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Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book 2, section 4 (search)
He became the father of five sons; of whom Jaus, and Jalomus, and Coreus, were by one wife, whose name was Alibama; but of the rest, Aliphaz was born to him by Ada, and Raguel by Basemmath: and these were the sons of Esau. Aliphaz had five legitimate sons; Theman, Omer, Saphus, Gotham, and Kanaz; for Amalek was not legitimate, but by a concubine, whose name was Thamna. These dwelt in that part of Idumea which is called Gebalitis, and that denominated from Amalek, Amalekitis; for Idumea was a large country, and did then preserve the name of the whole, while in its several parts it kept the names of its peculiar inhabitants. HOW JOSEPH, THE YOUNGEST OF JACOB'S SONS, WAS ENVIED BY HIS BRETHREN, WHEN CERTAIN DREAMS HAD FORESHOWN HIS FUTURE HAPPINESS.
Pindar, Pythian (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Pythian 2 For Hieron of Syracuse Chariot Race ?470 or 468 (search)
Pythian 2 For Hieron of Syracuse Chariot Race ?470 or 468 The date and occasion are uncertain and controversial. For a discussion of the possibilities see e.g. H. Lloyd-Jones, “Modern Interpretation of Pindar: the Second Pythian and Seventh Nemean Odes,” JHS 93 (1973) 109-37, and C. Carey, A Commentary on Five Odes of Pindar (New York 1981), p. 21.Great city of Syracuse! Sacred precinct of Ares, plunged deep in war! Divine nurse of men and horses who rejoice in steel! For you I come from splendid Thebes bringing this song, a message of the earth-shaking four-horse racein which Hieron with his fine chariot won the victory, and so crowned Ortygia with far-shining garlands—Ortygia, home of Artemis the river-goddess: not without her help did Hieron master with his gentle hands the horses with embroidered reins. For the virgin goddess who showers arrowsand Hermes the god of contests present the gleaming reins to him with both hands when he yokes the strength of his horses to the polished <
Pindar, Nemean (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Nemean 7 For Sogenes of Aegina Boys' Pentathlon ?467 B. C. (search)
Nemean 7 For Sogenes of Aegina Boys' Pentathlon ?467 B. C. On the uncertainty of the date, see C. Carey,A Commentary on Five Odes of Pindar (New York 1981), p. 133.Eleithuia, seated beside the deep-thinking Fates, hear me, creator of offspring, child of Hera great in strength. Without you we see neither the light nor the dark night before it is our lot to go to your sister, Hebe, Youth with her lovely limbs.Yet we do not all draw our first breath for equal ends. Under the yoke of destiny, diffexpect it, and on the one who does. There is honor for those whose fame a god causes to grow luxuriant when they are dead. Neoptolemus came to help,Adding a period after teqnako/twn and reading with C. Carey, A Commentary on Five Odes of Pindar New York 1981, 148-50, boaqe/wn . . . mo/len. to the great navel of the broad-bosomed earth. And he lies beneath the Pythian soil,after he sacked the city of Priam, where even the Danaans toiled. But on his return voyage he missed Scyros, and after wande
Plato, Republic, Book 5, section 472b (search)
tion of his Utopia, though it would be disillusionizing to say so too explicitly. Cf. introduction p. xxxi-xxxii, and my paper on Plato's Laws, Class. Phil. ix. (1914) pp. 351 and 353. This is one of the chief ideas that Cicero derived from Plato. He applies it to his picture of the ideal orator, and the mistaken ingenuity of modern scholarship has deduced from this and attributed to the maleficent influence of Plato the post-Renaissancee and eighteenth-century doctrine of fixed literary kinds. Cf. my note in the New York Nation, vol. ciii. p. 238, Sept. 7, 1916.” I replied, “only this: if we do discover what justice is, are we to demand that the just man shall differ from it in no respe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ed in a similarly terrible manner. I allude to Sandusky, Delaware and others. I do not say that all prisoners at the North suffered and endured the terrors and the cupidity of venal sub-officials; on the contrary, at the camps in the harbor of New York, and at Point Lookout, and at other camps where my official duties from time to time have called me, the prisoners in all respects have fared as our Government intended and designated they should. Throughout Texas, where food and the necessarie caught, they amount to no more than dead men. At this particular time, to release all Rebel prisoners North would insure Sherman's defeat, and would compromise our safety here. Here is even a stronger statement from a Northern source: New York, August 8th, 1865. Moreover, General Butler, in his speech at Lowell, Massachusetts' stated positively that he had been ordered by Mr. Stanton to put forward the negro question to complicate and prevent the exchange. * * * * * Every one is aw
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
