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escape a defeat reenforcements from General Polk and Columbus arrival of Polk on the field the Federal troops defeated and spoils taken characters of General Pillow and General Polk compared misrepresentations of the Northern press. I had only just returned to my regiment at Leesburgh when I received a letter from a Kentucky friend, serving under General Polk, at Columbus, descriptive of the engagement at Belmont, which had been fought some time before at the village of that name in Missouri: Columbus, Ky., Nov. 10th, 1861. Dear Tom: You will, ere this reaches you, have heard more than one account of the late fight at Belmont; but this will satisfy you that I am all right, and ready to have another shake with the Great Anaconda, so much talked of in the North. In my former letter, I fully informed you of the stupendous works raised here by General Gustavus Smith, and of our having occupied Belmont opposite, so as to command both banks of the stream. But the enemy app
Chapter 16: Battle of Elk Horn, Missouri, march seventh, 1862 incidents and sketches of the war in that State Colonel Fremont superseded in the command of the Federals General Van Dorn our Guerrilla horse Breach of parole by Northern troops McCulloch and McIntosh killed our forces retire the loss on either side. Elk River, McDonald Co., Mo., March 14th, 1862. Dear Tom: Your last was received and perused with much pleasure, and here am I on the confines of Missouri, within a few hours' travel of Arkansas and. the Cherokee Indian territory, endeavoring to pen a few lines to satisfy your ardent curiosity. You have, doubtless, ha him. His services were of such note that no history of that war fails to bestow upon him the praise his many brilliant achievements deserve. He was Governor of Missouri in 1863, and filled the chair with remarkable ability, having successfully saved the State from the Republican sophistry of Senator Benton, when that demagogue c
War under President Pierce, being made up of adaptations from the French and English manuals. General Hardee was for a long time on the Southern coast, superintending fortifications, but was appointed to organize and command a brigade in South-Eastern Missouri. After the battle of Lexington, (September, 1861,) he was withdrawn from that State, and sent to reenforce the command of Sidney Johnston, in Tennessee. At Shiloh our line of battle marched in three divisions, Hardee commanding the firs at this point were Western men, fellows of true grit, who fought like heroes, disputing every inch of ground with great determination and valor. We came to a place where Kentuckians and Mississippians had encountered some Dutch regiments from Missouri and Ohioit was like a slaughter-house, and but few of our men were visible among the killed. The fight was not over, however, by any means, as incessant musketry on our flanks fully proved. It seemed, from the line of fire, that our wings
rowing their money away on those who have no talent for it. The want of uniformity in our calls is notorious; what one regiment beats for tattoo its next neighbor will furiously drum for reveille. All the men know is that drums are beating for something, and they turn out with alacrity to ascertain what that something is. But this is not in form, and though commanders look upon the matter lightly, it may be the occasion of much mischief. Take a case in point: At the battle of Oak Hill, in Missouri, the camps and commands of Price and McCulloch were some distance apart, and the Missourians, it is said, were so much accustomed to beating drums at all times, that when they were suddenly attacked by Lyon, McCulloch took no notice of the call, until Sigel opened fire upon his pickets, when he ascertained that for once the Missouri drummers meant something by their thumpings. I do not say that such a thing would happen with us, for as volunteers we are the best drilled in essentials of an
hold. It is much more pleasant to praise than to blame; but truth and public opinion demand that I should speak of things as they really were; and if my comments on Magruder's actions seem severe, I but simply reiterate, in a mild form, the sweeping denunciation his conduct met with at the hands of thousands who were present and in his command on that and other occasions. Subsequent to the week's campaign, he was appointed chief in command of the Trans-Mississippi Department, comprising Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, (west of the river,) and Texas; and was on his way thither, when an official telegram ordered him back to Richmond to answer a charge of drunkenness, etc., at Malvern Hill. The court-martial is said to have fully acquitted him, but his command was then and there circumscribed to that part of the Trans-Mississippi Department comprised in the State of Texas alone. Magruder soon began to show signs of activity and capacity in this distant station, and after a spirited a
