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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 404 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 92 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 88 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 50 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 46 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 44 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 38 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 36 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 32 0 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 24 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for New York State (New York, United States) or search for New York State (New York, United States) in all documents.

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ntion resolved, unanimously: As a response to the resolutions of the Legislature of the State of New York, that this Convention highly approves of the energetic and patriotic conduct of the Governor of Georgia in taking possession of Fort Pulaski by the Georgia troops; that this Convention request him to hold possession of said fort until the relations of Georgia with the Federal Government shall be determined, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of New York.--Times, Jan. 22. Wendell Phillips addressed the Twentyeighth Congregational Society in Boston this afternoon on the Political Lessons of the hour. He declared himself to be a disunion man, and was glad to see South Carolina and other southern slave States had practically initiated a disunion movement. He hoped that all the slave States would leave the Union, and not stand upon the order of their going, but go at once. He denounced the compromise spirit manifested by Mr. Seward
Feb. 21. The President of the Southern Confederacy nominated the following members of his Cabinet: Secretary of State--Mr. Toombs. Secretary of the Treasury--Mr. Memminger. Secretary of War--Mr. L. Pope Walker. They were confirmed.--Tribune, Feb. 22. Governor Brown, at Savannah, Ga., seized the ship Martha J. Ward, bark Adjuster, and brig Harold, all belonging to citizens of New York. They will be detained until the arms are delivered up by the State of New York. The Congress at Montgomery passed an act declaring the establishment of the free navigation of the Mississippi.--Philadelphia Press, Dec. 23.
ring their absence. All say, none shall fight the battles of their country at their own expense.--Cor. Boston Transcript, May 1. The steamer Daniel Webster from New York, arrived at the bar at the mouth of the Mississsipi, and received orders to return immediately for fear of seizure. The tug boat Tuscarora came alongside, and took four passengers off. The Webster left before the others could get ashore.--N. Y. Commercial, May 1. A meeting of the citizens of the Seventeenth Ward, N. Y., was held, to take action in behalf of the families of volunteers from that district. B. R. Winthrop occupied the chair. Resolutions were adopted, and speeches were made by F. A. Conkling, Chauncey Schaeffer, John Cochrane and others.--N. Y. Tribune, April 27. A Union meeting at Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., this afternoon, on the occasion of raising the flag, was addressed by Senator Hall, John Jay, Rev. M. Bogg, of the Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Ferris, Dr. Woodcock, Dr. Shore
cers:--Captain, Jerome Rowe; First Lieutenant, James Tischner; Ensign, William O. Wyckoff; Orderly Sergeant, William Godley; Second Sergeant, Edwin C. Fulkenson; Third do., Edward Atwater; Fourth do., Dr. Tolbo; First Corporal, Leonard Atwater; Second do., Clinton McGill; Third do., James A. Dickinson; Fourth do., George Shepherd.--N. Y. Herald, May 5. The Onondaga Regiment left Syracuse, N. Y., for Elmira. This is the first regiment organized under the new Volunteer bill of the State of New York. Ten full companies presented their muster-rolls to the Adjutant-General, not merely full, but with an excess of nearly one hundred men.--N. Y. Tribune, May 5. The New Orleans Delta of to-day contains a full account of the numbers and condition of the rebel troops and defences in the vicinity of Fort Pickens; from which it appears that Gen. Bragg has under his command an army of over six thousand fighting men, besides a large force of laborers, sailors, and marines.--(Doc. 133.)
of other towns who may enlist in Dorchester, provided their own towns do not make any provision for them.--N. Y. Express, May 9. General John A. Dix, late Secretary of the Treasury, was appointed one of the four majorgenerals from the State of New York. General Dix is a native of New Hampshire, and is a son of the late Lieut.-Colonel Timothy Dix. He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1812; was promoted ensign in 1814, and was subsequently promoted to a third lieuamp to Major-General Brown, 1816; transferred to First artillery, May, 1821; Third artillery, August, 1821; captain, August 25; resigned his commission in the army, December 31, 1828. He afterward filled the post of Adjutant-General of the State of New York, Secretary of State, and United States Senator from January, 1845 to 1849; Postmaster of New York in 1860-61; and was called to the post of Secretary of the Treasury, under James Buchanan, January 11, 1861.--Commercial Advertiser, May 7.
