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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
e Union Defense Committee made formal calls upon him, tendering him addresses, to which he replied in the most feeling manner. He expressed confidence in the ultimate success of the National cause, and spoke in highest terms of President Lincoln, to whom he was politically opposed. I had no part nor lot in his election, he said. I confess that he has agreeably disappointed <*>me. He is a man of great ability, fidelity, and patriotism. On the 9th of November, General Scott departed for Havre, in the steamship Arago, his heart cheered by intelligence, by way of Richmond, of the victory of Dupont at Port Royal, and the capture of Beaufort. and the appointment of McClellan to fill his place, imposed new duties and responsibilities upon the latter, and his plan of campaign against the insurgents in Virginia was changed. The new organization of the Army of the Potomac was perfected at the middle of October, when at least seventy-five thousand well-armed and fairly disciplined troo
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Sketch of the principal maritime expeditions. (search)
lieu against Minorca, very glorious as an escalade, but less extraordinary as a descent. The Armerican War (1779) was the epoch of the greatest maritime efforts of France; Europe did not see, without astonishment, that power send at the same time Count D'Estaing to America with twenty-five ves sels of the line, whilst that M. Orvilliers, with sixty-five Franco-Spanish vessels of the line, was to protect a descent operated by three hundred transport vessels and forty thousand men united at Havre and St. Malo. This new Armada cruised for two months without undertaking anything; the winds drove it at last into its ports. More fortunate D'Estaing gained the ascendancy in the Antilles and debarked in the United States six thousand French under Rochambeau, who, followed later by another division, contributed in investing the small army of Cornwallis in New York (1781) and in fixing thus the independence of America. France would have triumphed perhaps forever over her implacable ri
M. Goldsborough, Commanding the Atlantic Blockading Squadron at Hampton Roads, Va. A correspondent on board the Daylight gives the following account of this action: Yesterday, at four o'clock P. M., at the close of a heavy gale which had lasted for sixty hours, it was reported by the officer of the deck that a battery, whose existence had been previously unknown to us, situated on Lynn Haven Bay, had opened fire upon the American ship John Clarke, of Baltimore, which had arrived from Havre the day previous, and, anchoring in the bay during the gale, with two anchors down, had dragged within its range. We could see the enemy's shell dropping about the ship in all directions, and he was evidently not enjoying his mauvais quart d'heure. So, all hands working with a will, we soon had our anchor on the bows, and the Daylight putting her best foot foremost, eager for the fray. In a short time we ran down to the ship and opened a brisk fire upon the battery, which was as vigorously
I, William Henry Nelson, of the city of New York, in the United States of America, Master Mariner, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear that I sailed from the said city of New York, on the 20th day of September last, as master of, and in, the ship Harvey Birch, of New York, a ship owned and registered in New York, in conformity with the laws of the United States, bound for the port of Havre de Grace, in France, with a cargo consisting of wheat. About the 9th day of October I arrived at Havre, and having discharged the cargo of my ship and ballasted her, I sailed in her again for the port of New York, on the 16th day of November, first having received the register, crew list, articles, and all papers belonging to the ship in proper form from the United States consul there. On the morning of Tuesday, the 19th instant, the ship then being in about lat. 49° 6′ N., long. 9° 52′ W., a steamer was made out bearing for the Harvey Birch, which, on getting nearer, was found to be an arm<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Consular service, the (search)
ry. The consul-general at Havana receives $6,000, and the consul-general at Melbourne $4,500. There are twelve offices where $5,000 are paid, viz.: Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Paris, Calcutta, Hong-Kong, Liverpool, London, Port au Prince, Rome, Teheran, Cairo, and Bangkok (where the consul is also minister resident); seven offices where $4,000 are paid, viz.: Panama, Berlin, Montreal, Honolulu, Kanagawa, Monrovia, and Mexico; seven where $3,500 are paid, viz.: Vienna, Amoy, Canton, Tientsin, Havre, Halifax, and Callao; thirty-one where $3,000 are paid; thirty where $2,500 are paid; and fifty-one where $2,000 are paid. The remaining ninety-five of the salaried officers receive salaries of only $1,500 or $1,000 per annum. Consular officers are not allowed their travelling expenses to and from their posts, no matter how distant the latter may be. They are simply entitled to their salaries during the transit, provided they do not consume more than a certain number of days In transitu,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Featherstonhaugh, George William 1780-1866 (search)
