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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
ive. In a letter, dated July 10th, the President said: . ... Your letter found me trying by every method to hasten reenforcements to you. ... Colonel Forney's regiment will, I suppose, get off in the morning, if not this evening, and more shall follow as fast as the railroad will permit. . .. And in another, dated the 13th: . . .. Another (regiment) for the war came yesterday. It was fully equipped, and to-day has gone to your column .... I could get twenty thousand from Mississippi, who impatiently wait for notice that they can be armed. In Georgia, numerous tenders are made to serve for any time, at any place, and to these and other offers I am still constrained to answer, I have not arms to supply you. . . . The rich country around us furnished abundant supplies of provision and forage, which the farmers and millers willingly sold on credit to the quartermasters and commissaries of the army. We neither received nor required assistance from the Commissary De
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter3 (search)
The accessions to the army since July 21st had been the excellent brigade of Georgians formed and brought to Virginia by General Toombs, two regiments from Mississippi, and one each from North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Texas. This statement is from memory. The consequences of neglect on the part of the Governmental troops, commanded by Colonel Baker. Four Federal regiments crossed the Potomac at Edwards's Ferry, and were held in check by Colonel Barksdale's (Thirteenth) Mississippi regiment. Five others, under Colonel Baker's immediate direction, crossed the river at the same time at Ball's Bluff, and were met by Hunton's (Eighth Virginia. Such an accession to the Southern Confederacy might, and probably would, have made the northern and eastern borders of that State the seat of war, instead of Mississippi and Tennessee. Among the measures to hold Tennessee and gain Kentucky were intrenched camps, made at Columbus, Island No.10, Forts Henry and Donelson, and
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
Arkansas could reach the scene of action in Mississippi much sooner than General Bragg's; and sayinthese orders had been given, he set off for Mississippi, desiring me to accompany him. He arrivemberton's troops should be concentrated in Mississippi. The President suggested to General Holmesnd that two armies far apart, like those of Mississippi and Tennessee, having different objects, anhout artillery or wagons, from Tennessee to Mississippi, fully sustained this opinion. That time whe Confederate army of Tennessee to that of Mississippi, he prepared to take advantage of it, and o the United States naval officers on the Lower Mississippi had ascertained the practicability of palonel Grierson made a raid entirely through Mississippi. Leaving Lagrange April 1th, with a brigadhe Secretary of War: Proceed at once to Mississippi and take chief command of the forces there,, because I have been accused of neglecting Mississippi, to give my time to Tennessee. at any time [11 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
Chapter 7 Start for Mississippi. dispatch from General Pemberton. arrival at Jackson. movements sburg. army retires to Jackson. I set out for Mississippi on the first train that left Tullahoma, after theForrest as his successor. At Lake Station, in Mississippi, on the 13th, a dispatch from Lieutenant-General 12th, See page 174. dispatched before I entered Mississippi, and his official report, See General Pemberton' informed of the condition of military affairs in Mississippi, especially of the inadequacy of the forces they t rely on what you have, and the irregular forces Mississippi can afford. On the 8th he asked, on the same subr is it for me to judge which it is best to hold, Mississippi or Tennessee--that is for the Government to deterThe defeat of this little army would at once open Mississippi and Alabama to Grant. I will do all I can, withoithout giving up Jackson, by which we should lose Mississippi.... The want of field .transportation was then
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
the relative forces of the belligerents in Mississippi, were in full agreement with mine. I give troops were required to repel raids in Northern Mississippi. Indeed, General Pemberton's whole cor ordered, on 9th May, to proceed at once to Mississippi and the chief command of the forces, givingJune, informing you that the order to go to Mississippi did not diminish your authority in Tennesse Tennessee since assignment here (i. e., in Mississippi). Your dispatch of the 5th instant is againould change the order placing Tennessee and Mississippi in one command and under your direction, anI might have drawn troops from Tennessee to Mississippi. But the Executive knew that for months myy, because, while commanding on the spot in Mississippi, I could not direct General Bragg's operatiought it more advisable to draw troops from Mississippi to reenforce Bragg than to send troops fromfor any troops I could spare from Mobile or Mississippi, but that my previous generosity forbade hi[58 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 9 (search)