his energetic efforts in raising funds for the purchase of this battery.--N. Y. Times, May 24. One of the secession flags displayed from the Headquarters of the Grays, at Alexandria, Va., and within sight from Washington, was captured by two adventurous Union men-William McSpedon, of New York city, and Samuel Smith, of Queens County, N. Y. Gen. Patterson and staff arrived at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Col. Vosburgh, late of the 71st N. Y. regiment, was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, L. I.--N. Y. Times, May 24. The Third Connecticut Regiment arrived at Washington. It numbers over eight hundred men, all well drilled, and is commanded by Colonel J. Arnold.--(Doc. 191.) The Alexandria (Va.) Sentinel of to-day, says: The Washington Home Guard, Capt. Powell, took to-day 169 head of fine mutton, three miles above the chain bridge. They were appraised at $2.50 a head, and are impounded near this place. They had been purchased of some Virginia drover by the Georgetown but
May 26. A letter from Major Sprague, U. S. A., giving an account of affairs in Texas, since the arrest of the federal troops in that locality, was published in the Albany (N. Y.) Argus.--(Doc. 197.) The privateer Calhoun, Capt. Wilson, arrived at New Orleans, La., having in tow the following prizes: schooners John Adams and Mermaid, of Provincetown, Mass., and the brig Panama, of Boston, Mass.; all these are whalers, and have on board about 215 bbls. of sperm and black whale oil. They were taken about 20 miles from the passes; their crews number 63 men; and all of them told that these vessels lad been whaling for some time and cruising in the Gulf.--Natchez Courier, May 30. The Mobile Register of yesterday, after announcing the invasion of Virginia by the Federal troops, observes: Servile insurrection is a part of their programme, but they expect no great amount of practical good to result therefrom-consequently, it is contended that it would be afar better course of
Mr. Bouverie. Mr. Gregory treated the reported offer spoken of as a newspaper rumor, and declared that he should, on the 7th, press his motion for the acknowledgment of the Confederate States. --(Doc. 207 1/2.) Judge Hall's charge to the grand jury at Rochester, N. Y., on the law of treason, was published.--N. Y. World, May 28. Two letters from Edward Bates, Attorney-General of the United States, to John Minor Botts of Virginia, were made public.--(Doc. 208.) The assertion of the Governor of Georgia, that property of citizens of that State found in the State of New York is forcibly taken from its owners, is denied in a letter published this day, signed by the officers of seven New York banks.--(Doc. 209.) The Rochester Regiment, Colonel Quimby, and the Syracuse Regiment, Colonel Walrath, left Elmira, N. Y., for the seat of war.--Buffalo Courier, May 81. The Garibaldi Guard, under the command of Colonel D'Utassy, left New York for the seat of war.--(Doc. 210.)
returned the cavalry fire. Shots were exchanged for some time across the Potomac, a distance of seven-eighths of a mile. None of Col. E.'s men were injured. Two Virginia troopers were shot, one thought to be killed, as well as the commander, supposed to be Capt. Shreves. Upon the fall of their leader, the cavalry retreated. During the fight bullets were flattened on stones near our men, who lay down in perfect shelter.--N. Y. Express, June 17. John A. Dix, Major-General of the New York State forces, was appointed Major-General in the army of the United States.--N. Y. Tribune, June 14. At Rochester, N. Y., a flag was raised upon the court-house. The ceremonies were commenced with a prayer by the Rev. Dr. Dewey, followed by the hoisting of the flag, during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner. Speeches were then made by Judge John C. Chumasero, Roswell Hart, and H. B. Ensworth.--Rochester Express, June 14. On the representation of certain Irishwomen of Alexandri
May 26. The Eighth, Eleventh, Seventy-first, and Thirty-seventh regiments New York State Militia were ordered by the Governor of the State of New York to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Washington. The Seventh regiment, New York State Militia, left New York for Washington in response to the call for troops to defend the capital.--The Twenty-fifth regiment, New York State Militia, met at Albany and resolved to volunteer their services.--The Thirty-second regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, under the command of Col. F. I. Parker, left Boston for Washington this evening. General Banks's command crossed the Potomac safely at Williamsport, Md.--(Doc. 15.) This day, by order of Gen. Dix, commanding the Department of Maryland, Judge Richard Carmichael and James Powell, Prosecuting Attorney, of Talbot County, Md., were arrested at Easton, in that county, by the United States Marshal, upon a charge of treason. Some resistance was apprehended, and a body of m
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