Featherstonhaugh, George William 1780-1866 Traveller; born in 1780; made geological surveys in the West for the United States War Department in 1834-35. Owing to his knowledge of North America he was appointed a commissioner by Great Britain to determine the northwestern boundary between the United States and Canada, under the Ashburton-Webster treaty. His publications include Geological report of the elevated country between the Missouri and Red rivers; Observations on the Ashburton treaty; Excursion through the slave States, etc. He died in Havre, France, Sept. 28, 1866.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Scioto Company. (search)
he history of that company is involved in some obscurity. Col. William Duer, of New York, was an active member. It was founded in the East. They, at first, purchased lands of the Ohio Company, and appointed Joel Barlow their agent in Europe to make sales of them. Barlow had been sent to England by the Ohio Company for the same purpose. He distributed proposals in Paris in 1789, and sales were effected to companies and individuals in France. On Feb. 19, 1790, 218 emigrants sailed from Havre to settle on these lands. They arrived at Alexandria, Va., on May 3, crossed over to the Ohio River, and went down to Marietta, where about fifty of them settled, and the remainder went to another point below, opposite the mouth of the Great Kanawha, where they formed a settlement called Gallipolis (town of the French). These emigrants were to be furnished with supplies for a specified time, but the company failed to keep their promises. They suffered much. They failed, also, in getting c
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steam navigation. (search)
Atlantic Ocean passages. Route.Steamer.Line.DateD.H.M. Queenstown to New YorkLucaniaCunardOct. 21-26, 18945723 New York to QueenstownLucaniaCunardSept. 8-14, 18945838 Cherbourg to New YorkDeutschlandHamburg-AmericanAug. 26–Sept. 1, 190051229 Southampton to New YorkKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydMarch 30–April 5, 1898520 New York to SouthamptonKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydNov. 23-29, 18975178 Havre to New YorkLa TouraineFrenchJuly 16-23, 189261426 New York to HavreLa TouraineFrenchOct. 29–Nov. 5, 18926206 New York to CherbourgKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydJan. 4-10, 1900516 New York to Plymouth This is equal to a record of 4 days, 22 hours, and 30 minutes between New York and Queenstown.DeutschlandHamburg-AmericanSept. 5-10, 19005738 Plymouth to New YorkDeutschlandHamburg-AmericanJuly 7-12, 190051546 Best records of other steamships. Route.Steamer.Line.Date.D.H.M. Queenstown to New YorkParisAmericanOct. 14-19, 189251424 Southam<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wrecks. (search)
om New York to Havana, burned at sea; thirty-two lives lost......Oct. 22, 1872 White Star steamer Atlantic strikes on Marr's Rock, off Nova Scotia; 547 lives lost out of 976......April 1, 1873 French steamer Ville du Havre, from New York to Havre, sunk in sixteen minutes in mid-ocean by collision with ship Loch Earn; 230 lives lost out of 313......Nov. 23, 1873 American steamer City of Waco burned off Galveston bar; fifty-three lives lost......Nov. 9, 1875 American ship Harvest Quee lost......Nov. 12, 1850 Steamship St. George, from Liverpool to New York, with 121 emigrants and a crew of twenty-nine seamen, destroyed by fire at sea (the crew and seventy of the passengers saved by the American ship Orlando and conveyed to Havre)......Dec. 24, 1852 British steamer City of Glasgow sails from Liverpool for Philadelphia with 450 passengers and is never heard from......March, 1854 Steam emigrant ship Austria, from Hamburg to New York, burns in the middle of the Atlanti
m, being present at, and encouraging them in their diversions. Immediately upon anchoring, I sent an officer to call on the Port Admiral, and ask leave to land my prisoners from the two last ships captured. This was readily granted, and the next day I went on shore to see him myself, in relation to docking and repairing my ship. My arrival had, of course, been telegraphed to Paris, and indeed, by this time, had been spread all over Europe. The Admiral regretted that I had not gone into Havre, or some other commercial port, where I would have found private docks. Cherbourg being exclusively a naval station, the docks all belonged to the Government, and the Government would have preferred not to dock and repair a belligerent ship. No positive objection was made, however, and the matter was laid over, until the Emperor could be communicated with. The Emperor was then at Biarritz, a small watering-place on the south coast, and would not be back in Paris for several days. It was