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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,788 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 514 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 260 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 194 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 168 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 166 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 152 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 150 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 132 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 122 0 Browse Search
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General Stuart, dated June sixth, ordering the commands to be held in readiness to move at fifteen minutes notice. A captain, who was taken prisoner, said they were under orders to move on Wednesday morning at daylight. They moved a day sooner, and backward at that. The prompt manner in which these plans of the enemy have been baffled will elicit the admiration of every one. A day longer, and it would have been too late. Their plans are now known, and we can prepare accordingly. Pennsylvania and Maryland will awake to the importance of the occasion, and make all needful preparations to receive this horde of raiders. They will probably only defer, not abandon, their designs, and such a body of cavalry once loose in a defenceless State, they can take the whole of i<*> But General Hooker has unmasked them, and given time for preparation. Shortly he will be fully ready himself to take them thoroughly in hand. L. L. Crounse. Official report of Colonel Wyndham. headqu
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Casualties in the First New-Jersey cavalry. (search)
e vicinity of a house, in which it was subsequently ascertained were the rebel Gens. Stuart, Hampton, and Jones, the latter having just arrived from Winchester (the rebel prisoners say) to make arrangements to join the proposed expedition into Pennsylvania and Maryland. Upon this point it appears two rebel colums were approaching. The advance, Colonel Wyndham had attacked and driven back. Following up the advantage thus gained, the First Maryland was ordered to charge, which they did in the mng from the station after the flying rebels. They were too late for the trains; but our gallant Major Russell, with a few men, captured an ambulance with General Stuart's plan of the intended raid which was to have been made into Maryland and Pennsylvania; also many other valuable papers were captured and secured. This squadron, led by Major Russell, was repeatedly charged upon by squads of rebels; but by charging them in return and ordering reenforcements with loud voice (although none were
y, and one section of battery L, Fifth regiment artillery, under command of Col. Shawl, of the Eighty-seventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry. This reconnoissance was conducted with energy, in pursuance of instructions, and its results were-second regiment O. V. I., Col. Ball; One Hundred and Twenty-third regiment O. V. I., Col. Wilson; Thirteenth regiment Pennsylvania cavalry, Col. Gallagher; Twelfth regiment Pennsylvania cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Moss; battery L, Fifth regiment artillery,Pennsylvania cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Moss; battery L, Fifth regiment artillery, First Lieut. Randolph. Second brigade, Colonel Ely, Eighteenth Connecticut, commanding: Eighty-seventh regiment Pa. V. I., Colonel Shawl; Twelfth regiment Va. V. I., Col. Klunk; Eighteenth regiment Conn. V. I., Lieut.-Col. Nichols; Fifth regiment Mdr were of no small moment, deciding as they did the fate of the Great Valley, as well as the fate of Western Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Could Winchester and neighboring towns have still been held in spite of the desperate courage and effo
overcome Georgia and South-Carolina, and take Savannah and Charleston. This would be the final stroke. Isn't that a fine plan? I only hope some part of it may be accomplished. Our rebel friends are telling us strange stories about the annihilation of Hooker, the capture of Philadelphia, etc., and although we don't believe them, of course, still we feel uneasy and anxious. If Lee has penetrated into the Keystone State, I have faith enough in the militia of New-York, New-Jersey, and Pennsylvania, to trust that he will have to pay the piper dearly before he gets out again; and then it may be to find Richmond occupied by Dix and Foster, and Virginia no longer a secession State. One of our negro girls has just come in, and informed me, in a cautious whisper, that the Yankees have advanced.as far as Bayou Boeuf, only eight miles below here. The crisis is coming, and something has got to burst. July 22.--Yesterday the rebels completed their evacuation, and left us alone in ou
and flank of our army, to join Lee in Southern Pennsylvania. Baltimore, then, was safe; and Stuarents began to give evidence of proximity to Pennsylvania farmers. The army had moved up the valley isconsin, seized the colors of a retreating Pennsylvania regiment, and strove to rally the men arounGettysburgh, their compulsory evacuation of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and withdrawal from the upperted at Hagerstown, and advanced thence into Pennsylvania, encamping near Chambersburgh on the twentyners, indeed, most of them, were paroled in Pennsylvania; the balance have been sent on to Richmond.sing great consternation in Maryland and Lower Pennsylvania. It entered Chambersburgh and Mercersbuially scattered columns its advance through Pennsylvania in the direction of Philadelphia and Baltimliant and hopeful host was in motion toward Pennsylvania. The First, Third, and Eleventh corps encaother invasion of Maryland, and possibly of Pennsylvania, necessitated a rapid concentration of an o[8 more...]