es of food. Foreseeing this before leaving Mississippi, I applied for permission to bring Major W.e purchase and impressment of provisions in Mississippi. So that Major Moore's position is not an t, added to the two brigades last sent from Mississippi, and the cavalry sent back by Longstreet, wrles's and Baldwin's brigades, sent back to Mississippi by the President two weeks after. and the cabout fifteen hundred when they returned to Mississippi. had been sent from it in Longstreet's corpother land, the two last brigades sent from Mississippi had an effective total of three thousand, a difficulty, I think, in advancing from Northern Mississippi, avoiding the mountains. I can see king officers present. My experience in Mississippi was, that impressed negroes run away whenev Baldwin's brigades, the last two sent from Mississippi, returned to that department in obedience h, to dispatch Lieutenant-General Hardee to Mississippi with Cheatham's, Cleburne's, and Walker's d[5 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 10 (search)
it. Other troops might be drawn from General Beauregard's and Lieutenant-General Polk's departments. The infantry of the latter is so small a force that what would remain after the formation of proper garrisons for Mobile would be useless in Mississippi, but a valuable addition to the Army of Tennessee. But of these matters you are much better informed than I. General Bragg replied on the 4th of March: General: In reply to yours of the 27th ult., just received, I hasten to inform yourepel Grant's attack, and then make our own; or, should the enemy not take the initiative, do it ourselves. Our first object then should be, your proposition to bring on a battle on this side of the Tennessee. Should not the movement from Mississippi precede any advance from this point so much as to enable those troops to cross the Tennessee before we move? Lieutenant-General Polk thought at the end of February that he could send fifteen thousand cavalry on such an expedition. Even two-t
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
. H. Jackson joined the army at Adairsville. It had been ordered to it from Mississippi by Lieutenant-General Polk. The breadth of the valley here exceeded so menemy's progress. French's division of Polk's corps joined the army from Mississippi in the afternoon. Next morning, when Brig.-General Jackson's reports shoent its use. Early in the campaign, the accounts of the number of cavalry in Mississippi given by Lieutenant-General Polk, just from the command of that department, estroy the railroad communications of the Federal army could be furnished in Mississippi and Alabama, under an officer fully competent to head such an enterprise-Genve been employed were diverted from that object to repel a Federal raid into Mississippi. I made these suggestions in the strong belief that this cavalry would serv cut off the enemy's subsistence. We do not see how Forrest's operations in Mississippi, or Morgan's raids as conducted in Kentucky, interfere with Sherman's plans
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
ederal army, the Confederate forces were utterly inadequate to the exploit of driving it back, being less than a fourth of its number. In returning from its disastrous expedition against Nashville, the Army of Tennessee had halted in Northeastern Mississippi. A large proportion of these troops were then furloughed by General Hood, and went to their homes. When General Sherman's army invaded South Carolina, General Beauregard ordered those remaining on duty to repair to that State. The firs Carrington, who was at the head of the service of collecting provisions in North Carolina, for the army, was increasing the quantity rapidly. As the wagon-train of the Army of Tennessee had not yet passed through Georgia, on its way from Mississippi, it was perhaps fortunate that so small a part of the troops had arrived. Colonel A. II. Cole's excellent system, with the assistance promptly rendered by Governor Vance, furnished the means of collecting and bringing food to the troops as t
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 14 (search)
o give me a copy. As Mr. Davis had gone to Mississippi in the mean time, this letter was sent to atelligence and honor, who are well known in Mississippi. It is given in the following letter: Vic remaining in Tennessee instead of going to Mississippi, where you ought to have been, and where yo over the armies operating in Tennessee and Mississippi. After assuming that command, he was direcion; and, even in such a crisis, he went to Mississippi only in consequence of a positive order froe the end of December I transferred them to Mississippi. On the 23d of January he ordered me to Ten special service. When I was returning to Mississippi after having performed it, he ordered See was compelled by the President. I went to Mississippi in May only in consequence of a positive or For the causes of Confederate disasters in Mississippi, the reader is referred to pages 204-211. ken in preference to those more distant, in Mississippi. 6. I may reasonably claim that the ear[2 more...]