ear, became excited and discharged theirs also. The tents were struck, Loomis' First Michigan Battery manned, and we awaited the attack, but none was made.. It was a false alarm. Some sentinel probably halted a stump and fired, thus rousing a thousand men from their warm beds. This is the first night alarm we have had. July, 22 We hear that General Cox has been beaten on the Kanawha; that our forces have been repulsed at Manassas Gap, and that our troops have been unsuccessful in Missouri. I trust the greater part, if not all, of this is untrue. We have been expecting orders to march, but they have not come. The men are very anxious to be moving, and when moving, strange to say, always very anxious to stop. July, 23 Officers and men are low-spirited to-night. The news of yesterday has been confirmed. Our army has been beaten at Manassas with terrible loss. General McClellan has left Beverly for Washington. General Rosecrans will assume command in Western Virg
f blood-- They're discussing the mule and Virginia mud. It has often been said that the South could not have been worsted in the Rebellion had it not been for the steady re-enforcement brought to the Union side by the mule. To just what extent his services hastened the desired end, it would be impossible to compute; but it is admitted by both parties to the war that they were invaluable. It may not be generally known that Kentucky is the chief mulepro-ducing State of the Union, with Missouri next, while St. Louis is perhaps the best mule-market in the world; but the entire South-west does something at muleraising. Mules vary more in size than horses. The largest and best come from Kentucky. The smaller ones are the result of a cross with the Mexican mustang. These were also extensively used. General Grant says, in his Memoirs (vol. 1. p. 69), that while Taylor's army was at Matamoras, contracts were made for mules, between American traders and Mexican smugglers, at from e
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
Governor James F. Robinson (1862-3) Governor Thomas E. Bramlette (1863-7) Maryland Governor Thomas H. Hicks (1857-61) Governor A. W. Bradford (1861-5) Missouri Governor C. F. Jackson (1861) Union Governor H. R. Gamble (1861-4) Governor T. C. Fletcher (1864-8) N. B.-The Confederate Government of Kentucky was prted by the Provisional Council of Kentucky to succeed him, and acted as the Confederate Provisional Governor of Kentucky from 1862 until the close of the war.-In Missouri Thomas C. Reynolds was the Confederate Governor from 1862 to 1865; but after 1861 a Confederate Governor of Missouri was little more than a name.-In Tennessee, Ge Governor of Missouri was little more than a name.-In Tennessee, Governor Harris being ineligible to a fourth term, Robert L. Caruthers was elected Governor in August, 1863. Tennessee and her capital being then occupied by the United States forces, Mr. Caruthers was never inaugurated, and Governor Harris held over und
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
e of Kentucky in opposition to her apparent purpose of armed neutrality. That made Kentucky a field of early hostilities and helped to anchor her to the Union. Missouri was rescued from secession through the energy of General F. P. Blair and her other Union men, and by the indomitable will of Captain Lyon of the regular army, whf affairs penetrated the case-hardened bureauism of long peace, it may be mentioned that the venerable adjutant-general of the army, when a crisis was at hand in Missouri, came from a consultation with the President and Secretary Cameron, and with a sorry expression of countenance and an ominous shake of the head exclaimed, It's bad, very bad; we're giving that young man Lyon a great deal too much power in Missouri. Early in the contest another young Union officer came to the front. Major Irvin McDowell was appointed brigadier-general May 14th. He was forty-three years of age, of unexceptionable habits and great physical powers. His education, begun
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
The first year of the War in Missouri. Colonel Thomas L. Snead. Colonel Snead was at differen the laws of the United States, the people of Missouri would instantly rally on the side of such Stao elect to the Convention men who would place Missouri unequivocally on the side of the South. He wthe Military Department of the West, of which Missouri was part, had returned to St. Louis the day aieved of the command of the Federal troops in Missouri, and on the 31st of May he was superseded by t he would see every man, woman, and child in Missouri under the sod before he would consent that thlocking to Boonville to fight under Price for Missouri and the South extended Lyon's conquest at onc quarters; Lyon would have had his own way in Missouri, and the Federal armies that were sent thithe, Arkansas, within a few hundred yards of the Missouri line, and almost as near to Springfield as wequired the confidence of all the Union men of Missouri, and had made himself respected, if not feare[28 more...]
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