to hospital sick; three wounded in the regiment. We continue to get news of Johnston's approach. June 23.--Firing not heavy, but very steady. A very refreshing rain fell during the night. Two wounded in regiment. The firing was very heavy on the right during the night. Captain Sawe wounded to-day in camp. The mortarboats have been very quiet for several days. June 24.--Firing heavy, front and rear. We hear Lee has gained another victory in Virginia, and threatens Maryland and Pennsylvania. The enemy are advancing rapidly on our works; we are looking for a blow — up every hour. June 25--And one mingled with many distressing events. All was quiet until about four o'clock P. M., when the train which was prepared by the enemy to blow up our works was fired. The explosion was terrific. They then attempted to mount our works, but were kept back. The firing was confined mostly to small arms, which was very heavy. Continued all night; we were up with arms in hand, and wit
om marching his column through Maryland and Pennsylvania by the way of Edwards's Ferry and Boonsboroable. There was no reliable citizen in all Pennsylvania to inform General Kilpatrick of the approacixth Michigan regiments. Before visiting Pennsylvania, there is not a shade of doubt but what then. The enemy lost more men by desertion in Pennsylvania than they received in recruits. A littleilled with delicacies stolen from stores in Pennsylvania; four and six mule and horse teams; some fi U. S. still upon them; wagons stolen from Pennsylvania and loyal Maryland farmers; wagons and ambunimously declare that they never will visit Pennsylvania again? The Fifth New-York was pushed fors long golden locks matted with the soil of Pennsylvania. Near him, in the mud, lay a dandyish adjuitizens the same as they had done people in Pennsylvania--that is, took every thing they could carryhe attack was made by the First Vermont and Pennsylvania militia the day before, the enemy believing[1 more...]
Doc. 33.-Jenkins's raid into Pennsylvania. Chambersburgh Repository account. on Sunday evening, June fourteenth, the dark clouds of contrabands commenced rusnd scattered, and that the rebels, under General Rhodes, were advancing upon Pennsylvania. With due allowance for the excessive alarm of the slaves, it was manifest ent rendered it unwise to divide or weaken the army of the Potomac, and that Pennsylvania must furnish her own men for her defence. A call from the President was issthout the loss of a man! This brilliant achievement, so soon after.entering Pennsylvania, seemed to encourage the gallant guerrilla chief to still more daring deeds,been rendered almost if not entirely bankrupt by the raid. If the people of Pennsylvania will not fight to protect the State from invasion, the sufferers have a righldest enthusiasm. Considering that they are on our border in advance of any Pennsylvania regiments, they merit, as they will receive, the lasting gratitude of every
Doc. 42.-speech of Alex. H. Stephens. Richmond, July 25, 1863. Vice-President Stephens, who is on his way to the South, stopped at Charlotte, N. C., on Friday night, and was serenaded by a large concourse of citizens. In reply he made them a speech about an hour in length. He commenced by alluding to the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania by General Lee's army; said that it had whipped the enemy on their own soil, and obtained vast supplies for our own men, and was now ready to again meet the enemy on a new field. Whatever might be the movements and objects of General Lee, he had entire confidence in his ability to accomplish what he undertook, for in ability and intellect he was a head and shoulders above any man in the Yankee army. He commended General Lee for keeping his own secrets, and told the people not to be discouraged because they did not hear from Lee over his own signature. He would come out all right in the end. Mr. Stephens next spoke of the surrende
lost them forever; and, in all probability, Alabama will soon be added to the number. This will leave to the Confederacy but five States out of the original thirteen, and of these five the Yankees have possession of many of the most important points, and one third of their territory. So far the Yankees have never failed to hold every place of importance which they have taken, and present indications are that Charleston will soon be added to the number. The campaign of General Lee into Pennsylvania has undoubtedly proved a failure, and with it the last hope of conquering a peace by a successful invasion of the enemy's country. Our army has certainly been much weakened and dispirited by this failure and the fall of Vicksburgh, and how long even Richmond will be safe no one can tell. As the Richmond Enquirer said some time ago, they are slowly but surely gaining upon us acre by acre, mile by mile, and, unless Providence interposes in our behalf — of which I see no indications — we w
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