Headquarters ship, the Mississippi, on board of which the commanding general spent t