at Washington. By the steamer from New Orleans, which arrived at Vera Cruz about the last of February, 1861, I received private advices that my resignation had been accepted, but no official information to that effect reached me. The day after the arrival of the mail steamer the United States sloop-of-war MacEDONIANdonian joined the squadron, and brought orders for the Powhatan to proceed to the United States. On the 13th of March we arrived and anchored off the Battery, in the harbor of New York. The following day I started for the South, and was soon in Montgomery, the capital of the Confederate States. I called on Mr. Mallory, the Secretary of the Navy, who received me kindly, and informed me that no doubt my services would soon be needed by the Government. I also called on Mr. Davis, with whom I was acquainted. He asked me many questions about the Naval Academy, and the naval service, and seemed anxious to know how the officers of the navy from the South regarded the secessi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Seacoast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. (search)
ll force generally at his disposition, made it difficult for General Beauregard to secure the vital points of the long Confederate lines from sudden mortal attack. The successful defence, therefore, of that large department under such circumstances, is one of the most brilliant achievements in war, and must make it an admirable study of the art of defensive war reduced to perfect practice in all its ramifications and details, including a creative military administration. General Lee's own reputation, which rests solidly upon his own resplendent deeds as commander of the superlative Army of Northern Virginia, cannot possibly be enhanced one particle by the attribution of things that do not belong to him. Were he alive, he would be the first to disclaim such credit for the defence of the seacoast of South Carolina and Georgia as is given by the article of General Long, I doubt not unconscious of the injustice thus done to General Beauregard. Thomas Jordan. New York, May 1st, 1876.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Governor Letcher, of Virginia. (search)
value as illustrating the history of the times. Their originals, kindly presented to the Society by Governor Letcher, constitute a valuable addition to our collection of autographs. Upon a request of Governor Letcher that Lieutenant-Colonel Hardee, United States Army, be allowed to come to Richmond to drill the Virginia cavalry then encamped at the Fair Grounds, General Scott wrote the following letters. General Hardee complied with the request, and drilled the cavalry several days. New York, October 22, 1860. His Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: My Dear Sir — I have caused a copy of your letter to be forwarded to Lieutenant-Colonel Hardee, who is, I think, still at West Point, though relieved from duty there. It is not competent for a senior to order a junior of the army on any service whatever, not strictly within the line of his official duties, but I think it probable Colonel Hardee will take pleasure in meeting the wishes of your Excellency. With great
academy, and offered his services to the Lincoln Government, to assist in killing the pupils who gave him bread. He was appointed Brigadier-General of volunteers, and made himself conspicuous at Manassas. In the old army he enjoyed great reputation as an artillerist, but now seems to have sunk into oblivion, or all talent has departed, for we never hear of him as distinguishing himself. His once famous battery; subsequent to his resignation, was commanded by Captain James B. Ricketts, of New-York, who greatly distinguished himself at Manassas, and quite eclipsed the fame of Sherman as an artillery officer. while Evans at Sudley Ford is slowly retiring before the four brigades of Hunter. Then Colonel Heintzelman, with the Second division, is seen moving towards Red House Ford between these two valiant leaders; and joining forces with Hunter, he proceeds-still at right angles with the river — to Stone Bridge, his object being to disperse the little force under Major Wheat, and allow
ing a panic into whole brigades and divisions, as already related. To return to my remembrances of the field after the battle. Manassas Junction, when I reached the spot, resembled a vast fair. Hundreds of persons were moving about from enclosure to enclosure, viewing the parti-colored prisoners, who were temporarily confined in sheds. In one place were several hundreds of muscular fellows in red trowsers and caps, blue jackets and white gaiters; these were the famous Fire Zouaves of New-York, about whom so much had been said and written by the whole North. Their behavior was scandalous, and outraged all decency; it being incredible that troops who had behaved so cowardly before an inferior force, should still be so full of bombast as to insult the very men who had voluntarily deprived themselves of food and blankets to feed and warm them. But let this pass. In all directions were prisoners of every grade, of every corps, and every imaginable style of uniform. Around the dep
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